madness of monday

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*monday morning! Jessica was woken up by her alarm and was in a pretty good mood, concidering she would be going back to school to face those mean girls. she wasnt really worried because she knew that she would have anna by her side to help keep her calm and out of danger.*

Jessica: *went down the stairs to see that San and Britt were already up and ready for their work* good morning Tana and Britty *smiles at the girls*

Santana: *looks up from making her coffee then turns round and leans against the counter to look at Jessica* good morning! someone seems overly joyful concidering its a monday *laughs a little because Jessica is definitely like her when it comes to morning's*

Jessica: yeah! i guess im just excited to be hanging out with anna and giving out invitations to my people today. *smiles at Santana*

Santana: thats great Munchkin! remember that you will need to apologies to tiffany and claire as well *smiles weakly because she knows that Jessica wont want reminded of that*

Jessica: i will! *smiles at San*

Santana: good girl! now come on because we need to get you to school so Britt and I are not late for work. *smiles then finished the last bit of her coffee before giving Brittany a kiss then walking with Jessica to get their shoes and Jackets on as Brittany follows*

*at the school!*

Santana: have a great day and dont forget what you need to do. *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: yep! *gives San and Britt a quick hug* bye Tana! Bye Britty! *gets out the car and meets up with anna just before she walked through the front doors*

Anna: *turns round to wave at San and Brittany just as they are about to drive off* hey Jess! *smiles at her best friend*

Jessica: hey, here is an invitation to my birthday party this saturday! *gives Anna one of the hand drawn invitations she made*

Anna: thank you! *takes the piece of paper and skims over all the information* a garden party and a sleep over... i cant wait *smiles as Jessica smiles back*

Jessica: yeah! its gonna be awesome! *walks into their first class and sits down without another word*

*3 long and challenging classes later! it was now lunchtime and Jessica met up with anna at their lockers, then they walked to the canteen together*

Jessica: *had her food in hand and made her way to the table that her group of friends were sat at* hey girls! *smiles as everyone smiles back* here are your invitations to my birthday party this Saturday! *hands out the invitations to her 4 other close friends then they all start getting lost in conversation about the party and any other stuff that teenagers would talk about with their girl friends*

*meanwhile at Brittany's office! she texted San and asked if she wanted to meet up and go out for lunch somewhere. Santana told her that she was just too busy with paperwork that she couldnt leave her office for even a second. this of course made Britt sad but then she had the idea of going to Santana's office and surprise her with her favourite takeaway food. so lunch time came and Brittany gathered her stuff then went straight to the burger king drive thru and she ordered a bunch of stuff to share with San. walking through San's office, Brittany said her hello's to the people she knew from Santana talking so highly of them. then she headed straight to Santana's assistant that was sat right outside Santana's office. they spoke for a few minutes and Britt told her that she was here to surprise san. so the assistant went along with it and didnt give away who was here to see san*

Assistant: *spoke through the phone* hello Mrs lopeirce, you have a visitor!

Santana: *was to focused on her work to think of who it could be* alright! send them in. *put the phone down and went straight back to work*

Assistant: go on in! *smiles up at Brittany*

Brittany: *smiles at the woman* see you later! *walks into Santana's office with the biggest smile on her face* ... hey there hottie!

Santana: *doesnt bother to look up because she was so stressed with needing to meet all her deadlines* hey!

Brittany: *that was not the reaction she was hoping for but she understood that Santana was having a busy day, so she didnt take it to heart and just decided to joke around just for dramatic affect* thats it! no hey baby, you look super cute today in your work clothes? no hugs or kisses?....nothing? *crosses her arms and pouts at San*

Santana: *laughs at her wife being dramatic* im sorry! let me try that again... *stands up and goes round to the other side of her desk to stand with Britt* hey baby! *smiles then looks at Brittany's outfit to admire it* you look absolutely stunning in your pantsuit! *sees Brittany smile which made santana smile more* how was that? *looks into Brittanys eyes and smiles, already knowing the answer*

Brittany: perfect! *smiles as she holds onto San's waist and leans in to kiss her for a minute or 2*

Santana: so, to what do i owe this pleasure of seeing your fine ass at my work? *smiles as she looks up at Brittany*

Brittany: well, when you said that you were to busy to get away for lunch, i just had to come over to drag you away from it myself so you didnt work yourself to the bone and end up taking peoples head off due to stress *laughs a little*

Santana: alright then! *laughs at Brittany overexgagerating her anger just a tad*

*back at Jessica's school! she had just been to apologie to tiffany and claire and she was feeling so much better now that she can just move on and forget it even happened. her next task would be to talk to the boy she told Santana and Brittany about. lucky for her, she shared a class with him first thing after lunch. once the lunch bell went she headed straight to her next class and saw the boy sat at the back of the class. so she headed straight to him and sat in the empty seat next to him*

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