Chapter 49

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                                                     Dwarf  Sunflower: Adoration
Zoe's POV

I checked myself in the mirror for the twentieth time, making sure that nothing was wrong with my outfit. I was wearing a black dress with spaghetti straps, and a v-neck that wasn't too revealing. The dress was just below the middle of my thigh, and I was constantly thinking of changing it. I had kept my hair loose.

Before I could change my outfit, Levi came up behind me, and whispered, "You look beautiful. Almost makes me want to keep you all to myself and not attend this dinner."

I blushed, looking down. My awkward self never knew how to reply to the constant compliments that Levi sent my way, and all I did was blush. Of course, Levi laughed, like he always did. I took a deep breath, and allowed Levi to take my hand in his. He took us to his car, and as soon as we got inside, he turned on the ignition, starting to drive.

Only a few minutes later, we were in front of a magnificent building. The two story building had a white exterior, with vintage, black metal signs. It was an Italian restaurant. I looked towards Levi who was smiling at me. I got out of the car, making sure to not accidentally flash someone.

As we were taken to our table, I saw that the entire restaurant was reserved, once again. God, it was really hard to be famous. I spotted Celine, who had stood up from her chair, rushing over towards me. Before I could do anything, she crushed me in a big, warm hug, making me smile and hug her back. I could feel a little bit of my nervousness dissipating.

"How are you, darling? It's been so long!", she said, releasing her tight hold on me. Not that I didn't like it.

I smiled at the wonderful person in front of me brightly, saying, "I've been great! And you're right! It has been too long. It's great to see you again."

She chuckled, saying "You always flatter me. I adore you!"

She then turned towards Levi, hugging him too. The scene made me smile brightly. Levi had his arms around her, and his eyes were closed, a warm smile on his face. I was so glad to see that the two had made up, I almost started dancing right then and there.

After the two had greeted each other, all three of us walked towards the table. Like he had done before, Levi pushed Celine's chair back as well as mine. I could see her raising her eyebrows at his gentleman-like behavior as she sat down, a small smile appearing on her face.

All three of us ordered ourselves some gnocchi, patiently waiting for it to come, and engaging ourselves in light conversation. Celine told me stories of her time with Levi on his tour. To be honest, some were pretty damn hilarious, and I found it hard to not choke on my fancy, sparkling water, which was supposedly Celine's signature drink.

She told me about the time that he was coming off stage, and a fan threw her gift at him. It hit him straight in the nose, and he had to get his makeup done to cover the bruise. Another time, a fan almost fainted after seeing him, and Levi had to steady him, giving him his own water.

The small stories made me smile brightly, and soon, my grin had widened even more, because the food was ready, and being served. As soon as the plates of delicious chicken gnocchi were in front of us, we all dug in, enjoying ourselves. I had to stop myself from moaning at the delicious food.

The food was fantastic, and we were soon full to the brim. I was trying hard to keep my posture straight, and not slouch. Levi decided that that was the perfect time to make the announcement. He looked at me from the corner of his eye, taking my hand in his. I prepared myself, and squeezed his hand, telling him that I was ready.

He took a deep breath, looked straight at Celine, and said, "We have an announcement to make."

Celine's eyes widened, and she sat up straighter, quickly putting down the glass of water that was previously against her lips.

He cleared his throat, closed his eyes, and said, "Zoe is my girlfriend. Officially. The two of us are together."

I held my breath, awaiting her reaction. For a second, she stayed in exactly the same position. But then, she slumped back in her chair, sighing deeply.

"Seriously?", she said. "Everyone knows that! I thought you were going to say that the two of you are getting married! Or that Zoe is pregnant!"

My eyes widened, and my jaw dropped. She what?! Oh my lord, I was so embarrassed. Levi had began to cough, and reached a shaking hand out towards his glass of water, quickly gulping it down. Meanwhile, I sat there, looking like a complete doofus, my jaw about to detach itself from my face.

I couldn't believe it. I really couldn't. And as we walked out of the restaurant, all of us about to head home, Levi turned towards me.

"You know, I would love that to happen!", he said, a smirk on his face.

I choked on thin air, and he started to laugh. Eventually, he started rubbing my back, helping me overcome my coughing fit. Once I was done, I couldn't help but let a small, secretive smile overtake my face. The family that we would create in the future was already picture perfect in my head, and I was thrilled to share it with Levi.

The evening was... a success, I would say. At least Celine wasn't objecting to us being together. She was cool, so I didn't really expect her to, but there was always a dark thought in my head.

I was so happy that she accepted us, and all I could feel for her was pure and utter adoration.

Doneeee! Second last chappie y'all. Yup! Next chapter will be the last one, and after that, you guys are getting an epilogue, explanation and tag. So, stay tuned for that! Make sure to perform the ritual (aka commenting, voting etc.)! Love you all! Peace out!

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