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Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
- Robert A. Heinlein

Kylie's POV

I was surprised at how quiet things were with all the Lurian servants were gone. I knew Jared was here somewhere and I desperately wanted to see him.

I sat at my vanity table staring into the mirror. My nerves were jumbled and I couldn't focus. My plan was going to be put into action tonight.

If everything was going according to plan, Shannon would be massive ball of flaming energy right now, and Aviana should be making her way to the armory and suiting up into one of the centennials to take down the others. And if Shannon couldn't kill the queen we would fight our way out.

This was the moment of truth. We would either die tonight or live to see another day.

Aviana's POV

My heart was breaking as the seconds ticked by. I knew what I had to do, but I mentally didn't have the capability to. Shannon is the love of my life and I'd do anything for him, but this plan wasn't going to work.

"My lady, is everything alright? My scanners are indicating elevated signs of stress," Daemon said lightly placing his metal hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, Daemon. I'm fine. You know the plan right?"

"Disable the centennials, return home, and wait for the others."

I nodded. Tears began to stream from my eyes and daemon stretch out his hand to wipe them away. I gave him a weak smile and took a deep breath. "Daemon, I love you," I said before leaving the area.

I quickly rushed to my room and put on the dress I had sitting on the bed. It was a simple yet elegant silver dress with white lace patterns. I took a deep breath and sat on the bed.

I looked over into the closet there was a large chest that hoped I would never have to open. I could hear it breathing as the creature inside slept. It had been shut for so many years, I don't think that it would enjoy being awakened, but I had no choice in this desperate hour.

Shannon's POV

"Where are the guards, Shannon?" The queen demanded angrily.

"I'm not sure I wasn't over that detail."

She gave me a threatening look. I felt somewhat satisfied, but at the same time afraid. She had no idea what was coming, and if I play my cards right I could end this forever.

Music began to play and the servants danced around happily. I felt bad for them. They didn't know what was has about to happen and some of them might even die. I spotted Jared in the distance and he slowly made his way toward me.

"You're majesty," he said stopping in front of the queen and bowing.

She ignored him and continued to scan the room. Suddenly the doors flew open and in walked the royal guard. I hoped and prayed that Aviana was in one of them. The queen suddenly relaxed and drew her attention back to Jared.

"Scatter off you two. I don't feel like being bothered," se said harshly.

Jared and I gladly complied and walked through the crowd. Jared and I both stopped dead in our tracks when Kylie appeared in front of us. I could feel Jared tense beside me as she came closer.

I looked into his eyes and saw his pain. His joy. His longing. His love. He gave me hope when there wasn't any. He was brother and best friend. He will always have my best interest at heart, and if I never see his smile again, I hope that he'll have a happy forever with her.

"Jared," Kylie said in shock.


I could hear the tears forming in his throat and decided to give them their space. I walked off and stood against the wall patiently waiting for Aviana to show up in a centennial.

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