Chapter 37

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Rue:Clear vision
Zoe's POV

It had been a week since Levi had left, and I was regularly going to my therapy sessions. To say that they were working was an understatement. I felt my past floating away from me, bit by bit, releasing me from the suffocating choke-hold that I was once in. I wondered if Levi was experiencing the same thing. Was he also getting as much relief from therapy as I was?

I couldn't help but think about him every so often, but I never cried. His words echoed inside my mind, telling me that this was supposed to be a happy period of time where we found ourselves, and got ready to reunite, stronger than ever. 

I missed him so much. I missed his smile, his jokes, his flirty remarks, the way he always knew what I was thinking and his ability to understand. Understand exactly what was going through my head.

Because of the constant appearance of his in my head, I couldn't help but be curious about one thing. Something that he had left behind, and needed to fix his relationship with. Celine. How would he do that if he was half way around the world? He didn't have any sort of contact with her for the month that he was with me, and I didn't know if he would contact her later on.

I spent my nights tossing and turning, constantly worrying about this problem. This year was supposed to help the two of us rejuvenate, and making amends was a part of that. If he never met up with Celine, he wouldn't be able to leave his past behind him.

So, I got up from my bed, knowing that it was the middle of the night, but not caring at all, and got dressed. I grabbed my car keys, and went upstairs, heading into Jacob and Harley's apartment. 

There, I woke up a half asleep Jacob, asked him the address to Levi's mother's home, and opened it in my GPS in a matter of seconds. Thankfully, Jacob was too sleepy to realize what information he had just given me.

I rushed down the stairs, not bothering to take the elevator, and turned on the torch of my phone so that I wouldn't trip. I quickly made it to my car, and put the key in the ignition, starting the car. With a deep, determined breath, I was off in the night, speeding through the streets again.

The wind hit my hair, and the street lights shone brightly, illuminating the road. I sped forward, my mind set on helping Levi and Celine. They could have a beautiful bond, if only Levi actually tried to talk to her. He was now ready to do so, but I knew that he couldn't find the courage to. Well, now he would have to face it, whether he liked it or not.

The one hour drive seemed like it was five minutes long, mostly because of the constant
rush of thoughts in my head. I was overthinking things, as usual, but I didn't let myself stop. I had a clear vision of what I wanted to do. I wanted to use the year to it's full advantage. I didn't leave Levi for us to continue to sit around, and do nothing. And I knew that he was ready. He was ready, but he didn't know how to tell Celine.

Soon, I was in front of a huge mansion. I stopped at the gate, where the guard asked me for my identification. Once I quickly gave it to him, he made a few calls, and let me in. The inside was beautiful. 

Huge gardens surrounded the glamorous, modern house. Each and every beautiful plant was illuminated by warm, yellowish lights, making the place seem like a fairy garden. The blue swimming pool seemed inviting, as if it was  asking me to jump in.

After I had driven over the huge driveway, my car was in front of the beautiful house. It was made of a combination of grey stone and glass, making the inside clearly visible. I could see a large marble table that seemed to serve as a kitchen counter and a breakfast bar, along with a chef's dream kitchen.

Before I could continue to admire the extravagant mansion, I heard the front door open, and out walked Celine. She was dressed in an emerald robe, with black slippers with tiny heels on them. She looked like she had come straight out of a magazine for nightwear. The only difference was that instead of a snobby look, she had a smile painted across her face.

"Zoe! It's been so long, sweetheart. How are you?", she said, reaching her arms out for a hug.

I shyly smiled at her, and hugged her back, saying, "I'm great! I hope I haven't disturbed your sleep."

She chuckled, and said, "You're too thoughtful. Not at all! I was just watching a Netflix series. Oh, but come in!"

I walked in after her, trying my best to not openly stare at the magnificent living room. Soon, we were both in the kitchen. She looked around helplessly.

Noticing my confusion, she laughed, and said, "I'm sorry. I was going to make you some coffee, but I don't really know how to do that stuff. I wouldn't want to wake up Rosa, our chef."

She seemed slightly embarrassed, and only then did I realize that she was trying her best to not give off the "snobby, rich brat" vibe. However, she shouldn't have been worried, because she was one of the kindest people I had ever met.

"Don't worry. That's okay", I said, seeing her visibly relax. "Actually, I would like to talk to you about something. It's important."

She nodded at me, and motioned for me to continue, saying, "I hope everything's okay. I would've asked you to sit down with me, but you see to be in a hurry. What is it, darling? You can say anything you wish without worrying about me taking offense."

I smiled at her, hoping to portray my gratefulness. Then, I said the words that I had been wanting to say for so long.

"You should go meet Levi. I think... the two of you have a lot to talk about."

Finito! Hope you enjoyed it! Did you like it? What do you think Celine's reaction will be? Make sure to comment, vote and share! Love you guys! Peace out!

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