Chapter 42

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                                                     Pink Carnation: Mothers Love
Levi's POV

"Celine? What are you doing here?", I whispered, completely flabbergasted.

What the heck was she doing in Paris? Wasn't she supposed to be at home, in the Jaxon mansion?

"I... came to see you, honey. Someone told me that you wanted to make this work, and I wanted to give it a shot.", she murmured, looking up and down between the floor and my eyes.

I instantly knew that it was Zoe. She was the only one who would do something like that. I invited her in, and sheepishly, she came inside. She quickly looked around the room, and I saw her eyes fall on my phone that had a picture of Zoe and I together as a lock sceen. I could see her smile faintly. As I asked her to sit down on the couch, she turned towards me.

"Levi, we need to talk. About a lot, actually. Starting from... when I came into your life."

I nodded, swallowing a big lump in my throat. I knew that it was going to be hard, but I wanted to do it. I had to do it.

"Can you tell me what you felt? What... you wanted me to change? Why you hated me?"

I took a deep breath, and told her everything.

"I... didn't hate you because of some personal flaw that you had. Of course not. I didn't even know you enough to hate you for one of your traits. I guess... I blamed you for everything. I thought you were the one who took dad away from mom and I."

I could see her eyebrows furrowing, and her eyes becoming watery.

"Do you... do you still feel that way? Do you still think that I'm the one who took your dad away?", she whispered, sounding desperate. Desperate for me to tell her that I didn't.

"No, I don't. But mom died because she had a heart attack. I'm sure that that's not the reason. I'm sure that she died of heartache. When you and dad got married, she would always try her best to remain the same, amazing mom that I had always known. But she couldn't keep up the facade. She tried her best, but I could hear her crying every night."

Celine's tears spilled out of her eyes, and she grabbed a tissue, quickly wiping them away. I continued.

"I blamed you for everything. If dad hadn't found you, at least that's what I thought, mom would be alive. I've only now begin to realize how... much I misjudged you. I'm... sorry, Celine."

She was sobbing, and I could feel my own heart breaking a little. Suddenly, she stood up, and started walking towards me. I thought she was about to slap me, but she did the complete opposite. She wound her arms around my waist, buried her face in my chest, continuing to cry.

"I'm so glad you don't think that way anymore, Levi. I truly want this to work. I want the two of us to have a beautiful relationship. But we need to talk everything out.", she said, backing away from me and looking at my face. "Tell me everything. After your mom's death, how did you feel?"

I was shocked by her sudden display of affection, but quickly got over it. She sat back down again, wiping away her tears.

"When mom died, I was extremely angry at dad. His every nice word, attempt at making me happy and attempt at including me into his family was infuriating. Eventually, I... developed Intermittent Explosive Disorder. I would get angry at the smallest things." She was listening attentively, as if scared that if she missed a single detail, our fragile relationship would come tumbling down.

"After his death, I got angry at myself. I blamed myself for everything. And I remember blaming myself most for being a horrible son. Even though I had apparently killed dad, I wasn't able to forgive him. Not matter how hard I tried. It ate me up inside, and I cut off all ties with everyone, except for Jacob. That's where my singing career began."

Her tears were flowing out again, and she was sniffling, constantly wiping her tears away with the tissue in her hand. She motioned for me to continue, and I complied.

"For years, my only family was my fanbase. They were always there, constantly supporting me. Of course, Jacob was there too. He had never gotten tired of my outbursts, and always been helpful. That's where we hit it off. After my debut, and two world tours, I decided to spend my break in my home town. To... visit mom and dad."

She nodded eagerly, probably wanting me to tell her everything.

So, I said, "There, I met Zoe. I was  going to a flower shop to buy some flowers to go to the graveyard, and I happened to stumble upon Zoe. She was absolutely adorable, blushing and seeming hesitant to talk to me. Not that I blame her. In fact, she's quite smart for doing that."

A smile made it's way across Celine's lips.

"Over time, the two of us got to know each other. I saw how much of an amazing person she really was, and with a whole lot of complications, the two of us got together. I saw the beauty inside of her, and couldn't believe that such a human existed. I love her to bits, and won't ever let her go. Unless she wants me to. Even then, I just know that I'll go crazy without her. I still don't know how we're doing what we are."

Her smiled had widened, and she said, "Zoe is a beautiful person, inside and out. I can't believe that such an angel has entered our lives, and helped us in so many ways. I truly can't thank her enough."

She had a smile on her face, and a faraway look in her eyes, as if she was thinking about something else.

She looked at me, her eyes meeting mine, and said, "No matter what happens, and even if you don't reciprocate my feelings, I will always love you like my own son, Levi. I hope you know that."

She got up from her chair, flashed a smile, wheeled the food in, and left.

Fini! So, this chapter gave you people an insight on Levi's life before Zoe, and everything that had happened. Did you like it? Make sure to comment, vote and share! Love you guys! Peace out!

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