no pressure

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*once they arrive at the beach, they place a towel down so that they can get comfortable. Brittany has a hold of the balloon and is currently taping her letter onto the string. while santana just sits next to her, resting her head on Britt's shoulder. Brittany doesnt let go on the balloon straight away because she wanted to take a few minutes to think. santana didnt say anything and just sat next to brittany, letting her do whatever she needed to.*

*a few minutes went by and Brittany finally had the strength to let go of the balloon. both girls just watched as it went up into the sky and out of sight. when they couldnt see it any more, santana rested her head back on Brittany's shoulder while Brittany rested her head onto santana's head and they both continued to sit in silence till Brittany felt like talking*

Brittany: *cleared the lump in her throat because she had started to cry as she watched the balloon go into the sky* well that was fun! *laughs a little as she tries not to get upset again*

Santana: *knows that Brittany jokes like this when she is put in a serious situation. so Santana just held onto brittany's left hand and brought it up to her mouth so that she could kiss her knuckles* im sure your dad is going to love it *switches to her best profecional telephone voice as a way to lighten the mood and make Brittany smile* your package should be arriving within 3 - 6 working days *laughs as does Brittany*

Brittany: you are such a goof! *laughs* ...thank you so much for being here with me! *looks into Santana's eyes*

Santana: you're welcome babe! *smiles as she looks into brittany's eyes*

Brittany: so, what now? *looks at san*

santana: well, we can either go up to that little shop over there and get an ice cream to eat on the way home! *points behind her* or we could stay here and have a picnic and go for a splash in the water if you're up for it *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: so what, your girl cant get treated to an ice cream as well as a picnic? *laughs as she jokes about being upset for not getting offered an ice cream in both situations*

Santana: *laughs at Brittany's joking tone* of course, you can have one either way... just as long as we eat the proper food first *smiles at Brittany*

Brittany: *continues to joke around like a moody little kid* fine... if we have to! *playfully rolls her eyes*

Santana: *laughs a little* alright, ill go and get the basket from the car. ill just be a second! *gets up and walks back to the car that is just a few feet away. while Britt just sits on the sand and mindlessly drags her hands through it as she looks out at the water and starts to day dream. a few seconds later, Santana comes back down and places the basket down and sees that Brittany is in a daydream so she thought she would be funny by getting a grape and throwing it at Brittany so she could get her attention*

Brittany: heyyyy! what was that for? *looks at Santana as she shrugs her shoulders and puts a grape in her mouth*

Santana: *looks at her phone because it buzzed a few times* the girls are wondering when we'll be making the big announcement! They are making it so obvious that they have always wanted to be our bridesmaids. *laughs at her friends for being so excited. then she looks up to see Brittany isnt saying anything and isnt even smiling so she knows that Britt is still very sensative with it all* ... there's no rush! we can just start telling people whenever you are ready for it *smiles sympathetically as Brittany just nod her head and continues to look down at her hand*

Brittany: do you think that you could help me? i can just tell that its gonna be super overwhelming when people start commenting about it all and asking questions. *gives San puppy dog eyes*

Santana: of course babe! whatever you need. *smiles as Brittany smiles a little* ... lets not talk about that right now. here, have some of these while i get the rest of the stuff out of the basket *hands the tub of grapes and strawberries to Brittany then takes everything else out of the basket and places it on the towel inbetween them. once everything was set out and Brittany started to eat. Santana heard her phone buzz a few more times*

*santana's phone! message from "meredith"

Meredith: good morning hun! how are my girls doing? i see you's havent made the big announcement yet. when's that happening? *smiley face*

*santana's phone! message from "valerie*

valerie: hey darling! still waiting on you girls to make that big announcement! cant wait *smiley face*

*santana reads all the messages in her recent notifications and sees that everyone that knows about the engagement is super excited and cant wait for things to start happening. it makes her laugh because she didnt realise that everyone was just as desperate for this day to happen like San was*

Brittany: *looks up at Santana and sees her smiling at her phone* who's that?

Santana: *looks at Brittany and doesnt wanna upset her so she just keeps her answer short* just our mums checking in on us! *smiles hoping that Brittany wont catch onto the fact that San didnt explain herself properly*

Brittany: *looks at San a little longer* they were asking about the announcement werent they? *giggles at everyone being so pushy*

Santana: *sighs because she can see that Brittany is beating herself up and thinking that she is letting people down by not being ready to fully celebrate the ocassion just yet* yeah... but its ok! they arent saying that you need to talk about it here and now. they will understand that you need to do it in your own time, because this is your big day after all. they are probably just excited to find out what part they play in the wedding *laughs as she playfully shakes her head because what she just said is totally something that Rachel and Quinn have done*

Brittany: yeah! ill just do it whenever we get home! all i wanna do now is focus on us and keep all my attention on you. because what kind of a girlfriend would i be if i just had my head down, talking to people through my socials all day long *smiles at San*

Santana: yeah! lets just turn our phones of and go for a swim or something *smiles at Brittany*

Brittany: agreed *takes her phone out her back pocket and turns it off as san does the same. they put their phones in the basket then takes their swimsuits up to the bathroom to get changed*

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