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"In all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes emptiness bearable is each other."
- Carl Sagan

Jared's POV

I was worried about Shannon. I could see that he was passed his breaking point, but not a single tear fell from his eyes. And that's what scared me the most.

I tore up the suit jacket and created a sling for Shannon's shoulder. It already looked disgustingly infected. I needed to get him help and fast.

But where? We were in the middle of what seemed to be a forrest. I'm sure the queen's guard was looking for us, so we couldn't go back, and there was no way to determine what was ahead.

"Shannon? Shannon?" I lightly touched his cheek trying to bring his attention to me.

His eyes slowly found mine. They had never looked so empty before. It killed me inside. I now understood why he was so hellbent on killing the queen or dying himself. So Aviana wouldn't have to.

In that short time they were together she had become his reason for living, for pressing forward. The moment her heart stopped beating, I saw the physical change in him. I felt horrible he had been surrounded by so much death and hatred since this whole thing started, and the moment he found love and new life, it was taken away in seconds.

"Shannon, we have to keep going," I said gently pulling him up. He looked so fragile it seemed like he would shatter to pieces any given second.

"Shannon. Jared's right. They'll be looking for us, and the longer we stay here the more danger we'll be in," Kylie said kneeling in front of him.

He stared at the ground for a while before attempting to stand. Kylie and I helped him to his feet. I put his uninjured arm around my shoulders and supported him as we walked.

Everything was ominously quiet. No birds, no wind, no other animals. Nothing but the sound of our... Four footsteps?

I stopped dead in my tracks and listened in horror. The guards couldn't have possibly found us already, could they? I turned around looked through the woods, but saw nothing. The footsteps continued even though the three of us had stopped. They grew closer and closer, but there were no signs of anyone anywhere.

The footsteps continued until they were right upon us and then stopped. Still there were no signs of anyone. Fear rose in my heart. What if the guards had some way of disguising themselves now? Closed my eyes awaiting death but it never came.

"Hello Jared," said a familiar voice.

I opened my eyes to see Daemon revealing himself by turning off his camouflage dense system. I was instantly relieved.

"Daemon, how did you find us?" I asked.

"Lady Aviana installed a tracking device on the three of you, so that I may find you."

Tears began to fall from my eyes. I was beyond ecstatic that Daemon was still on our side. I never thought I'd be so happy to see this strange metal contraption.

"Shannon's vital signs are weakening. We must return to Lady Aviana's house if you want me to properly treat him."

I nodded. Daemon gently picked Shannon up. "This way."

I looked at Kylie and took her hand in mine. As we followed Daemon through the woods.

No Greater Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now