weekend get away

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*saturday morning! brittany had just been on the phone to Rachel and she said that they were more than ok to watch jessica. in fact, Rachel was making sure that brittany wasn't having doubts and trying to back out of going out with san, because she was worrying that Rachel and Quinn wouldnt cope with looking after a moody teenager. but Rachel told Britt that they should book a hotel room for the weekend and go out drinking and for dinner together, forgetting about the world for a few day and focus on each other*

Brittany: *packed a suitcase for her and san, for the next 2 days. then they took Jessica next door to Quinn and Rachel's.* be good munchkin! *kisses Jessica on the cheek then San done the same before jessica went with Rachel to go and let Quinn know that she arrived*

Rachel: alright! you can just bring your bag up the stairs and i'll show you where you will be sleeping. *smiles as jessica stands back up after taking her shoes off*

Jessica: alright! *smiles then follows Rachel up to the spare room*

*meanwhile, Brittany and Santana had just arrived at the hotel in the town that is closest to their home. they both decided that they dont want to be too far from Jessica*

Brittany: *parked outside the hotel then looked over at San* prepare to have the best weekend ever! *smiles*

Santana: cant wait! *smiles then watches as Britt gets out and walks round to her door to give santana a hand out the car*

*Brittany guides Santana onto the path then closes her door before going to get their suitcase out the boot. they walk hand in hand up to the reception desk and are greated by an older woman*

karen: welcome ladies! do you have a room booked? *smiles*

Brittany: we do not but we would like to book a room for 2 days please. *smiles*

Karen: alright! *presses a few keys on her computer then Brittany pays for the room* ...we hope you have a lovely stay! roy here will show you to your room and help with your belongings. *smiles then hand the girls a room key*

Santana: thank you! *takes the key from the woman as Brittany drags their case and holds santana's hand while they follow Roy to their hotel room*

*the girls walk into their room and look around before they go out and sit at the table on the balcony to enjoy the view while the sun is still shining*

Brittany: this is amazing! *turns her head to see santana admiring the view with the same sparkle in her eyes*

Santana: it really is! *smiles as she looks at Brittany* ...im so glad the girls were able to look after Jessica for us. we will defo have to get them a little something as a thank you!

Brittany: yeah! we can get them something when we are on our way home. lets just focus on us and the stuff you wanna do while we are child free. *smiles as she hold onto Santana's hand*

Santana: ok!

*it was now 5:30pm on a saturday night and the girls were getting all dressed up to go out for dinner*

Brittany: *walks hand in hand with San as they try to decide what restaraunt to eat at* what you thinking?

Santana: *looks at Brittany then back to the restaraunt across the street that caught her eye* how about that one? *points up at the restaraunt*

Brittany: looks good to me! *smiles as san smiles back then they cross the street to go into the restaraunt*

waiter: welcome! how many will be dinning with us this evening? *looks up at the girls as he is stood by a wooden stand that has the menu's and reservation book on it*

Santana: just 2 please! *smiles*

waiter: right this way ladies! *takes 2 menu's and walks to an empty table in the middle of the restaraunt* enjoy! *places the menu's on the table then smiles at the girls as they take their seat's*

Brittany: thank you! *smiles then looks at San as the waiter walks away*

Santana: what you thinking of having? *looks between Britt and the menu she is holding*

Brittany: hmm... i think ill have a big juice steak them a little bit of you for dessert *smirks up at San, who was already covering her face in embarrassment and looking at the near by tables to check that no one was hearing her horny wife's words*

Santana: *laughs as does Brittany* can you not! *playfully shakes her head then tries to focus and chooses what she wants to order*

Brittany: i would but that would be very boring and not like me at all! *smiles*

Santana: *moves on and changes the subject* what would you like to drink? *looks at the menu then up at Brittany*

Brittany: *smirks at San* i cant say!

Santana: *laughs* and why not? *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: you'll tell me off *laughs*

Santana: *looks at her curiously* alright! ill just get you a cider then. *sees Brittany nod her head then she looks to her left and sees a waitress approach their table with a very revealing top and short skirt behind her apron. Santana just looks back to brittany and they both have the same look of judgement on their face*

Waitress: hello! what would you girls like to drink? *looks between the girls as they order 2 ciders* ...alright! i will be back with those in just a minute *walks away as soon as the girls thank her*

santana: *looks at Brittany and speaks quietly so the other guest dont hear her* surely she should get fired for that! *reffering to the provacative outfit on the waitress*

Brittany: *speaks just as quiet as San* i know right! she looked like she wasnt even in her 20's

Santana: yeah! if i ever tried to leave the house like that then my mum would have a full on freak out and send me back to my room for the rest of the day *laughs but is in no way exgaggerating. Brittany laughs and cant help but let her brain wonder and think about San actually wearing something like that. she must have been smiling a little to much because she snaps out of her thoughts as she feels a scrunched up napkin hit her face* please tell me you werent thinking about what i think you were thinking about? *laughs at Brittany being so unaware of how obvious she was being*

Brittany: *smiles at San* absolutely not! *spoken in the most non convincing tone of voice ever*

*they were both laughing then calmed down just at the same waitress came over with their drinks and took their food orders*

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