Chapter 34

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                                                        Red Columbine:Trembling
TW: A panic attack takes place between the following signs:

Zoe's POV

He... he what? He loved me? Before I could say anything to him, the doors of the plane closed, and Levi was out of my sight. For the next year. I could feel my tears threatening to spill, but I took a deep, trembling breath, facing Harley and Jacob who were looking at me with concern painted across their faces.

 I was in too much despair to even think about putting a fake smile on, and quickly started walking towards the direction that we came from. I could still feel the warmth of Levi's arms around my shoulder, and the feeling of his soft lips against mine.

As we reached the car, Jacob got in the front to drive, and Harley sat in the back with me, taking my hand in hers, and squeezing it. I could feel Jacob's eyes boring into my head through the rear view mirror, but I didn't look up. Not once. 

I kept my head down, not wanting to let anyone see any accidentally spilled tears. Thankfully, we were home before I could burst out into loud sobs. I rushed out of the car, and went inside the apartment building with Harley and Jacob.

Quickly looking towards them, I said, "Um... I think I'm gonna go to bed now. I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay?"

Harley's eyebrows furrowed, and she said, "I was actually hoping to spend the night with you. I... thought you could use some company."

I smiled, and shook my head, saying, "It's okay, Harley. I know what this is about. You can sleep at your place. I would actually prefer some time alone."

She seemed extremely skeptical, but to my relief, she nodded. I quickly got inside the elevator with her, not wanting to wait a second longer to be in the comfort of my apartment. As I reached my floor, I quickly waved at Harley and Jacob, seeing their worried expressions. I tried my best to keep up a relatively okay looking exterior, and I think I pulled it off. I mean, Harley was going back to her apartment, and that meant something. Right?

᯾ As soon as the two had left, I rushed towards my apartment, the feeling of not being able to breathe already overtaking me. Fumbling with the keys, I managed to open the door without starting to wheeze. Then, I rushed inside, locking it tightly behind me. Instantly, I sank down, my back against the door. I could hear my breathing becoming heavier and heavier, making me feel like there was no end to this misery. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and horrible thoughts occupied my head.

I wasn't going to meet Levi ever again. He was going to find someone else. I would be left alone. Riley would come back. He would r*pe me again. Endless scenarios, all bad, ran through my head, making me feel like I the attack would never finish. The worst part was knowing that I was thinking of things that had a very small chance of happening in real life, and not being able to stop myself. After what felt like an eternity, my breathing slowed down again, and I fell into a deep slumber, right by the door.᯾

(AN: Zoe had a panic attack. Thoughts of her not meeting Levi again, or Riley coming back to get her ran through her head. Eventually, it stopped, and exhausted, she fell asleep right there.)


The next morning, I woke up next to the door, feeling utterly confused. When I recalled the events of the night before, I decided to put it all behind me, and move on. After all, I was going to be without Levi for an entire year. I had to get used to it. For him, myself and our future. 

My day was going to be busy. I had scheduled an appointment with a therapist, and was supposed to get there by eight in the evening. I also planned on continuing to go to the flower shop, and had thanked my friend for her help with an envelope occupied with money.

As I got up from the floor, I instantly went to the bathroom, avoiding any mirror in the house. I didn't want to see my swollen face. Quickly washing my face with cold, refreshing water, I laid out a to-do list in my head. 

I was trying to distract myself from the fact that Levi was gone by busying myself with other things. I hopped into the shower, turning the setting on cold, trying to wake myself up. Each and every part of my heart was screaming at me to stop, lay down on the floor and cry, but I charged through my normal morning routine, trying to make myself thing that nothing was missing.

Soon, I was dressed in a white, pirate sleeved blouse, with some bell-bottom jeans. I tied my hair into a low, loose ponytail, and went straight to the kitchen, grabbing some overnight oats, and instantly starting to eat them. 

As I grabbed my keys, I heard the doorbell ring. I instantly stopped chewing on my breakfast, standing alert. Although I could have been wrong, it definitely wasn't Harley. Harley would always barge into my apartment, and Levi's absence was another reason for her to not ring the bell.

I walked towards the door, slowly, making the entire situation seem like it had come straight out of a horror movie. I was anxious, and the fast beating of my heart proved that. The familiar feeling of a pit forming in my stomach overtook me. As I reached the door, I quickly pulled the cover off of the peephole, trying to make out the person on the other side.

The person seemed like she was a girl. Tall, blonde and adorned in a crop-top and jeans. Did I know her? I couldn't make out her face, but her blonde hair seemed very familiar. A little too familiar. As a strand of my own hair fell in front of my face from behind my ear, I realized exactly who she was. The person who was the cause of my nightmares.

As I opened the door, I said, "Alyssa?"

A HUGE cliffhanger, but you people are probably used to it. Anyway, make sure to tell me what you think will happen next, comment other stuff, vote and share! I love you guys! Peace out!

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