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excuse any mistakes.

                   𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐔𝐒 𝐊. 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄

"What's wrong with it" emaj asked holding up baby samir looking at him confused as his lip quivered and he began to whine.

"Stop playing with me, my son ain't no damn "it" " i mugged him grabbing samir from him as his crying stopped.

"I gotta go though" i said grabbing the baby bag. I had only samir with me today sanai was with her momma today.

"Wait bro lemme holla atchu" emaj stood up "Put me on with that street shit im tryna see what that li shit about whole time" he said.

Emaj was only 17 and i'd be damned if i ever was to put my li brother in trouble. That street shit ain't no joke

"Emaj you trippin i gotta go though for real tho" i chuckled holding samir as i walked toward the door.

"I'm dead ass i need the extra money" he said.

"I'll see you later tell my momma i said to call me when she get back" i said before walking out the door.

I unlocked my doors and started up my car by pressing a button on my key.

I put samir in his car seat and strapped him in, i got in the car and sat in the driveway on my phone for a second before i drove towards tempest house to drop off emaj.

Me and tempest haven't talked in like a week since i asked her to get back together it's been a li awkward since.

Samir began babbling, i looked in the rear view mirror looking at him as his hands was in his mouth, "what you back there talking about fats" i chuckled shaking my head as he continued the babbling.

"Awl fr me too" i chuckled acting like i was having a conversation with him.

I pulled in the driveway and noticed another car, i squinted my eyes at the unfamiliar hellcat that was parked in the driveway.

"Fats who car that is?" i looked at samir.

He babbled, i got his car seat out the car and i walked towards the door knocking on it.

Ole dude from the hospital opened the door, "Can i help you?" He looked up and down sucking his teeth.

I pushed pass him, ole dude tryna be funny. "Aye dude you can't just walk up in here" he said.

I walked in the living room setting the car seat on the couch, "Hey julius what you been doing with my child" She stood up giggling.

"We been chilling, goin places" i said smiling a li.

"Aye dude can you not hear? I said you can't just walk up in here" he came in the living room.

"Man fuck out my face this my baby momma house you trippin" i mugged turning around looking at him.

"My bad— ohh you must be the baby daddy"he said.

I stepped closer to him "Dawg you know who i am quick playing with me"

Tempest jumped in front of us "Can yall not do this right now it's not that serious."

I looked down at her "Get yo li boyfriend" i said.

"Ian did nun" He threw his hands up in surrender.

"You acting real goofy right now i know you went to grade school stop playing" i said.

"Jervonté wasn't you leaving?" tempest spoke up.

"Yea imma call you later" He looked at tempest before back at me as walked towards the door

"Ion like him break up with him" i said once i heard the door being shut.

"We not even together" she said giggling as she took out a sleeping samir from the car seat. She laid him across her chest softly rubbing his back.

"Well stop talking to him" i said making her giggle again.

"I'm finna go lay him down" She walked towards the back and into the twins room.

I followed her into the room and looked at sleeping sanai as she was laid out across her crib.

"We really parents tempest" i said standing behind tempest as my hands are wrapped around her waist and my head resting on her shoulder.

"Julius move.." she unwrapped my hands from around her waist.

"What?" i asked looking confused putting my hands up.

"Didn't i tell you i'm talking to somebody" she turned around rolling her eyes.

"Are y'all married?" i asked raising my eyebrow.

"No— you get on my nerves.. move" she pushed me away walking away into her room as i followed her.

I kicked my shoes off and laid back on her bed, i wiggled my toes putting my hands on my head.

"Ew don't be wiggling yo nasty toes on my bed"  she said as she sat in a chair in the corner.

"Why you so far away come here" i licked my lips looking at her.

"No you not finna get me caught up see i'm not dumb" she said.

"Yo titties prove that i can focus on two things at once you feel what i'm saying?" i blurted out randomly.

"You so stupid" she giggled sitting besides me.

I pulled her closer rubbing her thighs softly as i bit my lip "You high?" she asked laughing.

"Yea you is too?" i asked looking at her red eyes as she laugh nodding her head slowly messing with her nails.

"Come on thoughhh" i chuckled continuing.

"Finee" she finally gave in.

Hey y'all🐢

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Hey y'all🐢

Where you from?😂

Where's somewhere you wanna visit this summer?

Homebody or party type?

Okay byee🐢

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