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                      𝐷𝐴𝐿𝐿𝐴𝑆, 𝑇𝐸𝑋𝐴𝑆

"shit.." bk paced back and fourth as he grew frustrated.

"i'm telling you booka. there's no hope" mia shrugged.

"i told you this wouldn't work. i mean julius isn't a dumb ass he definitely knew we were planning something"

"would you shut the fuck up! if you ain't got no plan then shut up! damn you not making things better we just have to wait til ja'nae get back"

bk hadn't had any contact with his brother since he was supposedly go meet up with tempest.

bk was upset, confused, and scared. he didn't wanna admit it but he was definitely scared. he was scared of what julius was gonna plan.

like mia had said julius isn't a dumb guy.

Ja'nae walked through the door sighing, she threw her purse on the couch exhausted.

"why you so tired?" mia mugged looking over at her.

"mind your business" she plopped on the couch besides mia.


"nothing" nae said lowly.

ja'nae had gone over to tempest house, she saw her niece and nephew and spent a little time with tempest and the boys, julius was there but not very around.

bk angrily walked over to nae and sent a hard slap to her face making his hand turn red and sting.

ja'nae gasped and held her face before tears started to come down her face.

"wtf bk! you don't have to do her like that!" mia stepped in, she instantly sat back in her seat seeing bk glare at her

"you bitch you could've helped me!" nae said wiping her tears yelling at mia.

"i tried! but i'm not dying over some bitch that i don't even like!" mia rolled her eyes yelling back.


"See you not finna be spoiling my kids" julius mugged tempest as she held sanai and samir.

"I'm not leave me alone these my kids!" tempest mugged him bringing the babies closer to her chest.

"Let me see samir" julius sat down beside tempest.

She handed samir to julius, he placed one hand under his head and the other under his bottom and slowly brought him to his chest.

Julius smiled seeing how much samir resembled him.

"Awhh" tempest squealed as she looked at the video she had just recorded.

"You was recording us huh?" julius chuckled looking over at tempest.

"Yea" tempest smiled looked over the video before adding a song and posting it to her story.

"Aye.." julius said lowly, "Hm?" tempest softly played in sanai hair.

"You think yo sister working with bk nem?" he asked.

"What you mean by working?" Tempest asked still playing in sanai hair.

"Like i don't she had something do with
"Now that you ask.. yea i put the pieces together. one this bitch hadn't talked to me in what almost a year then randomly pops up, and she was asking wayyy too many questions"

"Questions like what?" julius asked as he laid samir on his chest and rubbed his back slowly.

"I don't know it was weird. Like who you work for and shit i don't know" tempest shrugged.

"That's weird. See i never liked her snake ass" julius shook his head.

"Yea. Well give me him i'm finna go put these two to sleep" tempest sighed as julius slowly lifted samir from his chest and to tempest.

She walked in the room and laid both samir and sanai in their cribs.

Tempest went and sat next to julius, "Soo i need to talk to you" julius spoke up breaking the awkward silence.

"What's up?" tempest looked at him seeing how serious his face was.

"Tempest. I miss you, since you've broken up with me i haven't ate sometimes i can't even breath cause i cry so much—"

"Why you gotta play so much!" tempest smacked his arm rolling her eyes.

"Nah fr, i need you tempest. I know i fucked up and i'm so so so so sorry. Please at least give me another chance" julius looked into her eyes as he grabbed her hand.

"Mmmm. i don't know " Tempest thought for a moment. Truth be told tempest has been missing him too as much as she didn't want to admit it she wanted to go back with him she couldn't.

She was still healing from what he done, plus she's talking to jervonté. And she really likes jervonté and would feel horrible if she done that.

"Damn.. well i understand" julius moved his hand.

"Julius—" tempest grabbed his arm as he stood up.

"It's whatever tempest i'm gone" he snatched back his hand.

"im done tempest fr"

"im done tempest fr"

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Oh yea btw i changed the twins gender.

Anyways what's the best chicken flavor?

What's the best ice cream flavor?

What's the best chips.

What's the best drink?

k byeee

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