Chapter 47

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                                                            Daisies:New beginnings

Zoe's POV

Levi and I were in bed, trying to sleep. The tears from seeing the tattoo on his chest had stained my cheeks, but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was lie down in my bed with the amazing human being that was my boyfriend.

"What are you thinking about?", he whispered, stroking my hair.

One of his arms was around my waist and his other hand was on my head, continuously stroking and playing with my hair. He was pressing light kisses on my cheeks, and I could feel myself melting with each and every one of them.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about the tattoo on your chest.", I answered, pressing a light kiss on the place where I thought his tattoo was.

He stiffened, and murmured, "F*ck, I should have gotten this lower down."

My eyes widened, and a heavy blush swept across my cheeks. He what?!

Before I could say anything else, he loosened up again, shifting our position so that instead of my back, my front was pressed against him.

"Zoe, I got it because I meant it. Plus, it's an excuse for me to keep you with me. And please don't go on about the laser tattoo removal and sh*t, because that is not happening.", he murmured, making me chuckle.

Of course, I wouldn't ever do that. I was truly dumbfounded by what he had done, and loved it.

"What has been going on over the past year, Zoe? How did your therapy go? What else did you do? Did you go to any other places? How's the shop? Tell me everything.", he said, his words muffled as he pressed his lips against my cheek.

"Therapy was amazing. I got an amazing therapist, and she helped me through so much. The flower shop business has also been going well. The year was pretty smooth. And no, I did not go to any other places.", I answered.

My heart pounded as I thought about telling him about Alyssa. How would he react? Also, Alyssa had wanted to meet him. Could I arrange a meeting where he wouldn't kill her? I quickly made up my mind, deciding to tell him, telling myself that it was now or never.

I took a deep breath, and said, "Something else also happened. I want you to stay calm, and not do anything irrational until I finish telling you about it, okay?"

He seemed surprised, but nodded.

"I... I met Alyssa.", I whispered, feeling my hesitation flooding into my words.

Levi stiffened in surprised, seeming nothing short of shocked.

"She apologized. Of course, I didn't forgive her right away, and still haven't fully done so, but the two of us are meeting regularly, and I can feel myself forgiving her more and more. Don't worry, she's nothing like she was back when... Riley was around.", I quietly said, wanting to make him understand.

My heart started to stampede against my chest as I anxiously awaited his answer. He reached out towards the desk, turning on the lamp, and looked straight at me. He was obviously surprised, but he seemed hesitant. I didn't know what about until I heard what he said next.

"I truly don't know what to say. I mean, she was the one who betrayed you. But I trust you more than anyone else in the world. If you think she's better than she was while... he was around, I believe you. I know it'll be hard, but I'm ready to meet her if you want me to."

A smile took over my face, and I moved closer to him, pressing my lips against the corner of his mouth, saying, "How will I ever repay you?"

I could see a smirk making it's way across his face, and he pressed a kiss on my neck, whispering, "I know a few ways that you can."

Once again, a faint, pinkish shade colored my face, making him chuckle and pinch my cheek. Why was it that his every word made me blush? He turned towards the side-table, turning the lamp off, and put two of us back in our original position.

"What about you? How did your year pass? I want to know everything.", I mumbled, feeling his fingers running through my hair.

He hummed, hugging me even closer to his body.

"You do, huh? Well, I'll tell you everything.", he whispered.

I could feel myself relaxing, making me feel like I was about to hear a bed time story.

"When I first went on tour, I felt excited, but super sad. I missed you so much. But then I remembered that you had told me to enjoy the tour, and not stay in a slump all the time. So that's exactly what I did."

He was now rubbing my back with his arms, and I could feel my eyes closing. Not because I was sleepy, but because the soft feeling of his hands massaging my back and hand running through my hair felt insanely good. He continued.

"The fist few weeks, all I did was practice, eat, sleep, workout and perform, moving from place to place. But soon, I got a surprise. Celine. The two of us made up, and talked about all that had happened between the time that she first became my stepmom and dad's death. The two of us started to become closer, and I told her everything. All about my disorder, and everything that I had felt over the past few years. Soon, my therapy sessions started."

He kissed my cheek, making me snuggle closer to him.

"They went very well. My therapist was amazing. At first, he looked like an old, boring dude in khakis and dress-shirts, but I grew to really like him. Eventually, my attacks were almost non-existent, and my therapy sessions concluded."

I was glad that he was okay, and had made up with Celine.

Before I could congratulate him on his achievement, he said, "I have a favor to ask you. If you agree, I'll meet Alyssa without attempting to punch her."

My curiosity peaked, and I nodded my head, a hint of worry appearing in my mind.

"I want you to meet Celine. At a dinner. To make this truly official. To make us truly official."


Finito! Hope you all enjoyed it! Also, I'm sad to say, this book will be ending pretty soon. Probably two to three more chapters, an epilogue and explanation later, this book will be marked "complete". Just wanted to let you guys know that. Anyway, make sure to tell me if you liked it, vote and share! Love you all! Peace out!

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