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"The loss of a loved one is one of the most tragic and devastating things a person can endure."


Shannon's POV

The stage exploded into bits as another one of those creatures crashed into it. This one was different. It wasn't suited for battle. It didn't have any weapons, and it was heavily guarded by the others. From what I could tell it was important. It looked down at Jared's unconscious limp body and picked him up.

I stood up prepared to run for my brother, but I stopped as the helmet retracted revealing a woman.

She looked shockingly human. Her long black hair was pulled back harshly into a bun, and she looked at Jared with what seemed to be curiosity. She closed the helmet and gently cradled Jared against the metal suit and walked off with him.

I decided to wait. She didn't seem like a threat at the moment, but I was certainly going to save my brother somehow, someway.

Once the creatures were gone I rushed over to Tomo. He was trapped under a large metal beam, and his arms and legs were bent in awkward angles, but I could see the slight rise and fall of his chest.


He stirred and finally opened his eyes.

"I'm going to get you out of here, buddy! Just hang on!" I grabbed onto the beam and dug my heels into the ground and tried to lift it with all my strength.

"Shannon, don't. Just go," Tomo said breathlessly.

"I'm not-"

The ground shook violently as more of those aliens crashed into the area with red rays shooting from their helmets. They were scanning. Probably for signs of life.

I put every ounce of my strength into lifting the metal contraption, but it wouldn't budge.

"Shannon just go. There's no way I'll make it."

"I'm not leaving you!" Tears rushed down my face as each attempt of freeing Tomo failed, and the monsters grew closer.

"Dammit, Shannon! Just leave!" Tomo shouted angrily. "If you die then what will happen to Jared? Someone needs to save him."

I looked into his dark eyes. Tears streamed down my face and blurred my vision. I leaned down and cried into his hair. I could hear the machines now. One of the was only a few feet away.

"Go," Tomo urged, but I couldn't bring myself to. "Go!" He shouted in an angry whisper.

It came closer.

I kissed his head and wiped away his tears. "Im sorry. I love you," I said before I ran off. I didn't know where I was going, but I had to get away from that area. I stopped for a second and looked back. The creature had lifted the beam and grabbed Tomo's lifeless body.

I fell to my knees and cried out in hopeless agony.

No Greater Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now