Chapter 38

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Basil:Good wishes
Zoe's POV

She seemed shocked, and her mouth had dropped open. I could tell that my words had shocked her to the core. Suddenly, her frozen state was replaced by a slumped position. She leaned against the kitchen counter.

In a desperately sad voice, she murmured, "Why? He doesn't like me anyway. I've been trying to break his barrier for years, but he doesn't want to have a proper mother-son relationship with me."

I smiled, happy about what I was about to say next.

"Celine, when the two of us got together, we talked about everything. His biological mother's death, your husband's death and his relationship with you. I am happy to say that he was able to open his eyes and see what an amazing relationship he was missing out on. He would've called you, but after resenting you for so long, he's obviously scared to."

Her eyes sparked with hope, and she seemed to consider what I was saying. Slowly, she walked over to the living room, turning on the television. Instantly, Levi's face popped up on screen. He was performing one of his hit songs. I watched with my eyebrows furrowed, seeing him sing the song soulfully. Suddenly,  Celine  sighed, reminding me that she was also in the room.

"Do you really think he's willing to make amends with me?", she asked, sounding hopeful. "Will he really try to establish a better relationship with me?"

I nodded at her, portraying my utmost faith in Levi. I knew he wanted this. But he was too scared to ask her, because of the prospect of her getting tired of the constant rejection that Levi had put her through. Instantly, she smiled, and picked up her phone.

Making a call, she said, "I would like to book a ticket for a flight to Paris. As soon as possible. Tomorrow morning? Yes, that's perfect! Thank you very much!"

I was smiling at her encouragingly, seeing her shaking hands. The poor woman was very obviously terrified, but she was also willing to build a strong bond with her son. I was happy that she had understood.

"Would it be okay to ask you to help me pack? I... want an opinion on things. Since you're his girlfriend, you know him best. Is that okay?", she asked, sounding hopeful.

"Of course! I would love to!", I replied, feeling enthusiastic.

As she lead me to a huge, walk-in closet, filled with designer bags, shoes, clothes and other accessories, I really wished that Harley was with me. Being a girl who wore nothing but blouses and jeans, I didn't know, or care a lot about fashion. Harley was a completely different story, and had often bought some expensive outfits for herself.

Still, I tried to help Celine as much as I could. As she asked me for my opinion on different items, I gave her honest answers. Just like I had suspected, she wasn't a snobby, stuck up fashionista who insulted my every word. In fact, she agreed with most of my choices, and soon, she had a suitcase packed with different outfits, accessories, and shoes. The suitcase contained clothes that were probably more expensive than my apartment, but I didn't judge.

"Zoe, it's almost three right now. Would you like to stay the night? I can put you into a ready made guest room. I wouldn't want you to travel alone so late at night."

After a little bit of contemplation, I agreed. My eyes were already drooping, and I was trying my best to not start yawning in front of Celine. She lead me to a room at the end of the hallway. She opened the door, and revealed a huge, modern, ruby-green room. 

A huge bed was in the middle of the room. On one side, another door lead to the black, white and ruby-green bathroom, with a huge bathtub, shower and sink. The bathtub was right in front of a window which showcased the beautiful garden.

She handed me a fancy pair of black, silk pajamas, with a red robe. I thanked her for the room, and instantly hopped inside the bathroom when she left. The sound of the warm water filling the tub was soothing, and I poured in some of the essential oils at the side. Soon, the entire bathroom was filled with the smell of roses.

I stripped out of my clothes, and quickly hand washed them, putting them in a drying rack to dry for the next day. Then, I got in the warm bath, sighing as the water came in contact with my skin. I put my head back against the edge of the bath-tub, letting myself go completely.

These things were the ones that made life worth living. I felt completely relaxed, and soon, the quietness in my mind converted to thoughts. Thoughts about Celine, and how she was going to meet Levi. Thoughts about Alyssa, and the new start that we were eager to have also ran through my mind.

But the one who appeared in my mind the most was the one and only mind-intruder: Levi. I was curious about him. How was he? Was he having fun on his tour? Was he excited to meet his fans? Many questions ran through my head, and it was so hard to not open my phone, and quickly text him.

Somehow, I refrained myself from doing so, quickly thinking about the situation at hand. I really hoped that Celine and Levi would be able to be happy. They both deserved the best in the world, and I was more than happy to be the one who helped them achieve a beautiful bond that would help the both of them get over Levi's dad's death.

I really wished Celine the best of luck.

Doneeee! Two chapters later, you people are getting a Levi's POV, so... yeah. Also, make sure to comment, vote and share! Did you like it? Did you not? How do you think Levi's meeting with Celine will go? Make sure to let me know in the comments! Love you guys! Peace out!

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