Chapter 6

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                                                            Sunflower: Adoration
Zoe's POV

It had been a few weeks since I had met Levi. He had even come over to my apartment, and met Harley. She thought I was in love with him or something, and would suggestively wink whenever he was around, making me roll me eyes. Also, I had a feeling that Harley had started seeing someone. She would go out till even later at night, and would come back drunk and smiley.

I didn't ask her much, because I knew that she wouldn't tell me about the guy unless she was sure that she liked him. I didn't really mind. Mostly because unlike the vibe that she gave off, Harley was pretty intelligent when it came to relationships. If she saw a red flag anywhere, she would drop the guy like an expired slice of cheese.

I adored the time that I spent with Levi, mostly because it brought me faith in the male gender once again. And also because I liked Levi in general. Not as a potential lover, but as a great friend. Still, his flirty remarks would make me blush every single time. I found myself trusting him more than I wanted, and the idea didn't frighten me as much as it did before. I was extremely confused with how I should've felt about the changes in my feelings, but decided to ignore them.

I was getting ready to go to Levi's house. Apparently, he wanted to have a movie night with me. I grabbed my bag with all of the things that I would need for the sleepover inside, my wallet and a taser, just in case something bad happened on the way.

Since Levi's house wasn't far from mine, I decided to walk there. I was wearing a black, full sleeved blouse with some black skinny jeans. I had always worn clothes which covered my figure, because I was most comfortable when I was covered up.

As I walked through the quiet lanes, I realized that the weather was slightly chilly. Autumn would be coming soon, which meant that I had to plant some winter proof flowers in the greenhouse.

Unfortunately, I didn't have help from Harley this time, because she was preparing the kids for the upcoming competition. I was so excited to see the progress of the naughty but fun kids, and was begging Harley to let me see them. All she did was smirk, and tell me to wait till the competition, making me huff and leave her alone.

Once I got to Levi's house, I took a deep breath, and timidly knocked on his door. A few seconds later, he opened the door and smiled as he saw me. As he held his arms out for a hug, I hesitantly reached out, and hugged him back, feeling a blush bloom on my cheeks.

Once he let me go, he lead me inside his house. What I saw inside made me surprised. His apartment was almost exactly like mine. Of course, his furniture seemed more expensive, but the size and the overall look of the apartment was almost identical to mine. I guess I was just stereotyping him for having a penthouse because he was a superstar, and didn't expect everything to be so normal.

He was dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt, his muscles flexing because of random movements every now and then. I could feel his gaze on me as I kept blushing and looking away from his arms. His entire forearm was tattooed with images, and I could see a few other tattoos here and there. One was peeking out of his shirt, on his chest, and I was sure that he had others. As I looked away from his forearm, I looked up to see Levi looking at me with an amused grin on his face.

"Enjoying yourself?"

I blushed ten darker shades of red, and could hear myself let out an embarrassing squeak.

Levi just laughed, and said, "Come on. I've got some dinner prepared. How about we eat it, and then spend the rest of the night having a movie marathon?"

I smiled at him, still embarrassed at the events that had occurred a few seconds ago, and teasingly uttered, "That would be great! What did you make for dinner? I'm surprised that you even know how to cook."

As I smirked at him, he put his hand on his heart while pretending to wipe away a tear. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic ways, but couldn't stop myself from letting out a small laugh at his antics. We walked into the kitchen, and I could smell some delicious lasagna. I inhaled deeply, looking at Levi in mock surprise as he took out the dish from the oven.

"Well, you really do know how to cook!"

Once again, he smirked at me, taking out some plates, cups and forks, before placing them on the counter. He filled a pitcher with some water, and placed it with the dish of delicious looking, chicken Alfredo lasagna. He grabbed my plate and put a slice of lasagna in it, before putting some for himself.

We both ate, laughing and talking all the while. This was what I liked about Levi. He was so easy to be with. No anger, no fights and no disagreements. Just him and I, talking and laughing at each other.

Maybe that was why I was growing to trust him. After all that had happened, I was sure that I would never be in a relationship again. I wasn't bisexual or lesbian, so dating a girl wasn't what I was going to do. Not that I had a problem with other people doing it.

I felt a piercing gaze on my face, and I broke out of my thoughts to see Levi staring at me with an unfathomable look in his eyes. I stared back at him, losing myself in his azure blue eyes. Looking away, Levi cleared his throat, making me look away with a blush on my cheeks, yet again. Damn this stupid blush! I didn't want to look like I'd just run a marathon all the time! And due to my excessively pale and pasty skin, I was sure that the blush was always very prominent.

Levi looked at me with a smirk on his face, and said, "Well, I guess I'm gonna have to endure your constant quiet, and shy self. Let's get on with the night, shall we?"

Doneee! Please, please, please press that little star icon if you liked the chapter. Oh, and also, let me know if you liked the chapter. Thank you SO much for reading!

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