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War is the science of destruction.
- John Abbott

I guided Shannon to the infirmary to get his wound treated. The infirmary was a lot like a hospital with doctors that would rotate at certain hours of the day, and there was a particular Lurian doctor there named Aviana that was actually rather nice to us. From a human stand point she had much to be desired. A beautiful face, blonde hair, and nice proportions. She had grown accustomed to seeing and treating us with things like this, and luckily she was there now.

"What did you get yourself into now Shannon?" She said kindly as we stepped through the door. Shannon showed her the cut. It had turned a disgusting purple color as the venom from the queen's claws tainted his blood.

The woman stood from her chair and lightly turned Shannon's face toward the light. "I'm sorry you have to go through this."

Shannon laughed. "You seem to be the only one that is."

"Why doesn't the king do anything?" I inquired.

Aviana hesitated. I knew then that she was talking about something that was forbidden to talk about with humans. Unlike humans, Lurians were very organized and strict. There were rules about what rules they could discuss with humans, and most of the ones involving the royal family were rules that could not be discussed with humans.

Aviana walked to a cabinet and removed a green serum. She put some of it onto gauze and gently placed it on Shannon's cheek. He winced from the pain as the strange liquid seeped into his wound.


"I know. I know. Hold it there for at least an hour. I got it." Shannon reached up to hold the bandage in place, and their hands touched. Unlike humans Lurians didn't blush, but by the way she looked at him I would say she would have been if she could.

"Thanks, Aviana," I said lightly placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You're welcome, and Shannon-"

"Get plenty of rest and try not to get my blood pumping too much."

Aviana smiled at him. "That's a good patient."

We left the infirmary and went back to our room. "She likes you," I said quietly as we walked through the corridors.

"Not like it matters. I don't plan on sticking around for much longer."

"What do you mean?" I asked stopping in my tracks.

"We have to get out of here, Jared. I can't take this anymore."

"How do you expect us to leave? Just say 'hey we don't want to be here anymore, so we're just going to walk out the front door.' Shannon don't be stupid! Every door that leads outside is heavily guarded by those robotic centennials! We wouldn't be able to get two feet away before falling to our death!"

"There has to be a way, Jared!"

"I'm sure there is, but right now-"

"Hi, Jared," a soft voice called. "Hi, Shannon."

I turned away from my brother to see the princess standing before me. Shannon and I both dropped to one knee and bowed to her.

She stepped closer to me and I could smell her sweet perfume. She touched my chin lightly and lifted it to meet her large brown eyed gaze. She wasn't a Lurian; however, the when the queen found her as a child, she was taken in and raised as the queen's daughter.

I remembered the night when the queen carried her into the palace. She was so small and malnourished at the time. She had been found by queen's garden by a servant. I watched her grow into the beautiful woman she is now.

"I see you're growing your hair out again. I like it long," she said taking a single lock of hair and twirling it between her slender fingers.

"You're Highness-"

"Please, Jared call me Kylie," she said sweetly and brushed my cheek.

"Princess, the Queen request your presents," one of her ladies in waiting reminded her.

"Alright, alright. It was nice to see you again Jared." She smiled and continued on her way.

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