Chapter 39

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Zoe's POV

The next morning was one of the most amazing of my life. I was woken up by the sound of an elegantly ringing bell. As I opened my eyes, a smiling woman greeted me, an ornate bell in her hand. At first, I was confused. Why was the bed so comfortable? And why was I being woken up by a bell?

As I opened my eyes, and looked around me, seeing the beautiful, green room, the events of the previous night came rushing back to my head. I quickly got out of bed, checking the time on my phone. It was 10 am. So, Celine was still home. I breathed out a sigh of relief, glad that I hadn't missed her.

I put on my robe, and went straight to the washroom. Doing my business, and taking a shower was as fun as it was yesterday. The warm, soothing water reminded me that all of this wasn't just a dream. However, I didn't take an hour like I had yesterday. I took a quick, fifteen minute shower, got dressed in my now dry clothes, and went out of my room, trying to find my way to the living room. There, I found Celine, beckoning me over.

As I walked closer to her, she hugged me tightly, and said, "Good morning, sweetie. How was your night?"

"It was amazing! Thank you so much for the room!", I told her, a smile across my face.

She smiled back at me, and said, "Of course! Thank you for opening my eyes, and helping Levi so much. I truly wouldn't have been able to do this today if it weren't for you. But anyway, we need to have breakfast, and I need to get ready for my flight."

She lead me to the dining table, where an array of delicious looking croissants, fruits, eggs, toast, turkey and every other fancy breakfast food was displayed. She sat down at the table, and called the servants too. Seeing her happily chat to the servants and introducing me to them really showed me how kind of a woman she really was. Not all rich folk were so close to their servants, and didn't treat them as well as Celine did.

Soon, all of us were in a deep conversation about the most random things. The maids seemed to be happy, and we all had a great time. The breakfast was delicious, and I enjoyed myself to the moon and back. It was so much fun to have breakfast with them. It felt like I was at a party, enjoying myself, and engaging in the hilarious conversation.

Soon, all of us were done, and completely full. Celine got up from the chair, said goodbye to each and every one of the maids with a hug and a small conversation, and asked me to come with her. I also waved goodbye at my newfound friends, and walked behind Celine. She grabbed her suitcase, called her driver, and soon, she had turned towards me, about to say goodbye.

"Thank you so much for the encouragement, Zoe. I truly couldn't have done this without you.", she murmured. "I'm so glad that Levi has found such a kindhearted, compassionate and beautiful girl. I will see you soon, okay? Stay in touch."

I nodded, a little sad to see her go. Over the time that the two of us had met, she had been nothing but a kind woman. She seemed like the perfect mother figure, and I couldn't help but think about the amazing future that Levi would have with her. The two were missing out on a beautiful relationship that I wanted to help them acquire.

As Celine gave me one final hug, and got in her Mercedes, I waved at her, getting inside my own car. Driving through the huge driveway, I looked back at the house once again, wanting to see it one more time before I had to let go of everything for a year.

It was extremely hard to not reach into my bag, and dial Levi's number again. I wanted to hear his voice. I wanted him to make flirty remarks, show off, smirk at me and kiss me. I wanted him to be beside me. I wanted myself to be beside him.

The feeling of his warm arms around me, and his lips on mine was something I craved. Knowing that his voice and reassuring words were only one phone call away made everything so hard. It made the idea of not being able to talk to him so difficult to think about. But I didn't touch it. I didn't call him, and desperately ask him to come back to me.

I encouraged myself to continue to stay silent, because eventually, this silence would turn into peace. Lifelong peace. It would help the two of us grow as people, and become even better and stronger than before. This time apart would strengthen the ties of our relationship, and let us hold on, even if were falling off a cliff. The ropes would pull us back up.

I wanted these ropes to remain with us forever. These ropes were previously strings. Strings that would break if we put even the slightest weight on them. The two of us wanted to reinforce ourselves, and be able to hold on.

I paused just before the gates of the mansion, and took a deep breath. This was for me and for Levi. It was for Alyssa, and Celine. It was for our past. The war had already started, and the only way to get through it was to keep moving forward. Because if we looked back, seeing the utter chaos around us would pull us back in, making the prospect of being set free seem impossible. The two of us were moving forward, and leaving behind the bloody and terrifying aspects of the war.

I reached the gate, and exited the mansion.

Doneee! I previously said that you guys are getting a Levi's POV after two chapters, but now, you're getting it next chapter! So yayyyy! XD Make sure to let me know if you liked this one! Also, to make me happy, please press the little star icon, and share! Love you all! Peace out!

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