Chapter 27

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Zoe's POV

I woke up to the sound of light breathing right next to my ear. The sun was shining through the little gaps in the curtains, and the strong scent of masculine cologne came from right beneath me. When I turned my head to the side, I saw Levi. His peaceful, sleeping form was relaxed, and his arms were still tight around me. 

I put my hand on either side of him, trying to push myself up, but Levi was holding on to me as if his life depended on it, even in his sleep. After a whole lot of struggling, I was finally able to get up, waking Levi up in the process. As the sunlight hit his eyes, he groaned, but he was soon grinning down at me.

"Good morning, beautiful.", he said, his voice husky from his sleep. 

I murmured the words back at him, and his grin widened. Why was he acting like a child on Christmas morning? He quickly sat up, making me sit up along with him. He pressed a kiss to my cheek, and quickly put me down on the bed, grabbing his clothes, and going to the bathroom. I also got up, setting the bed. But I was confused. Why was Levi in such a rush? Did he have something to do?

As Levi got out of the bathroom, he said, "I need to go confirm some things with my manager. But when I come back, we're going to the beach. You'll probably be done working by then too. Jacob and Harley will be going with us."

 I nodded, a big grin across my face. We were going to the beach? Yay! I loved the beach! Standing on the soft sand, and feeling the cool water hit my skin was one of the best feelings in the world.

As the two of us got ready and sat in the car, I had to stop myself from bouncing up and down from pure excitement. I speedily dropped Levi off at a huge building, and drove to my flower shop. The entire day passed by in a blink. 

Customers rushed in and out of the shop, making it a busy day for me. But I didn't get tired. Not for a second. Mostly because I loved my job, but also because I had an event to look forward to. I was excited to get in the cool water, and have fun.

Soon, I could hear Harley's car honking outside. I quickly washed my hands, took off my apron, cleared all of the junk, and went outside, putting my shades up. Harley was in the front seat, a cover-up (that wasn't really covering anything) on her two piece, emerald swimsuit. Jacob sat beside her, wearing a plain t-shirt and some shorts, while Levi was in the back, a hoodie covering his form. Apparently, we were going to a private beach. Levi had rented the place. God, he really did have a lot of money to spare.

I opened the car door, and Harley handed me a maroon one-piece. The swimsuit was off-the shoulder, with one spaghetti strap, and another slightly frilly one around the arm. She also gave me some flip flops, and a white cover-up. 

I quickly went to the bathroom, changing, and came back out, seating myself next to Levi. He instantly grabbed me, putting me in his lap. Although I was blushing, I did manage to roll my eyes.

"Seriously? I need to tie my seatbelt. And also, Harley and Jacob are watching.", I whispered. 

He looked up at the two to see them staring at us through the rear view mirror, smirks painted across their faces, only to look back down again, adjusting his glasses on his face. With a frustrated sigh, he let me go, and I shuffled to my seat, quickly tying my seatbelt.

The car ride wasn't very long, and soon, we were all grabbing our bags, and walking through the sand towards the private beach. The sand was soft and light golden, running through my toes, and the scent of the crystal clear ocean reached my nose.

 I took it all in, before setting up the beach towels, and applying some sunscreen. My pale skin would definitely turn into a tomato if I didn't, so I lathered it everywhere, not wanting to take any chances.

As Levi took off his shirt, and grabbed my hand once I had taken off my cover-up, I could feel myself feeling giddy. The water was so close, I just wanted to jump in. I looked towards Levi, trying to portray my excitement, just to see him staring at me with a light blush across his cheeks, and a slightly dropped down jaw. 

I quickly looked around, wondering if there was something wrong. Only when he looked me up and down, and quickly turn away did I realize that I was half naked. Once again, a pink hue coated my cheeks, and I looked the other way, tucking my now loose hair behind my ears.

I cleared my throat, and grabbed Levi's hand, starting to run towards the water. The soft sand was getting kicked up in clouds of golden behind us, and I could hear our joyous laughter ring out, and the sound of Harley and Jacob yelling at us to wait for them behind us.

 As we reached the water, I quickly plunged in, going deeper, and diving to the bottom. The cold and refreshing water against my skin was soothing, and the faint sound of the others splashing around and laughing could be heard. As I pulled myself out of the water, I saw Levi. He was smiling brightly, and looking at me in awe and happiness.

"I have to tell you something.", he said. 

At that moment, all I could think of was the happiness that was flowing through me, and thought that his next words were going to be nothing but cheerful.

Well, he did seem happy as he said, "I'm going on tour. In a month."

Finito! Well, hope you liked it. Considering the fact that the only bad news was the last line, I'm sure you did. Did you? Let me know in the comments! Also, make sure to comment and share! XD Love you guys! Peace out!

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