moving forward

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santana: *is back at their house getting ready. and has just finished putting her shoes on and checking herself in the mirror* babe, you almost done? *shouts through to Brittany who is in the bathroom getting her hair and teeth done*

Brittany: *walks out the bathroom* im done! *smiles at San*

Santana: alright! lets go *smiles at Brittany*

Brittany: *grabs her phone of the bedside table then goes over to san who is stood at the bedrom door* you look amazing! *places her hand on Santana's lover back*

Santana: thanks babe! so do you... i love this colour on you! *smiles as she holds onto brittany's baby blue top for a second, to point out what she was talking about*

Brittany: thanks! *smiles then opens the bedroom door for san to walk out first*

*Santana gets to the bottom of the stairs and grabs the car keys and her purse. then Brittany reaches the bottom of the stairs and grabs her purse so she can help out paying. they make there way to the restaraunt while litstening to music and looking at each other every so often to make sure the other is alright*

Brittany: *pulls up outside the hotel and sees her mum and valerie standing outside. she rolls down santana's window and leans over to shout out to their mums* WASSUP BITCHES... HOPE IN! *everyone laughs because of Brittany's boldness that just came out of nowhere*

Valerie: *gets in the backseat of the car as Meredith goes round to the other side and gets in* hey girls!

Santana: *turns round to look at her mum* hey mum! *smiles*

Meredith: how are you girls doing? *looks at San then to Britt, who still has her eyes on the road*

Santana: we're good! just back from our little trip to the beach! *smiles at valerie and meredith then looks at Brittany as she turns her head to smile at Santana*

Meredith: really! weren't you just there yesterday? *santana looks at Meredth then at Brittany and is a little nervous that if she explains the situation in full detail then it would upset Britt. which she definitely didnt want to do*

Brittany: *saw the look of uncertaintly on Santana's face so she chose to tell her mum exactly what happened. she took Santana's hand in hers and gave it a light squeeze to let her know that its ok and she doesnt need to worry about anything* we did! but i was a little upset last night so San decided to take me back there for a few hours because she knows how it's my happy place and always calms me down when im not feeling great *looks in the rearview mirror and smiles at her mum*

Meredith: *frowns after hearing that Brittany was upset* oh honey! what happened? are you ok now? *looks at Brittany with so much concern*

Brittany: yeah! im absolutely fine. i just needed some quiet time so i wasnt getting overwhelmed with stuff from the big events of yesterday *smiles as San smiles back*

Meredith: oh ok! dont stress too much... you girls have plenty of time to start planning for your big day! *smiles at Brittany through the mirror again then san turned her head to smile at Meredith also*

Brittany: yeah! *looks at San* i think we are just going to enjoy the engagement for a while then we can start getting things put in place for the big day *san smiles at Brittany before she focuses back on the road and drives the rest of the way to the restaraunt*

*moving on quickly from the sensitive subject of the engagement/wedding, all the girls were chatting and laughing right through the meal and up until they arrived at the airport to drop their mums off for their flight home*

Valerie: so i guess this is goodbye *smiles weakly at San as they both try to hold back from crying while they hug for several minutes*

Santana: *hugs her mum tight* i love you so much!

Valerie: i love you too, mija!

Meredith: promise to call if you ever need anything, ok? *looks at Brittany and smiles weakly, thinking about their conversation in the car, with Brittany not feeling great and Meredith not knowing about it till last minute*

Brittany: ok, i promise! *hugs her mum for a few minutes*

Santana: *lets go of her mum then stands next to Brittany who also let go of her mum* have a safe flight and make sure you message us when you guys land *smiles at her mum then to meredith*

Meredith: *smiles back at San* ay ay captain! *laughs along with everyone else*

*just then, a voice came onto the airport speaker and started announcing the last call to their gate! Santana and Brittany stand in place, holding onto each other as they wave bye to their mums and watch as they disappear through the door that leads to their plane*

Santana: *looks at Brittany and grabs hold of her hand* you ready?

Brittany: *looks at San* yep! lets go home.

*once they got home they kicked their shoes of and placed their keys and purses on the kitchen counter before making their way into the living room to collapse on the couch*

*Brittany was lying on the couch, thinking about the day she has just had. focusing more on the positives than the negatives. while Santana was laying next to brittany, thinking about todays events and thinking about how she hopes it helped ease Brittany's anxieties about everything*

Britany: *looks at Santana who was still deep in thought* thank you so much!

Santana: *looks at Brittany with confusion* what for?

Brittany: for what you did today! ...if it wasnt for you then i would have just stayed in my pj's all day and got myself in a mess because id be stuck thinking about my dad and all that depressing stuff *smiles weakly*

Santana: *smiles at Brittany* my pleasure baby! there is no way that i was gonna leave you to beat yourself up about that stuff! you deserve to be happy and at peace. and if it means swimming across the ocean to get something from your childhood home, then i would do it in a heart beat *laughs at herself for the very over exgaggerated example of how much she would do for the sake of Brittany's happiness*

Brittany: *laughs at Santana's extremeness* well, id never let you do something ridiculous like that. but thank you! *smiles as Santana Smiles back*

Santana: you're welcome! *smiles then leans over to kiss Brittany*

Brittany: *pulls away from the kiss and still has a smile on her face as she admires Santana* i guess its time to make our announcement *smiles as she ignores any negative feeling that she felt yesterday when she was gonna be posting about the engagement*

Santana: *smiles at Brittany and is a little unsure about what she has just said because of how much the thought of it had upset her yesterday* you sure you're ready? you dont have to do it if you arent.

Brittany: dont worry! yesterday and this morning was spent feeling horrible about the fact that my dad is absent in my life and cant witness the greatest day of my life. now its time to celebrate and be happy that i have you as a part of my life. and no matter what life has in store for us, we will go through it together *smiles as Santana smiles back*

Santana: ok, lets do it! *smiles then watches as Brittany gets her phone out her pocket and goes onto her facebook app so she can post their most recent pic together, with a caption*

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