Chapter 40

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                                                 Chamomile: Patience in adversity

Levi's POV

As I boarded the plane, I felt my heart feeling heavy. I turned away from Zoe right after saying the three words so that she wouldn't have to say them back. I knew that it was too early to say that I loved her, so I didn't expect her to say it back. I didn't turn back, not wanting to see her face. If I did, I wouldn't be able to leave her.

Soon, the plane was about to take off, and I took a deep breath, preparing myself to leave everything behind. I wasn't ready to leave her. I didn't want to. I wanted to see her beautiful face, hear her gentle voice, see her gorgeous smile and make her blush the adorable shade of red that I was so used to seeing.

But I couldn't. As the plane went higher and higher, my heart sank lower and lower, until it felt like it was in my stomach. I looked out of the window, seeing the place that I called home. The place that was where so many of the tragedies in my life had happened, but also the place where I had found the love of my life.

I didn't want to let it go. But I had to. For Zoe.


I got out of the plane, feeling happy to be able to breathe the fresh air, but sad knowing what I had left behind. However, I plastered a smile across my face, trying my best to not break down. I had to remain strong. I had a rehearsal, and a performance that evening, and swollen eyes did not look good.

After getting out of the private airport, I got in my car, heading towards the hotel where I was supposed to stay. Thankfully, there weren't any fans who could mob me. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans. But sometimes, staying out of the spotlight is much more appreciable. The worst part of being a famous artist was definitely the mobbing and paparazzi, but over time, I had gotten used to it.

I arrived in front of the hotel, and as usual, I ignored the five star lobby, just going straight to my room. I had to rest for the rehearsal. As I got inside my room, I didn't bother to unpack, knowing that I would be leaving in a few days anyway.

Being on tour was one of the most thrilling but depressing feelings ever. Getting on stage made me feel happy, and I was always overjoyed when singing and interacting with fans. But as soon as I would get off the stage, the loneliness settled in. My muscles would tire, and my energy levels would decrease. The contrast was insane!

I stripped out of my clothes, heading into the shower. As the warm water hit my back, all I could think of was Zoe. She had taken up at least half the space in my mind, and I constantly thought about her. Was she sleeping? Had she gotten home safely? Such questions popped into my head, and knowing that the answers were a phone call away, but I couldn't make it was extremely frustrating.

I decided to sleep my thoughts away. As I got out of the shower, I instantly started patting myself dry with a towel. I put on some boxers, and went towards the huge bed, immediately settling in.

Although the bed was more than comfortable, I couldn't sleep. Thoughts of Zoe, Jacob, Harley and... Celine were circling around my mind. I hadn't yet contacted Celine. I was scared. I had put her off so many times, it was hard to believe that she'd accept me now.

Soon, my thoughts were hazing away, and I could feel my eyes drooping. The exhaustion from the long flight started to take over me, and I was asleep. Unfortunately, I woke up not even two hours later, my annoying alarm ringing in my ear. I had to go to the rehearsal.

No matter how hard my despair was trying to overtake me, I didn't give in. I gave my all during the rehearsal, thinking about my fans. So many of them would have to wait for me in the cold, and I didn't want to give a not fully perfect performance. The least they deserved was getting a performance worth the money they had paid for.

Not too long after, I was getting ready for the performance. I changed into the black, silk shirt, leaving a few of the buttons open, like my stylist had instructed. I walked out of the room, sitting down on the seat and preparing for my hair and face to be done.

The woman dabbed some lip balm on my lips, and combed my hair, putting a ton of hairspray on it. The process was all too familiar, and I felt myself dozing off as the woman did her job. I could feel her closing one button of my shirt, and soon, I was underneath the stage, traveling to the other side in a cart. Some other guy handed me a microphone.

The familiar feeling of the bedazzled mic in my hand was soothing. It reminded me of the performances that I loved doing. At some point of my life, I had no one to work hard for, no one to impress. My fans were a family for me. They were the people who I pushed myself for.

I got on the platform, and held my breath as it took me up, waiting to see the faces of the people that represented my family. I pushed back the heavy feeling in my chest, wanting to give my all. I wanted the performance to be perfect, and not being completely happy wouldn't give me what I wanted to achieve.

"Hold on, Levi. You'll get there soon.", I told myself.

As the platform rose up to the stage, I pushed back all of my feelings. I was doing this for my family. For my fans.

For Zoe.

Doneeeee! What do you guys think? Also, the next few chapters will be in Levi's POV. Make sure to comment, vote and share! Love you guys! Peace out!

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