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"You need a little bit of insanity to do great things."
- Henry Rollins

Shannon's POV

I threw the door to infirmary open and saw Kylie sitting on one of the beds and Aviana tending to her ankle.

"What did you do?" I asked trying to hold back a laugh.

"I fell down the stairs. Which wasn't on purpose."

I bit the inside of my lip and adverted my gaze to Aviana. "Things just got a lot more complicated-"

"I know. She did something similar before to kill off all of the Peridians. She said that they were planning treason against her, so she implemented a ball to bring all-or most of them there. She slaughtered them just like she plans to do with the human servants. Why she wants to kill them I don't know, but she must feel threatened in some way."

"Do you know anything about this weapon?"

Aviana sighed heavily and looked at me. "Give me your hand," she said holding hers out for me to take. The moment our hands met they were engulfed in flames.

"What the hell!" I jerked my hand away and held it close to my body. It felt like I had touched a hot stove, but the pain quickly began to fade to nothing.

"Now try to focus and set this on fire," Aviana said handing me a journal.

"What? I can't do that. That's your power."

"Just try." Aviana was growing slightly impatient.

I held it tightly in my hand and pictures it igniting, but nothing happened. I focused harder and pictured fire flowing from my hand and on to the book. Before my eyes the book caught on fire. I dropped it and looked at Aviana in astonishment.

"While I was trying to understand what was in your bloodstream I got flustered and lit it of fire. When it didn't burn like it was suppose to I became curious and played with it for a little that's when the fire was released back at me. So then I had a theory, and it wasn't until you bit me that my theory became true."

"You bit her?" Her Kylie asked angrily.

I could feel my face growing red as I recalled biting her breast during sex earlier that night. I shrugged it off and turned my attention back to Aviana. "How did that confirm your theory?"

"Remember all the times the queen slapped you exposing you to her venom? Well your blood or whatever it is inside you acts as a sponge. You hold in powers from Peridians, but the moment it's released it dies. I've never encountered anything like this, so I imagine if you somehow had an endless supply of power, you could potentially become a Peridian yourself."

I shook my head in disbelief. "That's insane and not possible." I backed away from Aviana toward the door. "This has to be one big nightmare."

"Shannon, you know it's not. We need to focus and figure out a way to stop this. Now is not the time for you to freak out on me!" Aviana had me by the collar forcing me to look her. I stared into her eyes and took a deep breath calming my nerves.

This was a lot to take in and it all came crashing down on me in a matter of hours. The queen had to be stopped hopefully killed, but figuring out how was the tricky part.

"I think I have an idea. It's pretty crazy but it just might be crazy enough to work," Kylie chimed in.

Aviana and I turned to look at Kylie. "We're listening." She took asleep breath and began to explain her plan.

No Greater Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now