all you need is love

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*3:45pm at the school*

Tommy: *walked down the corridor and saw Jessica stood by her locker* hey! *smiles*

Jessica: *turns round once she hears Tommy* hi! *smiles*

Tommy: you ready to go? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: yeah! *looks at Tommy then turns round to close her locker*

Tommy: Here, let me take that! *reaches out to take Jessica's backpack*

Jessica: *smiles at how sweet Tommy is* thanks babe" *takes tommy's hand as they walk out the school*

Tommy: *sees his mum's car as soon as he walks out the school entrance* wow! shes early!

Jessica: yeah! at least we wont have to wait around in the cold! *smiles at Tommy then they cross the road to get to where harper is parked*

Tommy: hey mum! *smiles at his mum as he opens the back door for jessica to get in, then he goes round and gets in the other side next to Jessica*

Harper: *turns round to see the kids all buckled in* hey Kids! how was school? *smiles even though she knows she wont get a positive response*

Tommy: eh, it was alright! *gives a little smile then Harper smiles at him before turning to Jessica*

Harper: what about you little misses *smiles as she sees Jessica look up at her*

Jessica: it was stressful but im just happy that i got to see this one at lunch! *smiles as Tommy smiles back*

Harper: aw! thats so sweet! *smiles at the young couple* ... Annie will be at work for another few hours, so till then you kids are stuck with me *smiles then turns round to start driving home*

Tommy: thats alright! me and Jessica will probably just chill in the living room and watch T.V. or something. *looks at his mum through the rearview mirror*

Harper: alright! *drives for a couple of minutes then she looks in the rearview mirror to ask Jessica something* ...jessica?

Jessica: *looks at Harper* yeah?

Harper: will you be joining us for dinner this evening? *looks between jessica and where she is driving*

Jessica: *looks at Tommy and sees him smiling then she looks back to Harper* is that alright with you?

Harper: absolutely! you are more than welcome to come over whenever you want. just as long as Santana and Britt agree to it of course! *smiles at Jessica then continues to drive home.*

Jessica: thanks! i'll just phone Brittany when we get in. *smiles as Harper smiles back*

*the rest of the drive was pretty quiet other than Jessica singing along to the songs on the radio. that of course had Tommy looking at her with such loving eye's like she was the most precious thing in his life*

*skip a few years! Jessica and tommy being in their last year of highschool. its a couple of weeks till prom so tommy has been thinking about how to make things extra special and uniqe for when he asks Jessica to go with him. of course she will say yes since they are boyfriend and girlfriend. but tommy knows that Jessica still likes for him to be old school and ask her like how couples do it in the movies*

Jessica: *was in her room doing a bunch of homework for almost all her classes* uuugghhhhh! *her frustration was heard throught the whole house because her door was wide open*

Brittany: *was just out the shower and had finished getting dressed and putting her hair up. She headed into Jessica's room to see what the issue was* hey Munchkin! whats up? *sits on jessica's bed and sees all the work on Jessica's desk as the teen just sits there with her head in her hands*

Jessica: i cant do this! *still has her head in her hands*

Brittany: its ok! im here now and i'll help you out with whatever you cant do, ok? *rubs Jessica's back to comfort her*

Jessica: who on earth even needs algebra in their life... how will it help me when i become an independant adult? *looks at Bittany in confusion*

Brittany: *cant help but giggles because she had the exact same conversation with Santana in highschool* i dont know munchkin! sometimes we just have to do stuff that we dont really understand the purpose of, just to keep others happy. but dont stress because lucky for you, your Mama Britty was great at this stuff when i was your age! *smiles Proudly at the fact that she is alot smarter than people give her credit for*

Jessica: *smiles at Britt* good! because i am absolutely cluless. *laughs at herself then turns back to her workbook and pushes it closer to Brittany so she can have a look*

Brittany: lets have a look at this foreign language then, shall we?! *laughs as does Jessica then they work their way through it till they do all the pages that jessica was asked to do. for the rest of Jessica's subjects, she was able to do them on her own so Brittany just left her too it and went down the stairs to check how San is doing and to start cooking dinner for the 3 of them*

Brittany: sup you sexy thing! *walks into the livingroom to see Santana chilling on the couch watching TV*

Santana: *smiles as Brittany leans over the arm of the chair and gives Santana a kiss then crouches down next to the couch with her arms resting on the side* never been better *smiles and looks into Brittany's eyes*

Brittany: good! im so happy that you're happy! *smiles and looks into Santana's eyes* ... so have you spoken to your dad today?

Santana: i did a while ago! he just sent me a couple of funny quotes that he knew id apreciate then he of course had to end the conversation with an apology about how he wishes things didnt happen the way they did all those years ago to split us up. and he is trying his best to support me and my gayness even though he doesnt understand it because he is so old school. *smiles at Britt*

Brittany: thats so sweet that he has been making such a big effort to fix things with you the past couple of years. *smiles at san because she is so happy that someone in Santana's life is actually stepping forward to apologise for being a dick to her at some point in her life*

Santana: yeah! *her smile fades and her mood drops because she get in her head and thinks about how she cant find it in her heart to fully trust him like she once did*

Brittany: *sees Santana's mood drop so she gets up and goes to sit next to san on the couch. she grabs hold of Santana's hand and gets her to look up into each others eyes* you know its ok that you cant forgive him completely. its totally understandable to have trust issues after something like what happened with your family. the important thing is that he is here and he is present in your life. also he and your mum are getting along even though they have moved on from each other and re-married. thats a great step in the right direction! *smiles as she tries to cheer San up and stop her from getting into her head and overthinking everything*

Santana: *guilt suddenly hits her because she thinks about Brittany's words and how Britt probably thought about how she wishing that her dad was actually on earth with her, even if they were miles apart. san knows that Brittany would do anything jut to hear her dad's voice, on more than just a tiny video camera that her mum has from when Brittany was a baby and throughout her childhood* im sorry! that was really insensative of me. *facepalms herself* im an idiot and i dont blame you if you wanna go off on one at me. Even go as far as to send me up to my room for a time out and to think about what I've done. *has a serious expression on her face till Brittany laughs so Santana can't help but smile. not for long though because she really does feel bad for how she just spoke*

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