alright fuckers.

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i was watching world tour and i cant begin to explain how upset i was at noahs elimination because it makes zero sense. so, i decided to write a rant on it, as well as show what potential noah couldve had, because i am ~angry.~

in i see london, the teams were directed to catch the criminal on the loose. a literal criminal. a literal criminal trying to murder them. alright, fine, whatever.

team chris is really really hot, compromised of noah, alejandro, owen, and tyler, got picked off quite quickly. tyler and alejandro were of no use in the challenge, and did essentially nothing to help them. with noahs intelligence and great problem solving abilities, and owens persistence and good hearted nature keeping everything from getting hectic, they completed the challenge.

they captured a literal criminal that tried to murder them. they captured the criminal they were directed to catch.

but team amazon captured duncan. he qualifies as a criminal, been to juvie a few times canonly, but in no way is he more dangerous than the other guy. there must have been a part of him longing to go back to the teams, no doubt would he want to see both gwen and courtney again. he likes them for goodness sakes. it isnt that hard to bring him back.

it isnt that difficult to capture some guy who probably got into juvie for vandalism, who not to mention probably wants the goth girl coochie which he would only get if he came back.

but for some fucking reason, team amazon won the challenge.

they both captured a criminal. the episode should have been a reward challenge, if not a loss for team amazon because the criminal team chris caught is no doubt more dangerous.

team chris lost, whatever. it's been a while. maybe we can finally get rid of owen or tyler.


they chose noah because he talked shit. the guy who literally won them the challenge. owen would have probably died if noah wasnt with him, and if noah was alone he would probably only get pissy and frustrated.

they eliminated noah because alejandro somehow convinced everyone else to vote him? i get convincing tyler to vote him, but theres no way owen would. and noah would convince owen to vote with him. they're literally best friends that season. it would be 2-2 unless either of them messed with the votes.

edit: totally forgot duncan had vote. oops.

alright, fine. he had to leave at some point because he wasnt of use to the plot, and they just had to keep fucking flaunting that alejandro is the best villian in total drama history. blah blah oh my god hes soo talented what an amazing manipulative piece of fuCKING SHIT-


the way noah was eliminated was horrible and unfair. i literally despise it with all my being.

so, i was beginning to think. how could we give noah more relevancy to the plot? how could we have his elimination make more sense? how could we give the dude some more character depth and development in this season, and not literally change the entire plot around him?


it's been in my head for a long ass while that noah would make a good villian. it's been in my head that noah and heather would make fantastic allies. so...

now, noahs probably the smartest camper behind izzy. he reads a lot of books, sponges in a lot of knowledge, uses puns and has quick remarks (which are signs of high intelligence). in all novels theres a villian, and no doubt in one that noah read would there be a villian very similar to alejandro. he has a very antagonistic personality, flirting with everyone, being kind, and then having them mysteriously dissapear.

what im saying is, noah would catch onto alejandros schemes pretty fucking quickly.

in this season, noah had a drive to win. it wasnt very prominent, but he participated when asked and when he knew he was the best choice for something. he didnt be an arrogant lazy asshole like in island (i loved him for it), he was slightly more dedicated, though he still made others do challenges for him at certain points.

would it make sense for noah to want alejandro off? yes. with alejandros ways of manipulation, and noahs tendency to be honest and act snarky, alejandro would probably want noah off just for being a dick who doesnt want to do physical work. with alejandro on his team, noah is in danger, and noah would know and understand that. i dont know if hed care before the chance arises, but hed be wary.

heathers disliking on alejandro is pretty prominent, and noah may flock over to her to express his doubts about his team member. perhaps a short, few episode alliance before noah gets eliminated between the two. hidden signals of noah and heather helping eachother out so neither of their teams get last place. things like that.

noah might try and talk to other campers, on his team and off, to explain why alejandro is bad news. noah had a short run in island, that run only displaying him to be an arrogant asshole with no sort of respect for anyone. so no one would believe him, as theyd take the nice and kind new guys words over a guy they know to be an absolute dick.

alejandro catches onto noah in i see london and this causes a rift between the two of them. even with no one believing noah, alejandro views noah as a major threat and wants him off. thus, why he didnt help in the challenge and watched him the whole time instead.

as it should have been, i see london was a reward challenge and noah makes it to the next episode.

during that episode, noah and alejandro would be pissy with eachother and arguing, alejandro attempting to play the victim and paint noah as the villian. team chris would believe alejandro over noah, owen with a lot of convincing, and noah would thus get the boot once they lose again.

alejandri would convince owen by claiming noah for the pzzy breakup. noah told owen to do it, and owen agreed, but izzy broke up with him first and owen was heartbroken. alejandro could claim that izzy overheard them talking, and wanted to cut ties first even though she didnt want to. since, according to alejandro, none of them wanted to break up, owen would be upset witn noah because he 'caused it,' thus wanting to vote him off.

this plan would make everything make more sense. if alejandro makes himself look like a victim, everyone would sympathize with him and their opinions on him would unconsciously be boosted. theyd feel bad for him being attacked by noah, because after all, the bad guy wont go after another bad guy, correct?

this would cause some development in noah and alejandros characters, make everything make a bit more sense, and wouldnt disrupt the plotline a smudge besides adding another episode for noahs true elimination.

this is canon in my eyes.

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