Chapter 11

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Daffodils:New Beginnings
Trigger warning: A panic attack happens between the following signs

Zoe's POV

As we pulled up outside of Levi's apartment's building, I sighed in relief. At least I knew where I was, and didn't need to feel as panicked as I did a few minutes ago. Levi pulled the hoodie tighter around me, making me realize that the paparazzi were still out there.

Only then did I realize the severity of the situation. When I was taken to the car by Levi from the flower shop, I was too confused to realize what was happening. But at that moment, I knew exactly what was happening.

If the paparazzi saw my face, I would undoubtedly be all over social media. And if I was tracked down, he could easily find me. The person who was the bane of all of my panic attacks, problems and nightmares. Thinking about it made me start panicking, and I could already feel my breathing getting heavier.

Before I could say anything, the car's door was opened, and Levi and Jacob were covering me as I walked. I tried to keep the attack away for as long as I could, not wanting to trouble Levi and Jacob more than I already had. Thankfully, the three of us got into Levi's apartment safely.

᯾As soon as we were in the safety of his apartment, I threw off the hoodie, cap and sunglasses, sliding down against the door as I felt my breathing getting heavy, my heart thundering inside my chest and the lightheaded feeling overcoming me. My head was pounding inside my skull, and I could barely hold myself up against the door in a seated position.

Levi and Jacob's panicked voices reached me in a low blur of words. I could feel my head being laid down in someone's lap, and I could smell the masculine cologne of Levi reaching my nostrils. After a few more minutes of my heavy breathing and other panic attack symptoms, my breathing had finally slowed down.᯾

(AN/ She just had a panic attack, Levi laid her head down in his lap because she couldn't support herself and the panic attack soon finished.)

I opened my previously closed eyes, and saw Levi and Jacob staring at me in pure shock. Jacob's eyes were wide with surprise, and Levi was staring at me with shock and concern. Jacob cleared his throat, got up from his crouched position and walked to the other room, leaving Levi alone with me.

For a few minutes, he continued to stare at me, but he soon broke out of his utter surprise and reached a hand out towards my head. My heart was thundering inside my chest, and I knew that it wasn't because of Levi's and I's proximity.

As bad as it sounds, I didn't want him to know about my disorder. Mostly because it would lead to him questioning my past. I realized that my head was still in his lap, and I quickly got up, dodging his hand as I did so.

He looked at me with a grim expression, and said, "You have panic attacks?"

It was very clear that I did, and to be honest, that was a stupid question to ask. Nevertheless, I nodded, trying to gauge his reaction.

His grim expression turned into a stone cold one, and he then said, "Do you... do you have PTSD?"

I could feel the nervous pit in my stomach becoming larger. If I told him that I did, how would he react? Would he throw me out of his life again? Would he start to pity me? Unfortunately, I didn't have an answer to those questions, and I convinced myself that telling him would be a better thing to do. So, I nodded.

He didn't seem the least bit surprised, and I could tell that the question that he asked was just a confirmation for what he had already figured out. Suddenly, he opened his arms, inviting me for a hug. After seeing that he wasn't kicking me out, I launched myself into his muscular arms, feeling the taut flesh pressed against my back and sides.

His embrace was comforting, and I felt myself relaxing. Suddenly, I heard a throat clearing. Looking up, I saw Jacob looking at us with a slight smile.

He said, "Well, I hate to interrupt this moment, but we have some work to do. Also, are you okay Zoe?"

I pushed myself away from Levi, who was clearly angry at Jacob for ruining the moment and making it embarrassing. I smiled at him, and nodded.

He grinned at me, and said, "Then we need to settle a few things. Levi?"

He looked at Levi questioningly, and Levi nodded at him. Why were the two of them such confusing people? Jacob walked out of the room, and Levi turned towards me, clearly wanting to talk about something important . Again, I could feel the nervousness rising inside of me, but I quickly pushed it down.

"As you can probably tell, the paparazzi have found the place where I live. And unfortunately, it will be dangerous for me to continue living here. The only problem is that the other apartment that I'm renting isn't yet renovated, and there aren't any other places that I can go to. Actually, other places that both Jacob and I can go to.", Levi told me.

I nodded, slowly, trying to process the information that he'd just given me. He continued.

"You see, Jacob is an NFL player, so he's always traveling. Otherwise, he lives with me. So... we were wondering if... if we could stay at your place. Is that okay with you?"

And just like that, another bomb was dropped on me. How the heck was I supposed to explain the situation to Harley, who was literally always in my apartment?

Oh boy. This was gonna be a hard decision to make.

I wasn't supposed to update today, but I felt like it. So yeah. Anyway, thank you so much for reading! Are you liking the book so far? Anything that I should change? Let me know in the comments. Also, don't forget to press that little star icon. Love you guys! Peace out!

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