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"All life is Precious."
- Morgan Jones(The Walking Dead)

I hope I wasn't too late. I ran as fast as my feet would carry me to the arena. I got there and it was full of people. I scanned the fighting area and didn't see Shannon. My heart felt some relief.

I saw Aviana in the distance and tried to make my way to her.


I turned around and saw Shannon pushing his way through the crowd to get to me.

When he was in arms reach I gripped him by the shoulders and stared into his hazel eyes. "You are not going to go through with this."

"Jared I-"

"No, Shannon. You don't have to. You're choosing to. I can't afford to lose you. Not again." My voice cracked as tears burned in my eyes.

"You won't, little brother. I promise. I'll do whatever it takes to make it back to you." Shannon pulled me into a hug and held me tightly. "I have to go. I'm one of the first matches," he said into my hair. He kissed my forehead and started walking toward the fighting mat along with a number of others.

One of the general commanders started talking about the reaping to get things started, but I couldn't care less. All I wanted was my brother's safety. I watched him closely.

A servant handed him and his opponent long metal batons. Shannon gripped it tightly in both hands and shut his eyes. From the rise and fall of his chest I could see he was taking deep breaths to calm himself down. When his eyes reopened I could see the determination.

I had faith in him. I wanted him to win, but at the same time I didn't. If he didn't it would be fine, and he would at least be able to keep living, but if he made it to the final round... He would have to kill or be killed... That was something my conscience couldn't handle.

"Remember, knocking your opponent to the ground only! Best of 5 and good luck!" The commander said.

Shannon stood ready to strike. The baton positioned like a sword in his hand. The bell sounded. Neither Shannon nor his opponent moved. Anticipation was building up inside of me. Then suddenly the other contestant took the first swing. Shannon blocked it easily and saw an opening to strike back knocking the assailants feet out from under him.

I had never seen Shannon fight before, and I couldn't help but to feel sudden pride in him.

Every round became increasing more complicated and was hard for me to keep up, but before I knew it Shannon was beating every rival that faced him, and he made it to the final round. Now my fears became reality. This was the moment he would either kill or die.

His competitor was a lot larger than he was, and a lot of his previous competition had to be attended to by Aviana and another doctor.

"Now this is the final round. They must fight to the death. The last man standing will advance in training. May the best man win," the queen said happily.

I was filled with disgust. This was wrong. The bell sounded again and the batons turned into blades.

The assailant struck first knocking Shannon off his feet, and drove the blade toward his head. Shannon blocked it his own and kicked out the opponent's knee. Shannon quickly got to his feet and struck the back of his head with the blunt side of the weapon. The other man went to stab Shannon and grazed his side. Shannon screamed out began to defend himself. The man kept swinging at Shannon left and right.

I wanted to run out there and protect my brother, but I knew that would bring death to both of us. I watched as Shannon dodged the best he could, but his opponent was able to cut him a few more times, and once he noticed that he wasn't going to be able to get close enough to kill Shannon he tackled him to the ground and started punching him.

I could tell that Shannon was worn down and about to give up. "SHANNON!" I shouted. Our eyes met for a moment, and that seemed to be all he needed to give him the energy to fight back.

The opponent threw another punch, but Shannon blocked it and landed a right hook to his jaw. He took advantage of the opponent's shock and kept attacking. Soon Shannon was on top of him striking viciously. He finally stood his knuckles bloody and bruised. He picked up a blade and pointed it at the other man... And stopped.

"Finish him," the queen pressed.

Shannon threw the blade down. "I don't believe in killing Lurians. After all their life is worth more than mine right? If a human can beat them, isn't that punishment enough?" He looked at the queen and she looked back quizzically.

"Why would you spare him after he tried to kill you?"

"My dear queen, all life is precious."

The queen stood and made her way to Shannon. "My beautiful kingdom, I give you our winner." She grabbed Shannon's wrist and held up his arm. He winced in pain and held his injured side with his free hand. The queen whispered something to him and left.

I ran to my brother and embraced him. He screamed in pain, but hugged me back.

Aviana walked up to us and examined Shannon. "Come on, let's get you patched up," she said smiling.

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