Chapter 13

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Zoe's POV

My eyes widened as I saw the extremely angry look on his face. He was breathing heavily, and looked as if he was trying, but failing to control himself. As I watched the emotions in his eyes fighting for dominance, I pleaded for the calmer ones to take over. But what I was sure of was the fact that I wasn't gonna leave him.

He had helped me so much over the day, and I knew that trying to calm him down would be a way to repay a small sum of what he had done for me. So I stood there, feeling my heart beating loudly inside my chest, and my terrified brain begging me to go as far away from him as possible.

But I didn't listen, and when he turned towards me with the livid look clear in his eyes, I knew that I was in big trouble. I was expecting him to somehow become calm again, like his usual demeanor. But that did not happen, and before I knew it, he had grabbed my shoulders. My eyes were wide with terror, staring into his own anger-filled ones.

He looked at me and said, "Why are you nice to me? Huh? After what I did to you?"

I immediately dropped my gaze, and my heart started beating even faster as he started to walk backwards into the apartment, making me walk back with him.

"Tell me, why are you nice to me?"

His tone was getting louder by the second, and I could hear our feet against the floor as we walked inside. I kept looking backwards, making sure we weren't crashing into anything. Then I would turn my head towards him, looking into his eyes, but then lose hope and looking back down again as I saw nothing but fury in them.

Suddenly, I felt my back hit a counter, and I cried out as the sharp edge dug into my flesh. My own breathing was now starting to get heavy, and terror was taking over my emotions.

I looked back into his eyes, hoping to find some sort of sympathy or realization in them. I didn't blame him for what he was doing, because he was clearly not in his right mind. It was almost as if he was... in a trance. He pushed me further against the counter, making me lean back over it's top.

"How can you like me and accept me for who I am? Don't you see the monster inside of me?! Don't you see that I will always be a threat to you?!"

The tears that I was trying so desperately to hold back were now flowing down my cheeks, and I looked down, not saying anything. He was yelling at me, and I couldn't hold up the strong wall inside of me anymore. What was happening? Surely this wasn't Levi?

"I'm warning you now, Zoe. Stay away from me. If you don't, I wont be able to stop myself from coming to you. I value you a lot, and trust me, I don't want to hurt you."

Only then did I stop sniffling, and I looked up into his eyes. His wrath filled eyes were looking straight at my watery ones, and his face was inches away from my own.

I gathered up my courage, and said, "Don't you see that you're hurting me right now? Please, Levi. This is not you. Please let me go."

Suddenly, his entire form slackened, and his previously bruising grip on my arms loosened. I pushed him away from me, and ran to my room, crying my eyes out. I could hear his footsteps as he ran after me.

He said, "Wait! Zoe, I am so sorry. Oh my god, I did not mean to do that!"

But at that moment, I was too busy trying to keep myself from having a panic attack to listen to him. I reached my room, shut the door, and locked it, sinking down to the ground right there and then. I took deep breaths, trying to prevent the panic attack from happening. I repeated the routine that I had tried my level best to do any time that I had a panic attack, but failed most of the time.

Thankfully, I could feel myself calming down, and the locked door brought a sense of relief to me. He couldn't get to me. He couldn't, and he wouldn't. He probably knew that I needed time to get over what had just happened, because the knocking on my door stopped.

The after effects of the event caught up to me, and I could feel exhaustion taking over me. I could barely drag myself to bed, and when I did, I fell asleep, restraining myself from thinking about the horrible scene that had just occurred.

Unfortunately, I should've thought about the event during the night, because when I woke up, I realized that I would have to face Levi. I didn't know how to face him, or what to say, and was freaking out as soon as I woke up.

The possibility of him still being in his angered state was also lingering inside my head, and I had a hard time forcing myself to get ready, and going to the shop. At some point, I even considered jumping out of the window, but unfortunately, I didn't have any firefighter friends who could help me.

I was only left with one choice. I got up from my bed, took a shower, did my business in the bathroom and wore a white blouse and black skinny jeans. For breakfast, I grabbed a granola bar from the emergency stack of "Netflix snacks" from the drawer of my side table.

Grabbing my bag, and making sure everything that I needed was in it was a way for me to delay the inevitable exit of mine from my room, and I made sure to procrastinate by checking everything off of an imaginary list at least four times.

Soon enough, I ran out of excuses, and I found myself standing in front of my room's door, taking a deep breath. I ignored the pounding of my heart, and turned the key in the door, so that it was open. And when I opened the door, I was met with the same pair of blue eyes that were looking straight into mine just the last night. The only difference was that they weren't clouded with anger or fury anymore.

In fact, the sparkling blue eyes were clear with regret, worry and hesitance, making my breath hitch. This was going to be... interesting.

Doneeee! Talk about best writer ever, who always uploads on time. XD Just kidding! Anywho, did you like the chapter? What do you think will happen in the next one? Also, would you consider clicking the little star icon if you liked the chapter, or the book? Anywho, love you guys! Peace out!

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