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 𝐉𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒                      𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐒, 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐀𝐒🌴

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"The hell.." i mumbled getting up from the couch limping to the door as someone knocked.

I opened the door and ja'nae stood their which confused me because i haven't saw her in like 2 months.

"Heyy bitch!" she yelled walking in with food and whine.

"Girl why the hell you here" i asked laughing.

"Damn you don't wanna see me?" she asked in a sad tone.

"I'm sorry hey girl.. but we haven't talked in 2 months now you randomly pop up" i said laughing a little.

"Yea yea but why you walking like that" she side eyed me as i walked to the couch laying down on my stomach.

Ever since that day me and julius been fucking like crazy.

"Oh y'all- ohhhh" she laughed handing me a popeyes bag.

"Girl shut up" i laughed sitting up on my knees.

"So where julius" she asked eating a fry.

"Packing his stuff up" i said eating my chicken sandwich.

"For what? where he going?" she asked.

"Some trip" i shrugged wiping my mouth.

"Mhmm" she said grabbing her phone typing something.

"Who you texting"  i side eyed her.

"Nobody." she quickly put her phone down.

I then felt myself about to throw up, i covered my mouth quickly running to the bathroom before throwing up.

I felt my hair being pulled back.

I wiped my mouth standing up grabbing my toothbrush, i brushed my teeth.

"You okay??" ja'nae asked.

"Yea i'm good" i nodded.

"Are you pregnant-" she said.

"No hell no, fuck them kids.." i mumbled placing my hands on the sink.

"Well i- i gotta go" she said quickly before walking out.

I heard the door close meaning she left, i scrunched up my face hearing another knock at the door making me sigh and go to the door opening it.

"Aye what's up with yo sister? i just saw her and she looked like she was in a rush" julius said walking in.

"I don't know.." i mumbled shrugging.

"What's wrong with you" he closed the door locking it coming closer to me pulling me by the waist.

"Nothing i just don't feel good" i said laying my head on his shoulder.

"Aww" he said looking at me with his lip poked out.

"Bae my tummy hurt" i whined.

He placed his hand on my stomach rubbing it.

He then got a phone call, he looked at me before walking in the hallway.

I was a little confused but just sat on the couch waiting.

"What you mean it's gone!" he yelled making me look.

"Alright." he said calmly walking back into the living room.

"Bae everything okay?" i asked.

"Yea i gotta go.. i'll hit you up later. Colorful" he said coming to me kissing my cheek before leaving locking the door behind him.


I was kinda upset cause why everybody acting so weird and suspicious.

First nae now julius.

It's something somebody not telling me.

I called bk and he picked up quickly.

"Hey ba- tempest what's up" bk said making me scrunch up my face considering the fact he almost called me bae.

"Uhm you know where julius went?" i asked.

"Nah ain't talk to him in a minute sorry though i gotta go" he said.

"Uhm o-" he cut me off by hanging up.

I'm so sick and tired of everybody acting weird, plus me and julius was suppose to go to my dads house.

My phone began ringing i picked it up putting it to my ear.

"Where the hell are y'all" my daddy said i could tell he was pissed.

"Sorry something came up" i said

"You said y'all would be over at 5 it's 6" he said.

"Okay daddy i'll see if he busy or not tomorrow you know he got that lil trip" i said

"I got work tomorrow" he said with a irritated tone.

"Okay i'm sorry" i said as he hung up.

It's something somebody not telling me...

I don't know any questions to ask today but heyy😭

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I don't know any questions to ask today but heyy😭

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