correct quotes

263 11 36

[bridgette and eva approach ezekiel]
bridgette: hey, my girlfriend saw you across the bar and we hate your vibe. we're gonna beat the shit out of you now.


justin: please stop asking the universe to send you the most amazing and sexy person in the world, i cannot be everywhere at once


geoff: dj broke his jaw and now has to eat all his food with a straw
duncan: wow, that sucks
geoff: ...i know what a straw does, duncan


bridgette: when i die and go to heaven, i hope i can get wings
geoff: what kind do you want? i hope i get lemon pepper


alejandro: what is your biggest pet peeve?
tyler: i definitely want a rottweiler.


bridgette: jesus loves you! :)
katie: i'm literally a minor


[over text]
duncan: i want you
courtney: ?
duncan: that wasn't me
duncan: sorry
courtney: who was it then?
duncan: my demons


cody: yes babe angel numbers are totally real. 333 am i right? haha i can just feel that crystal balancing my shakira's. can i get a taste of that head chakra though?


lindsay: as a model, you have to have the perfect walk. i didnt start walking until i was eight and now i'm walking runways in paris.


noah: i wish i was dumb you guys look like you're having fun.


cody: hey, i like your pants.
noah: thanks. they were 50% off.
cody: i'd like them better if they were 100% off ;)
noah: stores cant just give away clothes for free.
cody: wait, no. that's no-
noah: that's a horrible way to run a business. do you even know how the economy works? look-


harold: my love for you is like pi
leshawna: ..infinite?
duncan, listening in: irrational.


courtney: what's the score!? who's winning!? am i beating duncan!?
therapist: ok, that's not really how couples therapy works..


geoff: has anyone ever tried making edibles without weed? like virgin edibles?
dj: that is literally just food.


noah: ugh, my allergies are acting up.
eva: got it
eva, reaching for a frying pan: did you know that you cant sneeze while you're unconscious?


courtney, the interviewer: what can you bring to this company?
geoff: hella good vibes


interviewer: you have a three year gap on your resume that just says 'vengeance.'
courtney: i dont see how that concerns you.


genie: you have three wishes
geoff: make alejandro ugly
genie: you got it
geoff: give him donkey ears
genie: ok
geoff: make him bald
genie: dude what is your problem


cody: yeah i'll probably die alone
dj: no, i said are you dining alone.
cody: oh yeah that too


leshawna: when crows remember people who wronged them, its "intelligent" and "cool," but when i do it, i'm "petty" and "need to move on."


cody: hey girl, what's your name?
gwen: dont touch me.
cody: sounds exotic. i'm cody!


owen: can i ask a dumb question?
noah: better than anyone i know.


gwen: [wears dark gray]
duncan: i see you're breaking out the spring colors.


dj: dont let anyone ruin your day, geoff!
duncan: yeah! take matters into your own hands! ruin your own day!


izzy, after setting the kitchen on fire: am i in trouble?
eva: take a guess.
izzy: no?
noah: take another guess.


dj: i'm sorry to tell you this but you have a heart. and the capacity to feel.
duncan: you take that back.


noah: i'm on my way. is there anything i need to bring?
owen: positive vibes! :)
noah: i'm not coming.


owen: excuse me, miss, have you ever been arrested?
izzy: yes.
owen: i was going to say 'because it's illegal to be that cute' but now i'm curious.
izzy: arson.


noah: in all due respect, which is none-


owen: okay, i didnt know what kind of coffee you liked, so i got them all.
noah: owen.. that's like fifty cups..

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