not long now

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Santana: *stepped one foot into the water* MOTHER OF MARY, THATS COLD! *laughs as she shivers a little*

Brtittany: *had ran into the water with a lot more confindence before Santana got there. so once she hears San's over-dramatized reaction, she just laughed then walks towards Santana and grabs hold of her hand* come on babe! its not that bad. *santana just laughs*

santana: babe... its freezing! *shivers because she has always been someone who feels the cold easily*

Brittany: thats because you need to swim about and adjust to the temperature... come on! *takes San further into the water*

santana: *is now knee deep* nope! still not feeling it

Brittany: *looks back and giggles as santana tried to stay in the shallower part of the water* i have an idea... *stands infront of santana and crouches down a little bit* hop on! *without a second thought, San jumps up on Britt and instantly wraps her arms and legs round brittany's body so that no part of her is touching the water*

Santana: what ever you do, do not drop me, ok? *San cant see brittany's face so she needs to just trust that she is paying attention to what was just said*

Brittany: *heard Santana's demand loud and clear but being the childish wind up that she has always been, she had thought of something. she just needed to be deeper in the water so that it was up to her waist at least*

santana: *started freaking out that Brittany was still walking further from the shore* baby, can we go back now. PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP! *wraps herself around Brittany's body and tries to stay away from the water*

Brittany: just a second! *smirks to herself*

Santana: but i'm... *didnt get to finish speaking before she was dropped into the water* YOU LITTLE BITCH! WHAT THE HELL...

Brittany: *stayed quiet as she went to pick santana up and have her cling back onto Britt like a baby koala. they stare deep into each others eyes in silence till santana calmed down* i love you! *gives San a peck on the lips before looking at her again and seeing a big smile form on her face*

Santana: ...i love you too! *gives Brittany a peck on the lips*

Brittany: *smiles* even my craziness?

Santana: yes! even the side that will surely get us in trouble one day, for sure *laughs as does Brittany*

Brittany: *sees the goosebumps all over Santana's skin* ... come on, lets get out of here and get you wrapped up *smlies as she carries Santana to the shallow end then lets her stand on her own two feet*

Santana: its about damn time! *laughs as does Britt*

Brittany: so, do you know how long our mums are gonna be staying with us? *looks at San*

Santana: im not sure what time they leave but your mum had to get a flight today because she needs to be back for work stuff. and my mum was going today as well just so they can keep each other company on the flight *smiles weakly*

Brittany: oh! *is dissapointed because she thought that she'd get to have a few days with them all together again*

Santana: *saw Britt's mood deflate* we could give them a call and see if we have enough time to go out to a restaraunt and grab a bite to eat with them, before they pack up and leave *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: id like that *smiles at San*

Santana: alright *wraps her towel around her then sits down to get her phone out the basket*

*on the phone with valerie! it rings for a few seconds then she picks up*

Valerie: hey! there's one of my favourite daughters *laughs*

Santana: eh mum, im your only daughter *laughs as if her mum has gone mad with all the heat*

Valerie: not exactly! i have a daughter-in-law now, remember?

Santana: that you do! *smiles up at Brittany, who looks at San with confusion because she cant really hear Valerie. its all just mumbling to her*

Valerie: anyway! how are my girls?

Santana: we're good! just back from getting dragged into the freezing cold water by my evil fiance who loves to hear me scream *laughs*

Valerie: wanky! *laughs which makes San laugh even more*

Santana: HEY... thats my thing! *smiles up to see that Brittany was smirking. she obviously connected the dots from santana's last statement then what her response was to whatever Valerie said*

Valerie: so, was there something you needed to tell me?

Santana: i was just wondering what time your flight is?

Valerie: we are supposed to be out the hotel by 5:30pm and our flight is at 7:30pm

Santana: awesome! me and Britt were wondering if we could all go out for a bite to eat then we can drop you guys off at the airport afterwards so we can say a proper goodbye

Valerie: that would be lovely darling!

Santana: k, so we will meet you and Meredith at the hotel for when you's sign out at 5:30pm

Valerie: cant wait!

Santana: alright! love you mum, bye

Valerie: love you too, bye

Santana: *hangs up and puts her phone in the basket before looking to Britt* their flight isnt for a few more hours so we are gonna treat them to a meal before they leave *smiles*

Brittany: awesome! *smiles at San*

Santana: its only 2:20pm right now, so do you wanna just sunbathe and airdry before we get our clothes back on? *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: sure! *moves the picnic basket so she can lay down on the towel. santana makes sure her towel in wrapped securely round her waist then she lays down and cuddles into Brittany's side and they just chill there, resting their eyes as they listen to the waves and seaguls that pass every so often. its now 4pm and Brittany wakes up from her unexpected nap. she looks at the time on her phone and sees that they have an hour and a half to get to the hotel to meet up with their mums. so she quickly but carefully wakes San up and makes sure she doesnt freak out that she fell asleep when they were just suposed to sunbathe for a little bit while they dry off* baby... *kisses Santana's forehead*... babe, we need to go....

Santana: *starts to wake up but turns towards Britt and snuggles into her as if she is about to fall back asleep. then she rememebers what they planned for tonight and that they only meant to stay at the beach a little bit longer. she sits up in a hurry and looks back at Brittany* what time is it?

Brittany *sits up and cups her hand on the side of Santana's face* baby, relax! we have time! *lightly drags her thumb across San's cheek so she isnt so tense* its only 4pm so we have a little over an hour to get ready because it only takes 10 -15 minutes to get from our place to the hotel that our mums are staying at *smiles and looks into Santana's eyes, hoping that she is completely relaxed by now*

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