everyones fave dirty minded aliens

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*once their bikini's were on they stood by their full length and santana took a photo of them both so they can have it for memories but also to post on their socials if they wanted*

Brittany: *was stood behind San, holding her waist as she looked over Santana's shoulder to see the photo* we do be kinda cute tho! *laughs as does san*

Santana: please dont become one of those people, babe! *turns round to face Brittany and put her arms over Brittany's shoulders*

Brittany: one of what girls? *looks at San*

Santana: the ones that say stuff like that... literally everyone on the internet says it these days and i dont understand how its actually a thing *playfully shakes her head*

Brittnay: dont worry! i will always be way cooler than any of those social media nerds *smiles*

Santana: yeah! we'll see about that *laugh* ...just wait till Jessica starts to involve you in her tiktok dancing. there is nothing on this earth that can stop you from dancing even if you tried *smiles*

Brittany: that is true! *smiles* ...speaking of jessica! she will be going to Tommy's after school today and might be having dinner there as well. im just waiting for her to text me and let me know what Harper and Annie say to it.

Santana: hold on a minute! you agreed to let Jessica go to Tommy's place?

Brittany: yep! *is confused about why Santana would be surprised about that*

Santana: just like that... no tough talk to make sure they dont do anything they arent supposed to?

Brittany: dont worry! i have told her not to do anything i would do in that situation *laughs*

Santana: *laughs* thats funny! but you know its different for them babe.

Brittany: yeah i know! but jessica is a smart girl and she knows that she shouldnt be doing "it" till she is old enough to have her own life. also lets not forget about how she literally hated guys up until tommy came along a few months ago *smiles as san smiles back* ... trust me! we have nothing to worry about *kisses san*

Santana: yeah! you're right.

Brittany: now lets go get in that hot tub and relax for the next 3 hours *smiles as she takes santana's hand and they walk down the stairs. grabbing towels from the bathroom on the way then gets the bottle of wine and some glasses from the kitchen before going out the back door*

Brittany: *puts the wine and glasses on the little table next to the hot tub then turns round to see that san was still stood next to her* whats wrong... are you not getting in?

Santana: i am! i was just gonna let you go first so you dont try to do anything to me *laughs*

Brittany: *laughs* really... do you really think that little of me that i would do such a thing to my amazing and beautiful wife?! *wraps her arms round santana and looks at her lovingly*

Santana: yes... yes i do! *laughs*

Brittany: *playfully gasps and places her hand on her heart as if she is offended* how rude! *santana just laughs at her more and leans in to give Brittany a kiss so she doesnt actually take it to heart* alright, if it makes you feel better then ill get in first. *smiles at San then gets in the hot tub. once britt was situated, Santana gets in and sits across from Brittany*

*the girls had been in the hot tub for an hour or so and have been chatting and laughing about stuff. mainly Brittany saying or doing something silly like always. now santana was sat inbetween Brittany legs, with her back resting on Brittany's chest. they were sitting in a comfortable silence just listening to the birds in the trees and the cars passing by their street. the way that santana had her head resting on Britt's shoulder, Brittany was able to look down and catch San biting her lip and closing her eyes. and in any situation, that would make Brittany concerned because she knew that it meant that santana wasnt having positive thoughts. so of course Brittany wastes no time in asking about it, now that so much has been happening in their lives that has had a negative affect on everyone, especially Santana*

Brittany: penny for you're thoughts, sweetcheeks? *has to keep things as lighthearted as possible so Santana will have more strength to actually talk about things.*

Santana: not the type of thing i wanna be thinking about and the emotions i wanna be experiencing. but clearly life doesnt give a damn about me to let me have my happiness for very long before it throws another hurdle at my face. *looks off into the distance and tries to swallow the lump in her throat*

Brittany: *sighs because all she ever wants is to give santana the world and make sure she never has to feel an ounce of sadness ever again. so of course she is feeling super guilty right now because she can only seem to keep santana smiling for a few hours before the evil goblins in her mind take control* im so sorry baby... theres nothing on this earth i want more, than for you to be happy. it just doesnt seem possible to get rid of all the goblins in your head and in real life. *hugs san tighly to comfort her* ...if i could id give you the world! but it just isnt humanly posssible. as you're wife, it is hard to except that because i will always want to give you nothing but the best, since it will be a way of me to show you just how special you are to me. but that doesnt mean that i wont stop trying to be there for you and helping you get through hard times like this stuff with your dad, who is actually the equivelant of Satan himself *laughs*

Santana: *looks up at Brittany and smiles* thanks baby! i love and appreciate you more than words can even begin to desribe! i dont ever want you to ever think that my anger and frustration is a sign that i dont recognise how much you are there for me in times of need. i love you so much and will never not be grateful beyond belief that the universe gave me an incredible wife like you. nothing is ever straight forward, obviously, more so for us! *laughs at her way of making jokes no matter how low she feels. brittany loves it just as much because she cant help but laugh* ...but just like when we were in glee club singing and dancing together, trying to outshine the dwarf. we are the best duo in the history of lesbo duo's, and we will get through this and all of lifes craziness, for as long as we both live. *smiles as Brittany smiles back*

Brittany: that right there is one of the many reasons why i absolutely adore you! ...no matter what happens, you have always been so stong and have found a way out of negative situations. im so happy we met at such a young age because i sure as hell would not have made it out of school in one piece if it werent for my little firecracker bodyguard *giggles and smiles at San*

Santana: thats so sweet Babe! thanks to you're unicorn and Rainbow loving ass for making School worth my time. you kept me sane and helped show me what it means to appreciate the simple things in life! *smiles as Britt smiles back*

Brittany: and thanks to you, i learned how to be dirty minded and cheeky! even in a public place were we are expected to act like first class young ladies that never do anything to make us stand out and be centre of attention. then again we arent like our parents and dont want to live in the past going along with what was once done in the olden day... you know, back when, being a lesbian was frowned apon. *rolls her eyes*

Santana: yeah, that was messed up! im so glad that society these days are improving a little each day with treating gay's like us as if we are normal human beings and arent aliens from a far away planet *smiles*

Brittany: me to! ...although, being an alien does sound kinda awesome! *smiles as she imagines what it would be like if they were aliens, flying around in a spaceship*

Santana: yeah! it really would. *smiles as she looks at Britt, adoring how she still finds joy in imagining crazy make believe stuff like that*

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