Chapter 20

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Zoe's POV

My already wide eyes became even wider, my chest still heaving up and down from the insane amount of time that Levi had kept his lips locked on mine. He was still smirking down at me, and only then did I realize that we were still in the same position, me leaning back, and him holding onto my waist and head.

I quickly leaned up, dodging his face so that we wouldn't end up kissing again, even though I would've loved that. Once the two of us were upright again, I stepped back from him, looking up and down between the floor and his smirking face out of sheer embarrassment.

As I shifted on my feet, I said,"I... uh..."

His smirk never left his face, and before I knew it, I had turned around and was sprinting towards the elevator. However, before I could reach it, Levi grabbed my wrist, pulling me back towards his chest. The amount of physical affection Levi was showing towards me was unbelievable, and I was sure that if my eyes widened any more, they would pop right out of their sockets.

Levi bent his face to the side, looking at me, his lips still curved slightly towards his right cheek, and said, "Don't run please. We'll go together."

He then let me go, taking my hand in his, and walking, or more like dragging me towards the door. We both went inside, and the little amount of time that we were in the elevator was probably one of the most embarrassing for me in my entire life. Levi was leaning against the wall, his arms folded across his chest, and continuously watched me, amusement sparkling in his eyes.

I was the complete opposite. I was looking everywhere but towards him, trying to forget what had just happened. Surely, he didn't mean to do that? When the thought that he did it out of his own choice echoed inside my mind, my cheeks turned pomegranate red, making him throw his head back and laugh loudly.

As soon as we reached my apartments floor, I rushed out of the elevator, hurriedly turning the keys in the lock and trying to get inside the apartment before Levi could get to me. But of course, Mr. "I walk faster than the man who takes me to the aisle where one of the grocery items that I need is" reached me right as the door opened, and he caught my wrist, yet again.

My eyes shut tightly, and I inwardly cursed myself for walking slower than a grandma with back pain. He turned me around, and I looked down, not wanting to see the expression on his face.

He then said,"Don't we need to talk about what just happened up there?" His tone was serious, and I heard the other question that he wanted to ask in it. One that I could clearly understand.

He was wondering if what happened upstairs was just a one time thing. So, instead of running inside the room like my a*s was on fire, I nodded, and lead him towards the couch. Once we had sat down, the two of us didn't say anything. Once again, an awkward silence encompassed us, making the nervous pit in my stomach become the size of a boulder. His fingers were tapping a tune on the back of a book that he had picked up from the coffee table, and things were getting more awkward by the second. Suddenly, the tapping stopped, and I looked up at him. He then said words that made my jaw drop open.

"I like you."

That's it. So blunt, and simple, yet so very mind blowing. Levi Jaxon, the famous singer, liked me? Hold up, did I earn myself a hearing problem from all of the noise that was caused by Levi's bottle smashing fiasco?

My eyebrows furrowed, and I said, "I'm sorry, what? I don't think I heard you right."

Once again, he repeated the words that had pulled the world out from underneath my feet.

"I like you Zoe Hester. And no, not just as a friend. As something more than that. Would it be too much to ask you to be my girlfriend?"

A choked sound left my throat, and I quickly put my hands over it, surprised at the weird noise that I had just made. He wanted me to be his girlfriend?! What on Earth is wrong with him? But as I looked into his eyes, I saw nothing but sincerity. Two beautiful, blue pools showing nothing but affection and sincerity.

Every possible outcome of the relationship that he was asking me to commit myself to ran through my mind, forming a huge, messy blob in my mind. But, one piece stood out to me. It seemed the brightest, like the biggest star in sky. Love.

It was the one thing that I had craved. The one thing that I had always wanted after the death of my parents. Once Harley gave it to me, I felt like I was on top of the world. But I wanted to feel a different kind of love. The one between lovers. And as I looked at his face, his expression begging me to accept, I made my choice.

With a simple "Yes", my fate was intertwined with Levi's. And for some reason, I felt a weird lightness in my chest, completely unlike what I thought I would feel. The worried expression on Levi's face melted away, and was replaced by shock.

"Y-yes? You mean that you're agreeing?"

I laughed, and nodded. Suddenly, a huge grin overtook his face, and he enveloped me in his arms. Light giggles escaped my mouth as he crushed me in his arms. The amazing feeling that I was getting inside my stomach was overwhelming, and I found myself trying to push it back. Levi's face buried itself into my neck, and I could feel the indentations of his lips against my skin. But suddenly, a thought popped into my mind.

I leaned away from Levi, and although I knew that I would regret what I did later on, I said, "Levi, we need to talk to your mom."

The smile on his face melted away into a stone cold expression.

Doneeeee! I feel like I have a thing for cliffhangers. I always feel bad about leaving you guys on one, but then I'm just like "Eh, they'll get another chappie soon". Anyway, hope you people liked this chapter. If you did, make sure to leave a comment, vote and share. Thank you so much for reading! I love you guys! Peace out!

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