Chapter 33

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Forget-me-not:Do not forget me
Zoe's POV

Levi and I were cuddled together in bed, desperately trying to fall asleep, but failing miserably. The month had passed by in a a flash. I had tried my best to keep working, but decided to ask the college student to take over for the last week. 

Levi was supposed to get on the plane tomorrow night, leaving me behind for a year. Harley and Jacob were officially together, and we were all having the time of our life.

But of course, all happiness eventually does come to an end. I was miserable. Levi was going to leave, and this was our last night together. Sadness had overcome me, but because of the fact that I was the one who had originally implemented this idea into real life, I tried to not show a lot of my emotions. Until Levi was gone, I would try my best to look happy, and cheerful. Not in a rude way, of course, but so that everyone wouldn't worry.

Levi had pushed me close to his body, and was gently stroking my hair, seemingly deep in thought. He was holding me tightly, as if afraid that I would drift away from him in the wind. I was holding him back just as tightly, wanting to feel the warmth of his skin beside me forever.

In a low, whispering voice, he murmured, "So, this is our last night together. You know that I'll miss you a lot, right Zoe? You know that I'll come back to you right?" I nodded, making him sigh in relief. "Don't even think about trying to leave me. Please?"

Although he was trying to make it seem like a joke, I could hear the sincerity in his question. He was obviously worried that our relationship might crumble. Like it was nothing. Like it never existed. That provided some weird sort of relief to me, because I myself was worrying over the same question.

"Of course I won't Levi. I'll be right here, waiting for you. The two of us need to get therapy, and when you'll be back, we'll live happily, with no worries about our past.", I whispered back, my hand rubbing his back.

He sighed deeply, picking me up, and putting me on top of him. I moved my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder. My heart was on the verge of shattering into pieces, and I was trying to hold my tears in. 

I could feel the moistness gathering in my eyes, making me shut them tightly. But when Levi lightly kissed my cheek, I lost all control over myself. The tears spilled down my cheeks, and I started to sniffle, making Levi sit up with me in his lap.

"No, no, no. Zoe, please don't cry sweetheart! We'll be together again, and we'll be happier than ever! Please don't cry. You're going to make me break my promise if you do. I won't be able to stay away from you if I know that you're crying.", he said, his voice emitting the despair that he had probably buried deep within himself.

Although I tried hard to hold back my sniffles, I couldn't. My tears spilled out of my eyes, and soon, Levi's entire shoulder was soaked. He was rubbing my back, pressing comforting kisses to my cheeks every now and then, and continuously asking me to not be sad. Soon, my light sobs had stopped, and I could feel my exhaustion overtaking me. With sticky eyes, and horrible thoughts in my mind, I fell asleep.


Levi and I were rushing around the house, packing his clothes. Our stupid selves had forgotten that he had to pack some jackets, because the weather would be cold in some other countries. Thankfully, he had some in my closet, and we were stuffing them into his carry-on. Because of the utter chaos that erupted around us, I didn't even have time to think of the fact that Levi was leaving. Only when we had stuffed everything inside my car, grabbed a half asleep Jacob, and yawning Harley and stuffed them all in the car did I realize.

Harley was driving, and Jacob wanted to apparently say "goodbye", so he was in the front seat. To be honest, it looked more like he was about to wave goodbye, and flatten himself against the sidewalk, thinking it was his bed. Levi held my hand, and hugged me close. This time, I didn't object.

 He was leaving me. Technically, I was forcing him to leave, but he was still not going to see me for a year. And I wasn't going to see him either. I could feel the choked feeling of held back tears overtaking me, but I kept myself strong, not wanting to worry anyone.

Throughout the ride, Levi was constantly hugging me, pressing kisses to my forehead, and holding my hand firmly in his own. Soon, we were inside the private airport, taking Levi to his private jet. As the four of us walked with Levi, I continuously bit my lip, trying to hold my emotions back.

In a few minutes, Levi was hugging Harley and Jacob goodbye, and I was on the verge of bursting into tears. Finally, he came to me, looking into my eyes for a minute or so. Time seemed to slow down as he grabbed my chin, pushed his model-like clothes clad body against mine, and pushed his lips against my own, kissing me goodbye.

 I savored the feeling, knowing that I wouldn't experience it again for a long time. His lips against mine, and the warmth that he provided me was something I would miss terribly. As he pulled back, I looked at his handsome features in detail one last time.

He furrowed his eyebrows, and murmured, "Don't forget me, okay? Know that I will be back. We will be together again. Until then, keep me in your heart, and don't run away from our inevitable reunion."

I nodded, my eyes squinting from the lights of the plain shining behind Levi. As the men grabbed his carry-on, taking it up towards the plane, I kept my eyes on him.

He walked backwards, his eyes on mine, and said words that made my world come crashing down. "I love you Zoe Hester."

He turned around, and boarded the plane.

This was so sad to write, I'm crying right now! :'( Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter! Make sure to let me know what you think is gonna happen next! Also, make sure to comment, vote and share! Love you guys! Peace out!

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