goodbye's arent forever

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Santana: *in Jessica's room, Santana was sat on the floor with Jessica's bag infront of her.* so, what you wanting to pack first? *looks up to Jessica and sees her shrug her shoulders, not looking interested in helping at all* ok.. *gets up and packs an outfit for tomorrow and jessica's favourite onsie. then she got some of Jessica's story books*

Jessica: *had been staring at the picture frame on the side of her bed that had her and her mum in it* i didnt even get to say goodbye...

Santana: *zips up Jessica's bag then goes to sit next to her on the bed* i know you're sad Munchkin... but how about you do what Britty did for her dad.

Jessica: *looks away from the picture frame and looks at santana* what did she do?

Santana: she wrote her dad a letter and told him everything she wanted to say to him. then we went to the shop and she picked out her dads favourite colour of ballon and we went to the beach so she could let the ballon float up to her dad in heaven *smiles down at Jessica*

Jessic: but i dont know how to write? *looks up at Santana feeling a little frustrated*

Santana: thats ok! you can draw her a picture instead and i can help you write your name on it so she knows that its from you. how does that sound?

Jessica: ok! *smiles at Santana*

Santana: thats your bag packed so lets go back down and you can draw that picture while i talk to Britt about buying the balloon you want *stands up and takes Jessica's hand and goes down the stairs*

Brittany: *sees Santana and Jessica walk into the living room* hey, little Munchkin! *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: hey Britty! *smiles at Britt then goes to sit by the coffee table like she did the last time she did some drawing*

Brittany: what you up to? *sees that Santana is getting something out of the drawers on the table*

Jessica: im gonna draw mama a picture *smiles up at Brittany*

Brittany: *has no idea about santana telling jessica what they did for Brittany's dad* awe, thats a great idea Munchkin!

Santana: *places some paper infront of Jessica then gets the colouring pens out the drawer and puts them on the table as well* here you go! ...just let me know when you are finished then ill help you write your name, ok? *kisses Jessica on the head then gets up and goes to sit on the couch next to Brittany*

Jessica: ok! *smiles at San then starts to draw. 5 minutes later!* IM DONE! *holds up her drawing and has a big smile on her face*

Santana: that amazing! *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: can we get the balloon now? *looks up at santana*

Santana: yeah! and i think if you ask Britty very nicely then maybe she will give you some money for it! *smiles as Brittany playfully shakes her head at San for trying to get money from her when she already has money of her own*

Jessica: Britty, can i have some money please?

Brittany: umm... *pretends to think about it just to amuse the kid*

Jessica: *thinks that Brittany is going to say no* pretty please with a cherry on top *gives her best puppy dog eyes*

Brittany: *smiles at Jessica because she looks so much like Santana when she does that* of course you can! *smiles as Jessica smiles back* ...did you teach her that? *turns her head to look at Santana*

Santana: *laughs* that kid knows what she's doing. i didnt need to teach her anything! *smiles at Brittany*

Brittany: ok then! *smiles at Santana then looks back at Jessica*

Santana: so, who's up for a roadtrip to the shops to spend all Britt's money? *smiles as she looks over to Quinn and Rachel*

Brittany: no way! i never agreed to this. i said the kid could use my money. you lot have your own *looks at Quinn, Rachel and Santana*

Santana: im kidding babe! *kisses Britt to make her relax*

Brittany: you better be! *tries to sound mad but ends up smiling because the girls know her so well and arent fooled by her threat. Especially since it was aimed at Santana*

Santana: come on Munchkin, lets go before Britty tries to get me! *laughs as she gets up and reaches out to hold Jessica's hand*

* Santana and Jessica leave to get their shoes on, with Brittany, Quinn and Rachel following close behind. once they all have their jackets and shoes on they walk to the shop, with Jessica holding onto Britt and Santana's hands while Quinn and Rachel walk behind* 

Jessica: *in the shop jessica spotted the string of helium ballons at the back of the little shop so she took santana's hand and ran straight for them* THAT ONE! *points up to the balloon that is shaped like the sun and has a smiley face on it* can we get that one please? *looks up at Santana*

Santana: sure you can! *turns round and sees a worker* excuse me! are you able to untie this balloon for us please? *smiles*

Worker: of couse! *smiles then gets a stepping stool to reach up to where the ballon was attached to the top of the shelf* you go sweetie! *hands the balloon to Jessica*

Jessica: *smiles up at the worker as she gets the balloon* thank you!

Worker: you're welcome! *smiles at Jessica and San then goes back to doing what she was doing before being spoken too*

Santana: lets go pay for it then we can head to the beach *smiles down at Jessica*

*they pay for the ballon then they all head to the nearest beach which is a 5 minute walk from the shop*

Jessica: COME ON GUYS, LETS GO! *runs onto the beach and keeps hold of her balloon as she sits down on the sand*

*the girls make their way down to where jessica was and they all sit down next to her on the sand*

Brittany: alright Munchkin, do you have your picture? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: *reaches in her jacket pocket and lifts out a folded up piece of paper* here it is! *smiles as she hands the drawing to Britt*

Brittany: so we need to tie it on to the end of the string then you will be able to let it go into the sky! *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: ok! *gives Britt the string of the ballon and watches her tie it round the paper like a present*

Brittany: *hands Jessica the paper with the balloon attached* there you go! *smiles*

Jessica: thank you! *smiles as she takes the paper from Britt*

rachel: is there anything you would like to say to your mum before you let go of the ballon? *smiles down at Jessica as does everyone else*

Jessica: *smiles at Rachel then looks up at the balloon* hey mama! i dont know if you can hear me but i love you! i miss you! and i cant wait to give you a big hug when i see you in heaven one day. *smlies up at the balloon while everyone just watches and tears up from what jessica had said*

Quinn: that was lovely sweetie! *smiles at Jessica*

Santana: *looks at Quinn then looks at Jessica* are you ready to let go Munchkin?

Jessica: yeah! *smiles then looks back at the folded up paper* goodbye mama!*places a kiss on the paper then lets it go and watches it as it float up into the sky. once her neck was sore from looking up, she stood up and went to sit on santana's lap and hugged her without saying another word*

*San didnt say anthing and just hugged her back. then Brittany sat next to Santana and wrapped her arms round the both of them. then quinn went to Santana's other side and mimicked Brittany's position. and lastly Rachel moved closer and hugged jessica from behind. they all stayed there in silence for a few minutes just to show their support and make sure jessica knows that shes not alone*

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