incorrect quotes bc this is the only thing i have energy for now

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harold: so are you two like .... going out?
trent, cuddling justin on the sofa: yeah? we're leaving in like two minutes


bridgette: you never say anything romantic to me
geoff, who just called her the rootinest tootinest cowboy in the west: are you fucking kidding me


bridgette: ..why is your back all scratched up?
geoff: *has a flashback to fighting two raccoons in a wendys parking lot for a baconator after bridgette told him to leave them alone*
geoff: i am cheating on you


duncan: jesuss that thing is massive!
geoff: that's gotta be the biggest worm ive ever seen
dj: that's not a worm that's a-
*snake hisses*
geoff: oh shit dude i think it just spoke spanish


courtney: excuse me? do you take constructive criticism?
noah: i only take cash or credit


trent: what's your worst character trait?
courtney: im honest
trent: oh, i said worst. honesty is a good trai-
courtney: you look like a stretched out brendon urie


geoff: popcorn, please!
noah: sweet or salty
geoff, pointing to bridgette: i want them like her
noah: we do not have ugly popcorn


duncan: you still sleep with a stuffed animal? ha, loser.
dj: you still sleep with your ex? ha, loser
duncan: ...


noah: what the hell are you doing?
izzy, spreading toothpaste on her toast: multitasking


bridgette: be right back, geoff and i need to check on the ring bear
courtney: actually, it's pronounced ring bearer
courtney: bridgette... geoff... look me in the eyes right now and tell me you did not bring bruno to my wedding.


chris: this challenge will be a spelling bee. geoff, spell necessary
geoff: N-E-C-C-E-S-A-R-Y
chris: im sorry, that is incorrect
chris: chef, release the bees


cody: ugh, i'm so stupid!
harold: are you waiting for us to disagree?


courtney: duncan can you shut the fuck up my therapist is tired of hearing about you


trent: we call that a traumatic event
trent, turning to harold: not a "bruh moment"
trent, turning to justin: not a "major L"
trent, turning to cody: and definitely not an "oof lmao"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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