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"Those who play with fire, should expect to be consumed by it."
-Katie Macalister

Shannon's POV

I woke up from the horrendous nightmare drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. It haunted me down to my core and shamed me that I couldn't save him.

I stared up at the ceiling helplessly feeling empty and broken. I lost a brother that night and living here only made the guilt worse. It should have been me not Tomo. He had so much to live for, and it was taken away from him. If there was anything I could do to get him back I wouldn't hesitate.

As I laid in bed I realized things were quiet. I look over at Jared's bed, but he wasn't there. I filled with rage. I sat there waiting for him to show up, and when he finally did I wanted to beat him senseless.

"What the hell Jared!" I snapped. I could see in his face that he knew exactly what I was talking about.


"No, Jared. You listen to me. I am not dying here! I'm not going to sit around waiting for them to execute us! And I'm not going to let you throw away our lives!"

"Lives? Shannon do you really call this living?"

"Fucking the queen's pet isn't living either, Jared," I said in an angry whisper. "She's going to get us killed."

"How can you be so heartless? She's human just like us!"

"She's one of them! Human or not, she is marked as the queen's daughter! In human terms, legally she's one of them! And if you haven't forgotten, it's because of them that Tomo is dead, Jared. They invaded us, and Tomo lost his life."

"But it's not Kylie's fault."

"It might as well be! Because we're going to die if you get get caught!" I stood up and left the room. I didn't know where I was going but I couldn't stay with Jared right now. I needed space and time to think.

I found myself in the garden. It was fairly quiet except for the laughter of children. I walked around the tall rose bush hedge and saw Aviana playing with a small class of kids.

How could they be so human? How could they possibly have human emotions after they all but destroyed humanity itself? It was sickening.

"Oh, hi Shannon. Is there something wrong?" Aviana asked approaching me.

"No I just needed some fresh air." I stood staring at her, and her smile began to fade.

"Oh, ok. Well would you like to join us? It's story time."

"No thanks." With that I walked away. I wanted to vomit. The thought of one of those things in love with me was disgusting, but I was nice to her so she would keep treating me when I have a run in with the queen. I walked deeper into garden and soon came to the edge.

The queen's guard stood at the gate warning me I couldn't go any further. As I looked out I could see more of them lining the wall of the palace.

There had to be an opening somewhere, and as soon as I find it I'm going to take my brother and run.

No Greater Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now