Chapter 25

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Zoe's POV

Soon, he had stopped sobbing, and was just holding onto me. His arms were tight around my torso, and mine had moved up around his neck. His tears had soaked my shirt, and I could feel myself shivering. The cold air of the air conditioner was directly hitting me, and my soaked state wasn't helping. But I didn't let go. 

Levi was more important than me changing my t-shirt. His sniffles were soft, and as I looked at him from the corner of my eyes, his face was slightly red, the dried tears on his face making it seem slightly more pale.

"Thank you Zoe. Thank you for understanding, and not running away from me.", he murmured, his voice small. 

I smiled slightly, rubbing his back. His t-shirt was crumpled, my constant patting making it crinkle.

"I have faith in you Levi. What you've been through is nothing short of horrible, and if you've survived so far, I'm sure that you'll be able to make amends. Not only with yourself, but also with Celine." My voice was quiet, and I tried to be as gentle as possible. 

I could feel him nodding his head. I pulled myself back, moving away from him. His eyes shot up, looking into mine, and they showed relief. Relief and thankfulness.

Celine was going to get quite a surprise the next time Levi visited her. I would make sure that their next meeting would be early, but I wouldn't pressurize Levi. I wanted him to take it easy, and take as much time as he wanted. He got up, went in the room, and came back in another t-shirt and some sweatpants.

 I smiled at him, and he smiled back, making me relieved. At least he wasn't depressed. He was okay. I was okay. The two of us were fine, and at that moment, that was all that mattered.

He walked up to me, hugged me, and said, "Zoe, I know that you probably won't like this, but can I know what happened to you? You don't need to tell me, but I would find myself at ease if you did. I would know what to do, and what not to do." 

He was looking at me, sincerity in his words, and a comforting expression on his face.My breath got caught in my throat. Was I going to be able to tell him? He had told me everything about his past, but I wasn't ready. The scars that I had were too deep to be looked at. Not only by others, but also by me. I was afraid that if I reopened the chest of my past, I wouldn't be able to keep going. 

Each and every little thing that I had gone through was a prominent memory in my head, but I had locked it all in a small part of my mind, pretending that part was invisible. I sighed, looked down, and shook my head. Levi didn't sigh, or show any sign of annoyance. In fact, he seemed the total opposite.

He lifted my face up, a smile on his face, and said, "It's okay. I understand." 

I inwardly let out a sigh of relief, and smiled back at him. But before he could reciprocate it, I was being taken into the room, Levi carrying me bridal style. As he put me down on the bed, a blush bloomed on my face. He kneeled down, laying over me, his arms keeping him from putting the weight of his body on mine. As he swooped down, his lips came in contact with mine. The only difference from the last few kisses that we had shared was the fact that I was expecting it.

His lips moved against mine. The two of us were not being very physical. Instead, the emotions that were poured into the kiss made the passion flow in it. His lips were warm, and mine were cold. As the two stayed in contact with each other, I could feel the two of us evening each other out. Both figuratively, and literally. His hand made it's way to the side of my head, and the other held him up. God, how was he staying in a one handed plank for so long?

Suddenly, he broke the kiss, looking into my eyes. But as quickly as his lips went away, they were back on mine again. But this time he was more physical. His lips were pressing against mine, hard, and soon, I could feel his tongue pushing against my lips. My previously closed eyes opened out of shock, but I let him in. His hand moved away from my face, and moved towards my legs, opening them slightly. His legs moved themselves inside the little space that he had created for himself, and a little of his weight leaned on mine.

A moan left his lips, and my heart started to pound inside my chest. Oh no... This was not going where I wanted it to. I quickly pulled away, looking up at him with wide eyes. He looked at me, slightly confused, and I shook my head at him. Once again, his eyes were questioning, asking me what was wrong.

"I- I'm not ready for that yet." 

He instantly got off of me, his eyes showing understanding, and he smiled, not seeming surprised at all.

"I wasn't planning on doing that Zoe. I would never do it without your permission.", he said, a slight smile clear in his voice. 

What he said made me relieved. Although taking one's permission was the norm, some people clearly didn't do that. Although I had never thought of Levi as anything like... Riley, him saying the words by himself brought me a sense of relief. Relief that made me have faith. Faith in myself. Faith that I could tell him.

"Do you really want to know what happened to me Levi?", I asked. 

He seemed slightly skeptical, but he nodded. He looked worried, and that enough gave me the courage to tell him the secret that I had locked away for so long.

"I-I'm a survivor of r*pe."

Donneeee! She told him! What do you guys think will happen next? Also, did you like the chapter? Make sure to comment, vote and share if you did! Love you guys! Peace out!

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