Chapter 46

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                                                       Baby's Breath:Everlasting love

Zoe's POV

Levi and I sat on the sofa, looking at a smirking Jacob and an amused Harley. The two had caught us in the middle of our make-out session, and things had gotten... a little steamy. Unfortunately, the devils thought that that was the perfect time to pop into the room like two food loving jack-in-the-boxes. They just about gave me a heart attack.

I was sitting with a heavy blush across my cheeks, whereas Levi was annoyed. His arms were folded, and he was glaring at the smirking idiots in front of us, very clearly irritated at the fact that the two of us had been interrupted. 

"Now that the two of you are done smirking at us, can you please leave? I have been waiting for this moment for a year.", Levi said, glaring at Jacob and Harley.

Their eyes instantly widened, and the two got up, apologizing over and over again. My eyebrows furrowed. What kind of witchcraft was Levi doing? In a few seconds, the two were out of the room, leaving me utterly confused. What the heck had just happened?

Before I could dwell on my thoughts for too long, Levi had grabbed me by my waist, picking me up bridal style, and taking us to the bedroom. The blush that had previously faded became prominent again, and I looked away, not being able to see him gaze at me so intensely. I could hear him chuckling.

He nuzzled his face in my neck, whispering, "You're so adorable."

My blush brightened. Soon, we were inside the bedroom. He gently laid me down on the bed, closing the door behind us. Then, he walked over towards me, getting in a plank position above me.

"Now, where were we?", he said, before his lips descended upon mine once again.

Our mouths danced together, and all I could feel was complete and utter bliss. My eyes fluttered and closed, my body wanting to enjoy the moment to its fullest. I couldn't have asked for a better thing to do the first time we met after an entire year. 

All of Levi's longing, want and need poured into the kiss, and the two of us were getting more passionate by the second. Soon, the unfortunate need for taking in oxygen got in our way, and the two of us had pulled back. As always, I huffed and puffed, whereas Levi seemed much less out of breath. Well, he was a singer after all.

Once the two of us had gotten our heart rates back to normal, Levi smiled at me. He got off of me, helping me stand up. The two of us decided to sleep, and I went to the bathroom, grabbing my pajamas on the way there. I quickly brushed my teeth and changed, happy at the fact that the two of us were reunited. And had finished the lasagna.

The twinkle in his eyes when he saw it made me happy, because I knew that he had understood exactly why I had made it. That lead to the make-out session, which was then ruined by the devils. 

I quickly got out of the bathroom, smoothing down my shirt. As I looked up, my eyes widened. There stood Levi. A very half-naked Levi. Thankfully, I didn't squeal like a crazy fangirl, and managed to compose myself before I could do anything stupid. His abs and muscles seemed even more defined than before, probably because of all that dancing.

Before I could look away, I noticed something weird on his chest. The extremely sad tattoo that I had once discovered now seemed to have more words. I walked closer to him, my eyebrows furrowing. Levi was looking at me with a smile on his face, encouraging me to keep walking closer.

Soon, I was standing right in front of him, looking up at his face in confusion. He smiled at me gently, taking my hand and putting it on his chest, right above the line.

"Read it.", he whispered, looking at me affectionately.

I looked at the tattoo, and gasped in surprise. There were more words. It now said: The beauty of pain is that it can't be seen by just anyone. Only by the ones that love you. I love you, Zoe Hester.

Tears flooded into my eyes. He remembered? 

Before I could say anything, Levi said, "While I was on tour, I was thinking about those words a lot. And I realized that you were right. That truly is the beauty of pain. My pain is the thing that lead me to you, Zoe, and I'm thankful to it every single day."

The tears spilled out of my eyes, and all I could do was put my arms around his neck. Not a word was coming out of my throat. I couldn't believe that he'd remembered. And... the last line. He tattooed it onto his chest. I couldn't believe it.

It made me feel like this would be our forever. I wanted it to be our forever. He was the person who made me feel happy, loved and cherished, and I wanted to hold onto him for as long as I could. I was so thankful to him. His every word, action and gesture had made me more happy than anything else in the past years, and I loved him for that.

I knew very well that the two of us would always be together. He would forever have my heart, and I would have his. We were meant to be together, and nothing could ever make me think otherwise. He was it.

My always and forever.

Doneee! Feel single yet, people? Well, I do. Make sure to let me know if you liked it, and vote if you love the lovebirds' relationship! I swear to god, my own book characters make me feel single. XD Anyway, love you guys! Peace out!

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