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"Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet."
- Maya Angelou

I had Shannon's arm over my shoulder to support his weakened state as we walked to the infirmary. His body grew heavier and heavier, and the wound in his side was bleeding profusely.

"Keep pressure on it, Shannon," I said trying to get him to the infirmary as fast as possible.

We finally made it and another doctor opened the door.

"You can leave," Aviana said practically pulling him out of her way. He gave me and Shannon a dirty look before walking away.

I laid Shannon down on a bed and held his hand. He was awfully pale and heat was radiating off of his body like a fire. Aviana lifted his shirt to see the wound that was already horribly infected. It was a sickening purple color. She handed me some gauze and told me to keep pressure on it as she rummaged through the medicine cabinet.

She returned with the greenish liquid that she used to clean out the venom from the queen, but it was more of a jelly than liquid. "This is going to hurt," she said looking at Shannon before she poured it onto his skin.

His nails painfully dug into the palm of my hand as he held back a scream. Aviana quickly moved on to the next cut doing the same thing. Once she finished, she walked over to a plant that she kept and pulled off its leaves. She washed them off in the sink and began to grind them with a pester and mortar. She placed the paste on his wounds and stepped back.

"He should be fine. He just needs to rest. The paste will keep him from bleeding and take down his fever. Once the venom is out of his system I'll stitch him up."

"Thank you," I said looking into her vibrant green eyes.

She smiled. "It's my job. You might want to go get a shower."

I looked down at my clothes and I was covered in blood. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Shannon. Of all the things that's happened, it was always him that got hurt. I nodded and placed a gentle hand on his forehead.

"Don't worry. He's in good hands."

"I know," I said before leaving the room. I was met with Kylie's worried gaze.

"Jared, I had no idea." She walked toward me with open arms.

"Kylie, I can't." I backed away and looked down at myself. My shirt arms and hands were stained red with blood.

"Oh. Right. Is he alright?"

"He's fine. He just has a few cuts."

"It seems like a lot more than a few cuts. Are you sure everything is ok?"

I nodded. "He just needs some rest, and besides Aviana is looking after him."

She nodded. "That's good." Is there anything I can do?"

"No, just letting me know you care is enough, and I apologize for earlier. I had a lot on my mind."

"You don't have to apologize, Jared. I would feel the same way."

I quickly kissed her on the cheek and smiled before I walked to my room and took a shower.

Shannon's POV

I walked through the dense woods alone. I've lost track of the days and everything is blurring together. I had to find Jared, but I couldn't bring myself to look back. Not after witnessing the death of my best friend. I needed a plan.

I continued walking, and suddenly something felt wrong. I proceeded with caution. I came to the edge of a small clearing, and saw those creatures along with cowering people held at gun point. They were mostly women and children.

I wanted to run to them to help, but my feet wouldn't move. I watched in horror as these invaders pulled the trigger and shot every single one of them down.

I felt sick. I wanted to vomit and to fight, but it was like watching that horrific event drained all of my energy. I looked out at all of the lifeless bodies and saw a small girl. Her eyes were glasses over and gazing at me. She began to call my name.

"Shannon. Shannon. Shannon."

I bolted up right into a sitting position and instantly regretted it. My head clashed with something hard and there was a loud ripping sound followed by sharp pains in my side. I fell back onto the pillows and gripped at my head.

"Are you ok?" Aviana's voice rang through the dim room. The only light source was a small lamp on the desk on the other side of the room. Aviana was holding her head as well.

"I think so," I said hoarsely.

"You tore your stitches." Aviana turned on the lights and examined my side. She cleaned injury before sewing it shut again. " That should do it. Try not to move too much. If you need me I'm next door so knock on the wall or something." She turned to walk away, but I grabbed her hand.

I didn't want to be alone, and any company was good company right now. I didn't know what changed but she was suddenly the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

Her blonde hair was wild and her face looked exhausted but her eyes were bright and alert. She wore a simple black tank top with matching pants.

"Do you need something?" She asked breaking my trance.

"Stay with me."

My words seemed to have taken her off guard because a look of total shock crossed her face. "I'll be right-"

"Please stay with me," I pleaded.

She hesitated, but finally nodded and turned the lights off. I moved over on the bead allowing her space to lay next to me.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because all I've ever felt since this has started is loneliness and death. I don't want to feel that anymore." I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to me. "I'm tired of nightmares. I want to be able to dream. I'm tired of holding in hatred. I want to be able to love." I gently touched her cheek and pulled her lips to mine.

No Greater Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now