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(Au where Skull is agent 3, Aloha is agent 4, and Army is agent 5)

Skull's pov

"Mask....Please...." "B-But I waaaanna seee! Yoooouu always leave hooome at the moooost raaandooom of tiiimes! Whereeee are yoouuuu goooing?" "Mask...It's to dangerous for you...." 
Mask puffed his cheek out and crossed his arms. "....fine..." I put my arms around him and picked him up. "I'll take you." I left the house, and started walking to the plaza. "Here we are..." "A....A seeeewer graaate...?" "You'll see. Go into your-" He went into his tiny squid form before I could finish.  "Here we go..." I went into my squid form, and we jumped down the grate. 

"W-Whaaaaat the hell waaaas-" Mask then looked at me wide-eyed. I was wearing my agent clothes. "H-Hooow..." "Don't ask..." "Agent 3. There you are-Oh...You brought a friend..." "Hey Marie..." "WHAAAAT THE HEEEELL IS HAAAPPENING!?" "Babe...Calm down..." Mask clung to me in fear. "I-I'm scared...." "It's ok." "Skull!" Aloha ran up, and hugged him. "You're the late one this-oh, hey Mask." "A-Alohaaaa!?" "Why are you here?" "I took him here." "I-is Army hereeee...?"
"Yes. I'm right here." "W-Why...Whyyyy diiidn't yoooou teeell meeeee!?" "Your way too small, Masky..." "...Whhy is theeeeere an eeempty snow gloooobe?" "WHAT!?" Marie looked over at the snow globe where we kept Dj Octavio. "Oh no...." "W-Whaaat's gooooing on!?" "No time to explain..." I said, pulling out my charger. "H-Huh?" I then picked up Mask again, and hugged him.
"Marie? Do you think he could help?" "I don't see why not..." Marie closed her eyes, and when she opened them, Mask was wearing the same hero gear as Army and Aloha. 

"You ready babe?" "Y-Yeeeahh!" He hugged me and I kissed his cheek. "Let's do this..."


"Whoooo are weee loooking for agaain...?" "Dj Octavio. The reason Callie and the zapfish went missing." "O-Oh..." "Don't be scared. He's actually kinda dumb..." Mask giggled. "Yeah! Like, all he cares about are his weird little wasabi sticks!" Aloha cheered, shooting a couple boxes.  
"Whaaaaaaat's....thaat...?" Mask pointed to three large tentacales sticking out of the ground. "Ew...." Army mumbled. Mask walked up to one or them, and poked one. "I-I thiiink we shooould-EEEEK!!" One of the large tentacales wrapped around him, and shook him around.
"H-H-Heeeeeelp!" "MASKY!" I charged up the gun, and shot. Before the ink hit the tentacal, it sunk under the ground, taking Mask with it. "MASK!" "Oh no! What do we-HEY! LEMME GO!"
The other two tentacals had grabbed Army and Aloha, and were dragging them down.

"Guys!" I tried to shoot, but they disappered.  "No..." I walked up the the large holes into the ground where the tentacals had come from. They could fit an inkling....I took a deep breath...and jumped down.

Mask's pov

"W-Whaaaaat areee yooou doooing to uus!?" The octoling holding me captive just giggled. "Nothing! Just...relax..." She pulled out a pair of sunglasses, and ripped off my gas mask.
"There we go~." She slipped the sunglasses onto my face, and...I felt numb....
I felt the octoling pick me up, and then...everything went black.

Skull's pov

"Mask? Masky?" I called, walking through the halls. The walls were covered in strobe lights that were off, so I assumed that this was Dj Octavio's base. "Sounds like something he'd do..." I chuckled to myself. My footsteps started to echo, and I could tell the hallway was entering a large arena. There was...a stage...a familier one. "Hello?" The figure on the stage turned around, and looked at me. He was wearing the same outfit Callie was wearing when she got chaptured, exept it was cyan."Whhhy are yooouuu hereeee...?"  "MASK!?" "...WHY. AREEEE YOOOUU HERE!?" "I...I Came to save you!" "Saaaaave me?" "Yes!" Mask glared at me.

".....DJ!" "Oh no..." The stage rumbled, and rose from the ground, revealing the killer octo DJ.
"BWAH HAHA! All alone again agent? You beat me twice, but this time...IT'S TIME TO DROP THE SEA BASS!" The stage rose more, and Mask smirked. "Mask, your better than this!" I yelled, hitting the first fist back at Octavio. "Am I? Yooouu thouught I waaas tooooo WEAK tooo fiiight with yoou!"
"I didn't say you were weak, I just didn't want you to get hurt!" "That's whaat they aaaall say!"
I shot another fist back, and pressed the button on my headset. "Marie? A little help?" "We're getting the truck set up! Hold on for a bit longer!" "OOOOOCTAVIO! HE'S NOOOOOT DEEEAD YET!" "You think I can't see that!?" "REEEEADDY THE AUTOBOOOMBS!" Giant autobombs were spit out of the stage, and I shot a path to swim through. "MASK! Snap out of it!" "NOOOO! YOU...YOOOOOU-" "Ready!" Two musical voices called. 

The Squid sisters truck flew outfrom nowhere, Callie and Marie on top. "Hi Agent 3!" Callie called, waving like crazy. "Not the time Call...." Marie said, pulling out her charger. "Will that hurt him?" I called. "Not a bit!" She made a bullseye shot, knocking off Mask's glasses. "OW! Ow...Yoooouu jeeeerk..." "NO! NOT AGAIN!" The Dj screamed. Callie quickly jumped to the stage, grabbed Mask, and jumped back. "GOT HIM!" 

A drone carrying a suitcase flew down, and dropped Sheldon's model rainmaker into my hands. 
"Go agent 3! Finish him!" I inked a path to the launchpad, and hit the inkrail. "Woooooo!" 
Callie cheered. "Callie."

~like....2 minuetes later~

"Fry this fool!" Marie yelled as I jumped down onto the Dj.
"Stay fresh~!" Callie called as the stage exploded. "Callie, this is not the time!" I jumped down from the rail, and the truck sank down to the ground. "Is he ok?" I asked. "He looks fine..." 
I picked him up, and opened one of his eyes. "H-Huh...?" "Masky!" "W-What haaaappened...?"
"Dj Octavio kidnapped you..." "Skull!" I turned around to see Aloha and Army running towards us. They pulled us into a tight hug. "Where were you!?" "Octavio kept us backstage." "You poor things..." "What happened to Mask?" The cyan inkling put his legs on the ground, and shook his head. "W-Whereeee am I...?" "Your ok!" I hugged him, before I felt his arms go around me.
"W-Whaaaat am I weeeaaring!?" "I...Don't know...But you look kind of cute..." 
Mask pulled down my bandana and kissed me. "Thank you..." "For?" "Saving me..."

I smiled. "Your my boyfriend. Of course I'd save you."


"Bye guys..." "Bye Agents!" Callie waved. "Don't get kidnapped!" Aloha joked. 
"I'll try!" They four of us went through the manhole to Inkopolis sqaure.
"Well...That was eventful..." "Skuuuull?" "Yeah?" "I-I'm scared...." "I know...Let's get you home."

(Thank you to LexiSaysGenderIsBad!)

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