Chapter 7

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Chrysantheums: Goodbye

Zoe's POV

The two of us quickly cleared up our plates, and sat down in front of the T.V. to start our Harry Potter marathon. I was literally bouncing up and down in my seat from excitement. Harry Potter was my all time favorite book series and movie series. No matter how many times I'd seen it, I would always act like a child high on fruit roll ups if someone even suggested to watch the movies. I wanted to slap Levi for taking so long to make the popcorn as I sat there, trying to wait for him patiently.

When he finally arrived, I grabbed the remote and pressed the play button. He sat down, and started to watch the movie. And by watch the movie, I mean stare at me like a grandmother staring at her grandsons new girlfriend. His heated gaze was burning the side of my face. Literally. I could feel a blush forming on my cheeks, and it seemed that he knew, because he chuckled and looked at the screen, even though Harry was getting thrown into the closet at that moment.

A few hours, some intense blushing sessions and Levi's piercing gaze later, we had finished the Prisoner of Azkaban, and had decided to take a break. I couldn't help but realize that I was starting to get even more comfortable with him, talking informally, and enjoying myself without any fear of what he could do. Hearing myself laugh as he tripped over his table just proved my point. He picked up his phone, and I could see his light hearted expression hardening as he looked at the screen. 

Looking slightly embarrassed and somewhat... regretful, he looked in my direction, and said,"I need to talk to you about something. It's very important."

I nodded at him, following him to his bedroom where I sat down on his cloud-like chair, feeling it sink underneath me. As I looked up at him, I could see his agitation clear on his face. He was running his hands through his hair, and pacing around the room. 

Suddenly, he stopped, and murmured, "I didn't invite you over for a sleepover. I actually had to tell you something. You'll probably hate me after this, which is good. I guess."

I stared at him, my wide eyes probably making me look like a male who'd gotten kicked in the balls. Except for the fact that I'm not a male. And I wasn't in pain either. Rather, I was extremely surprised. What was he saying?

"I can't really give you a lot of details, but I'm afraid I won't be able to see you from tomorrow onwards."

Blinking to get back to my senses, I said, "Are you going somewhere?"

He shook his head, making me ask him a bunch of other question. To all of which, the reply was "no". He wasn't busy, wasn't going anywhere, and didn't even have a jealous girlfriend trying to take revenge on me. Why the hell was he doing this then? Suddenly, a thought came into my head. Quickly rising up, I looked down at my feet, taking a moment to think about my next words. As I tilted my head up to look at him, I could see the conflict in his eyes. 

I ignored his pained facial expression, and said, "Got it. You don't wanna be friends. Well, it was nice knowing you Levi. And don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone about us being friends, so you don't have to be worried about the paparazzi. If you ever change your mind, I might just accept you as a friend again. But until then, or maybe until never again, have a nice life, and goodbye."

With that, I grabbed my bag and stormed out of there faster than his stupid, frustratingly handsome self could turn around, and pose for the non existent camera. As I opened the door, I felt the fresh burst of warm air hitting my face, and only then did I realize how suffocated the previous scene had just made me feel. Why did I grow so attached to him? I should've known that he was a hot jerk as soon as I saw him. But for some reason, something felt extremely off. As if I was missing a big piece of the puzzle that created the perfect facade that was Levi.

As I started to walk home, and get the annoying thoughts out of my head, all I could think of was one thing; A facade. Was that all Levi was? A facade of his true self? And if the version of him that I had met was a facade, what was his real self like? A million thoughts burst into my head, and a part of my heart was telling me to go back, because no matter how short of a time I had known him, this wasn't the Levi I knew.

Maybe that's exactly what it was. I didn't get to know him deeply enough, and jumped to conclusions stating that he was a nice, kind, handsome and cocky superstar. With these thoughts in mind, I continued to walk home, trying to leave as much of Levi behind as I could in the dark streets, reflecting my mood perfectly.

Done! Well, that's it for now. Thank you so much for reading! Let me know if you've liked the chapters so far, and if you did, make sure to press that little star icon.

Peace out!

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