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"I have as much doubt and fear as anyone else. I have my fair share of anxiety, of dark days..."
- Jared Leto

Shannon's POV

I rushed as calmly as I could back to the infirmary. Thankfully Jared was there before the the guard came to take him.

"Hey bro, what's-"

"You fucked up, Jared! The queen knows everything about you and Kylie! I don't have time to explain, but you just put us all in danger! Go to the room and wait! Don't do anything stupid! The guards are going to take you and separate you from the rest of the palace. I have no idea where they are going to take you, but I'll find out. You just play along and wait for me to save you! Now get out!"

I started pushing him out the door, and he tried to protest but I wouldn't let him. I covered his mouth. "Shut up. I'm going to get us out of here, and thanks to you it's going to have to be sooner rather than later." I finally managed to push him out the door and I slammed it in his face.

My head was spinning. How long did I have? What was I going to do? How was I going to do it? Where were they taking him? How was I going to find out where they were taking him? How can I get the four of us to safety? Were there cameras in this room? Were there cameras in the halls?

All of these questions were whirling around in my head. I felt like the room was spinning, and I was beginning to fall into an endless abyss.

"Shannon, calm down," Aviana said taking my hands in hers. I looked into those florescent green eyes and slowly came back to reality.

"We'll get through this. Together." She rested her head on my chest and kissed it. I wrapped my arms around her and tried not to break down.

Jared's POV

I should have listened. Shannon was right when he said that I would get us killed. I made a mistake that once again Shannon would have to clean up.

I was afraid. I couldn't focus. I tried to calm my nerves, but nothing was working. I couldn't breath right. I was having an anxiety attack. Maybe it would be better for me to die right here right now. Once the queen got her hands on me I was surly going to die anyway.

My world slowly fell into darkness. Everything that my brother and I had built was crumbling thanks to me. I was broken. I wanted Shannon to live. He shouldn't have to die because of me. There was a glass case of flowers sitting on the night stand between our beds. I picked it up and shattered it against the wall.

All I could think about was saving Shannon the misery of having to rescue me. He could take Aviana and run. I walked over to the glass picked up a sharp piece but quickly placed it in my pocket as I heard the door knob turn.

Two guards stood before me. "Come with us." Fear rose in my heart again. Once they realized I wasn't going to move they too me by force.

No Greater Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now