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"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
- Edgar Allen Poe

Aviana's POV

Shannon looked like a mad man. He paced back and forth between the beds making me nervous. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"It's going to be okay. You need to take a deep breath and think rationally. So what the queen is smarter than we thought. We're still a few steps ahead. She doesn't know about us and if I could some how get to Jared I could be the messenger. I just need some excuse to see him."

"What authority does the High Commander have?"

I shrugged. "He can do almost anything as long as it doesn't override the queen's orders."

He was deep in thought. "I think I have a plan, and it's going to have to be timed perfectly. I'm also going to need you and whatever powers you have."

I looked into his eyes and nodded. I didn't know what he was thinking, but I trusted him.

Jared's POV

The guards bound and gagged me then put a burlap sack over my head as they took me to God knows where. I tried to jerk away from them, but their gripped tightened baring down into my shoulders.

I stopped fighting. I felt something that I hadn't felt in a while. Sunlight. Pure sunlight. Not the artificial shit that was in the queen's garden, but the actual sun. I was outside of the palace.

It was nice to be outside, but now I was really panicked. What if the queen lied to Shannon and she had plans to execute me instead, and she didn't want to do it in the palace because Shannon would easily find out.

My heart was pounding wildly. The atmosphere changed again and now I was inside somewhere heading down a flight of stairs. I lost my footing quite a few times and the guard quickly grew tired of me so they picked me up carried me the rest of the way roughly.

I was somewhere underground. The air was thick and damp, and it felt as if the walls were closing in on me. I thrashed around helplessly in their grip kicking and pushing, but all tactics failed.

There was a loud squeal of rusted metal. I stopped. My mind began to think the worst. The door to an electric chair, a torture chamber, a guillotine.

In one last attempt to break free I kicked out making impact with something and fell to the ground. I shook the sack off of my head and bolted toward the stairs. I didn't get far before I was being dragged back.

One guard held me tightly by the arms while the other angrily punched me in the face causing everything to go black.

When I woke up I was no longer tied and the sack and towel tied around my mouth had been removed. I was in a cell. It was clearly underground because walls were made of dirt and the only thing keeping it up were support beams. For a civilization that was so advanced, this was so medieval.

The door had a small window with bars securing it. I eagerly looked out and there was a single guard fast asleep in a chair. I leaned my back against the door and slid down.

Something cut into my thigh. The glass. I forgot I had the glass and those idiots didn't search me. I took it out of my pocket and looked at my reflection.

I hoped and prayed that they wanted to keep me alive. I moved to the opposite side of the small cell and sat down where the guard could see me.

"Please send Aviana," I prayed before I slit both my wrists then threw the glass at the metal door.

There was a loud shatter and I heard the guard jolt up knocking his chair over. "What the hell-" he stopped mid sentence as he realized what I had done and then quickly vanished.

I sat there silently hoping that Aviana would come. Pools of blood began to form where I had my wrists resting on the floor.

Maybe I cut too deep, I thought as my eyelids became heavy and my breath grew labored.

No Greater Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now