big news with a twist

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skip to the last day of their honeymoon. Santana and Brittany are currently on their way to stop in to see Sasha and Jessica before they have to head back home tomorrow. Brittany pulled up in Sasha's driveway and of course did her usual chivalrous act of going round to open Santana's door and helping her out. then with their hands still held in each others, they made their way up to the front door with such excitement to see Sasha and Jessica. and to also share their big news of taking the first steps into adopting a child*

Sasha: *opens her front door to be met with two very smiley girls* well hello you two... come on in! *steps aside so the girls could step into her home* ... JESSICA... *shouts up the stairs to her daughter*

Jessica: *Shouts back* YES MAMA?

Sasha: GUESS WHO'S HERE TO SEE YOU... *looks back at the girls and smiles as they smile at her. then she turns back to the stairs as she hears her daughter coming down the hall, towards the stairs*

Jessica: who is it mama? *starts walking down the stairs and spots the girls* TANA... BRITTY.... YOU'RE BACK! *runs down the last few steps then rushes into the girls arms, getting picked up by Santana. Jessica hugged both girls with so much happiness, that the girls and Sasha just couldnt help but laugh at how cute Jessica was everytime she sees the couple like its been forever*

Brittany: hey munchkin... we missed you! *smiles as Jessica pulls away from the tight embrace and smiles at Britt*

Santana: how are you... have you been taking care of your mummy? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: yep *smiles proudly*

Sasha: *would hate to put a stop to the cute interactions between the girls and her daughter. but then again, she feels bad that they are just standing by the door* come on in and have a seat you two! *smiles as the girls smile back and follow Sasha into the living room. once they were seated she offered them a hot drink and brought through a selection of biscuits for them to nibble on as well* ... so, how was the honeymoon? tell me everything! know, minus the stuff not suitable for little ears *laughs as she sat down on the couch across from where Jessica and the girls were sat*

Brittany: well! long story short... it was unforgettable in every way! *smiles at Sasha then smirks at Santana, making her giggle*

Santana: yeah! what she said *smiles at Brittany then turns to look at Sasha*

Sasha: that fantastic news! *smiles as the girls smile back*

Brittany: how have you been? *looks at Sasha with concern in her eyes as she sees nothing but tiredness and weakness in the woman. even though the girls can obviously see that Sasha is trying to stay strong for the sake of Jessica*

Sasha: im doing alright! just been doing all sorts of activities with this little one the past few days *Smiles at Jessica then back at the girls*

Jessica: *turns her head to look up at the girls* me and mama got a big ballpit for me to play in *smiles*

Brittany: no way! thats awesome Munchkin *smiles at Jessica*

Sasha: *looks at Jessica* speaking of which... jessica, honey... would you like to go out in the garden and have a play about while i talk to the girls about some grown up stuff for a minute *smiles, hoping she will agree*

Jessica: ok mama! *smiles then gets off Santana's lap and runs straight through the house and out the back door*

Sasha: *hears the back door close so thats when she takes a deep breath and looks at the girls as they grow more concerned by the minute*

Santana: Sasha, is everything ok? *hold onto Brittany's hand as she starts to worry*

Sasha: well! ive been meaning to talk to you girls about this for a few weeks now but it just never felt right to do it over the phone. so when i got the invitation to your wedding, i thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to have time to sit down and have a chat at some point before i came back home.... *takes another deep breath as she tries to figure out the best and easiest way to get this conversation going*

Brittany: what is it? *is obviously worrying now as well because of how serious the conversation is turning out to be*

Sasha: i... i have... Cancer! *sighs deeply as she looks down at her fidgeting hands and doesnt have the strength to look at either of the girls*

*the girls stay silent for a few moments, trying to process what they were just told*

Brittany: *speaks with such a shaky voice because she is trying to be strong for Santana* how long have you known? *looks up at Sasha*

Sasha: a couple of months! *looks up at Brittany and sees that Santana is staring off into space, like she is on the verge or tears* ive had a few rounds of chemo already... but... the doc says that its not working... and the cancer is just slowly spreading everywhere *looks back down at her hands as she starts to get upset*

Brittany: *looks at Santana and sees the worry and hurt in her eyes so Britt gives her hand a comforting squeeze. then she looks back at Sasha* so... w-what now? *the lump in her throat grows as she tries not to cry*

Sasha: well! ive been thinking long and hard about who could be the ones to look after Jessica for me when i do eventually go... and the only people that come to mind that i could really trust for the job... is you guys! *looks up at the girls with a weak smile as she waits to hear what the girls have to say*

Brittany: a-are you sure? i mean, what about your family? *looks at Sasha*

Sasha: *shakes her head slowly* half of my family dont keep in contact with me because we have never been that close ever since my ex husband went and messed it all up for me by being a manipulative, control freak that would slowly but surly abuse me in more ways that one. *gets a lump in her throat just thinking back to the time she was with the guy* ...and alot of them just live so far away and are too busy with their own lives to take on the responsability of looking after another kid! *sighs*

Brittany: im sorry to hear that Sasha! ...we would be honoured to take care of Jessica for you *looks at Santana and smiles as she smiles back*

Sasha: thank you so much! you girls have no idea how much this means to me... i was so worried because i was stressed thinking that id have to leave her behind with nowhere to go and no one to go too... i dont know what i would have done *cries with more relief than sadness now*

*Brittany gets up and goes over to hug Sasha as does San, then the 3 of them just sit their in silence for a moment while they give themselves time to think and have everything sink in*

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