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"I can't solve all your problems, but I can promise you won't have to face them alone."
- Unknown

Jared's POV

It was the day of the ball, and two guards entered my cell to bring me back to the palace. They cuffed my hands behind my back, placed a bag over my head, and lead me out of the dungeon.

I needed to see Shannon. I needed to know that he was okay. I had spent months down in that hell hole not knowing what was going on. I wanted to see Kylie. To see her beautiful loving face, and to hold her in my arms, and to kiss those sweet tender lips again.

I followed the guards to the palace feeling the rays of the sun soaking into my skin. It was a pleasant change from that dark damp cell.

"Could I sit outside for a while. Just to enjoy the sun light," I begged. Something told me that I may never have the chance to feel it's warmth again.

The guards had stopped and I couldn't tell what they were doing, but eventually I was pushed down onto a bench. I leaned my head back letting the sun heat my neck. It broke my heart that I couldn't see it, but at least I got to feel it one last time before I was killed.

"That's enough," one of the guards said taking me under the arm and pulling me up. I followed them back into the palace. Once inside they took the sack off my head and guided me to my room.

They opened the door for me then took off my cuffs leaving me alone in my room starring at a white and gold trimmed tuxedo. On top was a note with my name written neatly across the front. As I read the note I felt inclined to scream. The queen was trying to "apologize" for all the shit she's put me through for these passed few months. I wanted to take the suit and tear it to shreds.

The door opened and I quickly turned to see who it was. I was expecting Shannon, but was let down and filled with rage as I saw the queen standing before me.

"Do you like it?" She asked looking at the suite.

To be honest I hated it. I wanted to strangle her with it. "It's very beautiful," I lied.

"I know you're angry with me, and I'm truly asking for your forgiveness. You see, the reason why I had you thrown into horrible place was for your safety. Ever since I appointed your brother to be the next high commander, the Lurians have been restless, and I heard them plotting to kill you."

That wasn't right. If anyone was plotting to kill someone it was her. That lying bitch.

"So you locked me away in a dungeon for months."

"It was the only way I could protect you. No one knows the whereabouts of that dungeon except for me and a select few guards."

I knew she was lying through her teeth, but I nodded and said thank you anyway.

"I look forward to seeing you at the ball," She said turning back toward the door.

"Wait. Where's Shannon?" I asked before she left.

"He's attending to security matters for the ball. I'll have him see you as soon as possible." She gave me a strange smile before she closed the door.

I sighed and walked into the bathroom to shower. I turned on the hot water and let it run over my head and down my back massaging and relaxing my muscles. Once I got out I wrapped a towel around my waist and sat down on my bed staring over at Shannon's empty one.

Moments later the door swung open, and there stood Shannon dressed in some kind of military attire. He ran over to me and wrapped me into a big bear hug that I so desperately missed. I let my head rest on his shoulder and fought to hold back tears but failed. I began crying uncontrollably.

"Jared, what's wrong?" He said pulling me away his hazel eyes filled with worry, love, and brotherly protection.

"I thought I'd never see you again," I said between sobs.

"Oh, Jared." He pulled me close again and patted my hair as he held me. "I can't stick around for too much longer, but Jared I need you to do something for me," he said pulling away again.

I nodded and wiped away my tears.

"Take Aviana and Kylie and run. No matter what happens. If things start getting bad I want you to just take them and run for it."

"But Shannon-"

"Jared. Please. For me. I couldn't live with myself if one of you died."

"And what makes you think I can live without you Shannon? You're my brother! You've always protected me and guided me and loved me when no one else did! Shannon I need you! I don't know what I would do without you! You don't have to die for us!"

He remained silent for a long time staring at the floor. "I have to go. I'll see you later." He he hugged me once more and kissed my temple before leaving.

I suddenly felt broken and more alone than ever. I grabbed the tux and began to put it on. We weren't going to die today and I was going to make sure of it.

No Greater Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now