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"My holy guardian angel, cover me with your wing. With your fire light the road that I'm taking come direct my steps... Help me, I call upon you just for today."
- Unknown

The next morning I woke up early to see Shannon in the infirmary, and when I entered Aviana was fast asleep sitting next to him.

I sat down on the edge of Shannon's bed and she woke up with a jerk. "Good morning," I said smiling. Her hair was a tangled mess of yellow and her clothes were badly wrinkled.

"Good morning," she yawned.

"Did you figure out what was wrong?" I asked looking over at the corner where the robot had been, but it was now missing.

She shook her head. "It's not Daemon," she said noticing my stare at the corner.


"Yes, I named him last night. Figured it would be beneficial for when I need him. I also equipped him with a camouflage mode and voice recognition."

"Cool, where is he?"

"He's in the corner. Daemon, activate," Aviana said looking in the corner. Suddenly as if an invisibility cloak was being removed the robot appeared and walked to its master.

"May I be of assistance?"

I stood up to get a closer look. It was still spine tingling and nerve racking to see such a creature standing before me.

"Say hello, Daemon." Aviana smiled at me.

It scanned me over. "Hello, Jared Leto. How are you?"

"That's creepy... How does it know my name?"

"My master has equipped me with a register of all current residencies within the palace. The registry indicates you are a musician as well as your brother Shannon Leto."

"What else do you know about me?"

"You are 61 years old, however have stopped aging due to the Nithya serum. Your blood type is AB positive. Your cholesterol is slightly inclined. Possible causes are stress, anger, or depression. Your serotonin levels are low. May I suggest a walk in the garden?"

I felt as if I was exposed. "Thanks, Daemon," I said not taking my eyes off the thing. It was so unbelievably real and yet my mind was having hard a hard time believing it.

"You are welcome, Jared Leto. Let me know if I can be of further assistance."

"It's so human... How did you do create something like this? And why doesn't the queen have anything like this?"

"I built it for a reason... Not only for medical purposes but... Something else. The queen cannot find out about him, Jared. If she does then there will be nothing that will be able to stop her from destroying every living human left on this planet."

"Why did you create him then?" Daemon seeing that he was no longer need returned to the corner and turned its camouflage back on.

She hesitated to answer. "Because I could be in danger and you and Shannon too." I feel that the queen is becoming suspicious of me and what I am."

"What do you mean?" Shannon asked pulling himself up into a sitting position."

Aviana sparked slightly as she met Shannon's gaze but they dulled just as quickly when she returned to the subject matter. "Jared, remember when I said that only someone with special abilities could challenge the queen? Well they're from an ancient race of Lurians called Peridians. She's been hunting them down so she can remain queen for ever." She sighed deeply. "I'm a Peridian."

"Wait so you have powers, and you can challenge the queen?" Shannon seemed enthusiastic. "Why haven't you challenged her? What are you waiting for?"

"I'm not ready. And with as many guards that are here the moment I reveal myself I'm dead."

"But you could stop this! You could save us! You could turn this world around!" Shannon reached out and grabbed Aviana's hand. She looked at him with complete shock as did I. He had never touched her intentionally before. "Please," he pleaded.

I could see what he was doing. He was going to get her to risk her life. "Shannon she's a doctor not a fighter, and besides what makes you think that her powers would be good against the queen?"

He shot me a deadly look that disappeared as quickly as it showed. "Well, what are your powers?" He asked Aviana.

She shook her head and withdrew her hand from Shannon's. "I can't, Shannon. I wish I could but-"

"Please. Jared and I don't belong here and you know that."

"I can't control them."

Shannon sat back against the headboard and crossed his arms. "Well that's a shame."

Aviana was instantly hurt. Tears began to stream down her face. She stood and walked over to the desk. And began looking at the blood samples she took from Shannon and me. Glass shattered in her hand causing her to scream out.

Daemon came back to life in seconds. He was completely different a raging fire was blazing from his core and a silver blade extended from its arm. He moved between us and Aviana prepared to strike.

"No! Daemon! It's ok they didn't do anything! It's not their fault!"

Daemon returned to his original state and tended to Aviana's wound. "My scanners indicate that you have a superficial laceration. However without proper treatment can lead to infection and possibly death. May I take care of it for you?"

"Yes please," Aviana said giving the robot her hand.

"What is that?" Shannon whispered to me.

"That would be Daemon."

No Greater Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now