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Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.
- Pablo Picasso

I took a shower and got dressed into highly uncomfortable clothes that were far too tight and had small strands of metal woven throughout the fabric.

Shannon was sitting on my bed tracing his fingers over an acoustic guitar. I could see that his mind was working and thinking of something. He lightly strummed the stings and quickly became flustered.

"Shannon, I know this is horrible, but it could be worse." I placed my hand lightly on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

"Jared, do you think we'll ever get out of here?"

I shrugged. "I hope so."

There was a light knock on the door and one of the Lurian servants appeared in the door way.

"Her Majesty demands your presence in her quarters," he said sternly.

The creature that stood before us looked surprisingly human. As far as physical appearance yet the only difference was his florescent green eyes and sharply pointed ears; however these creatures were much more different than humans. They were immortal and could grant immortality.

"Okay we're coming," I said softly. The creature left the room and I stood up pulling Shannon with me. We solemnly made our way to the queen's quarters.

As we walked through the corridors of the palace we encountered other humans that were in the same predicament as us, but there wasn't anything we could about it.

"I thought it would get easier, but it never does," Shannon said walking lightly beside me.

I sighed as we came to the queen's room. The guards at the door stepped aside to let us through. The moment the door opened we saw the queen sitting at her at her wardrobe and brushing her long white hair. She wasn't like the others, and I guess she could be compared to a queen ant. She was much taller than all of Lurians and she was ghostly pale with pitch black eyes instead of green. Her skinny figured made her seem almost spider like, and she was venomous.

"Come in!" She said enthusiastically. Shannon and I complied and entered the room and bowed. The queen stood and walked toward us she placed a slender finger over my chest

"You humans are so amusing." She said in my ear. Shannon and I both knew what this was about now. She stepped closer to me and I stepped back as politely as I could but she insisted.

"Don't refuse me! Or have you already forgotten that it was me that saved your lives?"

"No Your Highness. My brother and I feel that this is not right. You're a married woman," Shannon chimed in.

She moved away from me and over to him. I could see my brother tense. She found him to be physically attractive but didn't enjoy hearing his opinion as much.

There was a loud cracking sound as she slapped my brother. I turned to look in horror. His cheek was streaming with blood, and it took all of my being not to attempt to kill her.

"You'll do well to keep your mouth shut," she threatened. "Get out, both of you. I'm no longer in the mood." She walked back to the dresser and continue to brush her hair.

No Greater Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now