Im here, as promised

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Sasha: *it was almost 10pm and Jessica was in bed cuddling Sasha, not wanting to let go and fall asleep incase she doesnt see her mum again* come on darling! ill be here when you wake up tomorrow and me and you can go out and do so many fun things with the girls, when you wake up *smiles as she tried to untangle herself from Jessica's arms and legs*

Jessica: promise? *looks up at her mum with puppy dog eyes*

Sasha: i promise *smiles at Jessica then kisses her on the head as she starts to loosen her grip on sasha*

Jessica: ok! *smiles up at her mum as she starts to cuddle into her little teddy bear*

Sasha: *smiles down at Jessica* good night babygirl... i love you so much!

Jessica: i love you too mama! *smiles up at her mum then yawns and starts to close her eyes*

*Sasha makes her way out the room and down the stairs*

Brittany: *was sat in the living room, cuddling into Santana while they watched the TV. she hears Sasha walk down the stairs and come into view* i see the Munchkin wasnt wanting to sleep tonight! *knows what time jessica always goes to bed so she noticed the difference tonight straight way*

Sasha: yep! wrapped around me like a monkey and didnt want to let me go *laughs a little as do the girls*

Santana: thats so cute!

Sasha: yeah! shes always been such a cuddly person at night times! *smiles weakly as she tears up a little*

*both the girls smiles weakly as well because they know how the next few days/weeks are gonna be really hard for Sasha and Jessica*

Brittany: dont worry, ive had plenty of time to prepare because of this one *points at San then looks at Sasha as they both laugh a little*

Santana: im not that clingy *laughs as she playfully rolls her eyes*

Brittany: you sure about that... because the way you are sitting right now, says otherwise *laughs and looks down to see Santana's legs over the top of Brittany's lap and her arms round the back of Britt's neck*

Santana: ok, maybe im a little clingy! *smiles up at Brittany*

Brittany: sure, lets go with that! *they all laugh then fall into a comfortable silence as they watch whatever is playing on the tv*

*12:30am! the 3 woman decided to call it a night and go up to bed. once making sure Sasha was ok and had everything she needed for the night, brittany went and joined Santana in the spare room next to Jessica's*

*3am! Jessica woke up crying and shouting for her mum! Brittany was a light sleeper so she was quick to get up and go see whats
Going on*

Brittany: *walks into Jessica's room and sees her sitting up in bed* hey! *sits down on the bed, facing Jessica* whats wrong Munchkin? *holds Jessica's hand*

Jessica: where's mama? *cries a little*

Brittany: shes sleeping in her bed, sweetie!

Jessica: i want to see her!

Brittany: its really late and your mummy is super tired! but you'll see her in the morning *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: but im scared *cries some more*

Brittany: *sighs as she sees Jessica getting more and more upset* dont worry Munchkin! your mummy will come through to see you as soon as she wakes up. but first, you need to get some sleep, ok? *looks at Jessica and wipes the tears from her eyes*

Jessica: ok! ...can you cuddle me? *looks up at Brittany with puppy dog eyes*

Brittany: of course i can! Budge over... *lifts up the corner of the duvet so Jessica can move over a little and let Britt lay next to her*

*as soon as Brittany lay down, jessica was quick to lay onto of Brittany and hold onto her tightly as if she is scared that Brittany is going to leave her*

*the next morning Santana woke up to see that she was all alone in the bed. so she gets up and goes to check and see if Brittany was already up and about with Jessica. as San was walking down the hall, she looked into jessica's room and sees Brittany laying in her bed. she was in the same position as last night, where Jessica was ontop of Britt and Brittany was holding onto Jessica protectively. Santana couldnt help but smile at the sight because she was just so in awe of her girl for always putting everyone else's needs before her own and is always there for everyone that meant something to her. Santana of course just had to capture the moment for the sake of looking back in the future and remanicing. so she gets her phone out her pocket and takes a pic for her Snap stories*

*Santana's phone! Photo on Snapchat*
Captioned: born to be a mother! *smiley face with hearts around it* @ Brittanylopeirce

*once she posted the pic to her story, she went down the stairs to get a glass of water then just lay on the couch till everyone else was up and about*

*10am! Brittany woke up to feel Jessica squirming about like she is having a nightmare*

Brittany: shhh, its ok Munchkin, I've got you! *gently rubs Jessica, back as she starts to wake up*

Jessica: *cries* can we see mama now?

Brittany: sure! Lets go through and see if she's awake *kisses Jessica on the head then carried her out her room and towards her mums room*

Sasha: *is sat up in bed reading a book* good morning *smiles as Brittany and Jessica come further into the room and Britt places Jessica down on her mums bed*

Jessica: mama... you're ok! *speaks excitedly as she crawls over to sit next to her mum and give her hugs*

Sasha: yep! I told you id be here to see you. *smiles as Jessica smiles up at her and they cuddle each other*

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