hit with bricks

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*on the phone with Tommy! jessica picks up after a few rings, which was just as soon as she put her pj's on*

Tommy: hey babe!  is everything ok?  *he sounded very panicky*

Jessica: hey! yeah im ok! just started my period for the first time so i had a bit of a panic with the amount of pain and stuff. but im fine now because Britty and Tana helped me out.

Tommy: ok! well im glad you're ok! and ill see you on monday!

Jessica: yeah! see you then.

Tommy: k! bye cutie!

Jessica: *giggles* bye stud!

Tommy: *laughs as does Jessica then she hangs up*

*jessica puts her phone on her desk then goes down to the living room to start their movie*

Brittany: *sees Jessica walk in* hey Munchkin! you doing ok?

Jessica: yeah! just uncomfortable because of the pain *sits down between the girls and gets under their duvet that they brought down*

Brittany: *reaches towards the coffee table and gets the glass of juice and painkillers that she got for jessica* here you go! this should kick in soon enough for you *smiles then cuddles up after Jessica takes the painkilers*

*the next 6 days had been tough on all of them. not only jessica's struggle with the pain levels, but Brittany and Santana had to deal with Jessica have a short temper and being really cheeky and sarcastic towards them. that started to get to them because they were busy with work and trying to keep a roof over their heads. they were just becoming really exhausted and werent sure what to do to make things any easier for them all*

*its currently friday lunchtime and Santana has been locked away in her office all morning. she was in the middle of answering emails and stuff when her phone started to ring*

*on the phone with her mum! santana picked up straight away*

valerie: hello mija! i just wanted to call and check up on you and the girls. because ive been quite busy the last wee while and havent had the chance... anyway, how are you doing?

Santana: like a big pile of cow manure! *sighs as she slouches back in her spiny chair*

Valerie: whats wrong?

Santana: this week has just been so metally and physically draining! its starting to hit me like a tone of bricks and i dont know what to do with myself.

Valerie: whats been happening that has suddently made you feel this way? has something happened between you and Britt?

Santana: no! we're good! its just that Jessica started her period this week and she has become such a sarky little Bitch with no manners. i know i shouldnt call a kid that since shes been having a tough time as well. i just cant help it because the part of my brain that tries to take me back to when i didnt like kids, its taking over and is making me want to run my mouth and tell that child how im really feeling. but of course i know that will only cause more problems. *sighs after her unexpected rant*

Valrie: oh Mija! im sorry to hear that things are a little rough right now. if i could id give you a big bear hug! *wasnt sure what to do or say to make Santana feel better since they are in completely different countries*

Santana:  thanks mum! i know you dont wanna hear my ranting but i just dont know what to do. because if i tell Brittany about how frustrated i am, then ill just worry her. and thats the last thing we need right now!

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