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3 weeks after julius being  shot.

                   𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐔𝐒 𝐊. 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄
         𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐒, 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐀𝐒🌴

"Yea and then I went to get my nails done and hair done. And then I went to my mo- why did you look uninterested in this conversation" Jaylen asked looking at me sideways as she played in her hair.

"Because I am. Do you ever shut the fuck up? We been talking about you all day what about me damn" I said in annoyance.

Shorty dead been talking about herself all damn day, I like Jaylen but I don't keep hearing her mouth.

"Oh- im sorry I just thought- your right sorry" she looked down playing with her nails.

I sighed, "I'm sorry come here" I said opening my arms as she crawled onto my lap.

"Ow! Damn Jaylen" i grunted as she hit my wound by accident, "Awh babe I'm sorry" she giggled kissing my cheek, I just let out a dry chuckle and forced a smile.

I fucked Jaylen one time and now she swears we're in a relationship, she's crazy. Honestly i just see her as a distraction.

"What are we doing today?" She asked wrapping her arms around my neck.

I shrugged my shoulders and slid my hands down to her ass and cuffed it, "I don't know about YOU but I gotta go handle business" I said.

"What business?" She asked squinting her eyes at me.

Although Jaylen crazy as hell she care a lot about me ever since I got shot she been taking care of me.

"Julius you just got shot and then wanna turn around and do some dumb shit" she said putting her head down and shaking it.

"These niggas got pay for what they did" I shrugged grabbing my blunt from my ear and bringing it to my mouth as i dig in my pockets finding a lighter.

"No julius I'm not letting you leave" she said grabbing my hand making me snatch it back, "you think imma listen to you fuck on.." I said blowing out smoke

"Well excuse me for tryna be a good girlfriend" She said lowly as her lip began quivering again.

I don't have time for this crybaby ass shit, i put my blunt out and put on my shirt and pants.

"Where you going" she said sniffing as she wiped her tears that rolled down her cheek.

"I'm leaving you on some crybaby shit and I don't feel like hearing your whine all day" i said mugging before putting on my socks and shoes.

"Okay if that's how u feel" she dried her tears getting up shrugging, "Here make sure you get all your shit" her whole voice of tone changed like she wasn't even just crying.

"Damn so you want me to go? Okay okay i see how it is you don't even care" I said grabbing my stuff.

"Well nigga you said you had business to go handle! So you go do that i'm not stopping you" She shrugged putting on her robe and slipping on her bunny slippers.

"Whatever man fuck you!" I yelled, "Fuck you too mothafucka!" She yelled back.

How can you go from crying to yelling this why i broke up with this crazy bitch now.


"Yea he's finally gone, i'm kinda bummed though his dick was too good"  jaylen said to jerovnté through the phone as she played with her nails

"Man i don't wanna hear all that, did you find anything out?"  jervonté asked annoyed.

"Yea this nigga said some about him having to handle some business tonight" She said.

"Damn i gotta tell bk about this shit." He said smacking his lips as he huffed.

"Ight sis i'll talk to you later" he said.


"Shut up you used q-tip" june mugged as him and herm went back and fourth.

Julius walked in the trap walking straight to he couch sitting down, "Used Q-tip? Dawg" Julius ran his hand down his face laughing.

"Ight nah wassup?" Julius asked lighting his as blunt sat back.

"Word to the streets. Nobody has heard from bk. And even mia and Ja'nae tempest sister" June said sitting up.

"What? Mia and ja'nae??You think they working with bk?" I asked.

"Shit i mean it is odd how they randomly go MIA when bk do too" June shrugged, "It can be a possibility"

"Shit have you talked to mia lately?" He asked and Julius shook his head no, "Herm imma beat yo mf ass! Get the fuck out my ear munching on them damn chips" julius yelled looking at him.

"Nigga see imma tell my auntie on yo ass keep yelling at me" He said throwing julius a bird as he kept munching.

Herm and june are both julius cousins, they're brothers. Their mom, julius mom sister Kelsey passed away in a car accidents along with her husband, Rick.

"You smell like pussy bro.. Who you just fuck?" Herm covered his nose.

Julius looked at him before looking forward and shrugging, "Just jaylen" Julius said in more of a mumble.

June and Herm hated jaylen, ever since they found out about what she had done. Killing Julius's child and everything.

"Ole girl from back the day?" June asked in disbelief.

"Yea" Julius said playing in his hair, "Jaylen! That's it. Wasn't jaylen with you on the day you got shot?" He asked, "Yea.. Where is this going?" Juliusasked confused.

"Did you tell her anything" He asked, "No besides that i had business to handle. Nigga i know you not tryna say jaylen set me up!" Julius shook his head.

"I mean yea." June shrugged.

"Look for now what you need to do is stay low. We don't what these niggas can be planning"

 We don't what these niggas can be planning"

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