Part 2; Chapter 5 - It Was Just Nightmare

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=Sabre's POV=

I sat in silence miserably as the house burned down around me. I didn't have to worry about getting out to avoid the smoke, as the roof had already collapsed in. Why would I even try? Nightmare Steve and Elemental Steve had arrived so quickly, joining forces, hurting and killing my friends, taking Rainbow Steve away from me..

What purpose do I have now? No purpose. No one to love. No one to save. I stared at the flint and steel in my hands as they trembled violently. I choked back a sob.

"You did this, Sabre." A voice rang out behind me. I slowly turned to see Nightmare Steve, an evil smirk on his face, the bottom of his ratty hair lit with fire. I stood. "No... I had nothing to do with this..." I responded. My voice was quivering.

Nightmare Steve approached me. "What do you mean, Sabre~? Elemental Steve and I only took Rainbow Steve. You were the one that started the flame." He placed a finger under my chin, pushing my head up.

"No, no, that's not true, I saw you..! You lit fire to our house, you killed my friends..!" I cried. Nightmare grabbed my face harshly. "Why do you have that flint and steel, then~?" He questioned.

I broke down into tears. "No..! Stop..!" I pulled myself away, tripping backwards over a flaming piece of furniture. I coughed as the smoke got into my lungs, scrambling to my feet. 

"Sabre!!" A different voice shouted. I turned, looking out the shattered window. Elemental Steve was there, holding my small friend by the shoulders. "Rainbow Steve!!" I screamed. I went into another coughing fit as I stumbled through the flames. 

"Sabre!" He called again. I made it out of the house and ran to grab him, but I was shoved to the ground by Nightmare Steve. He put his dirty boot on my back, holding me down, I just laid there, helpless, sobbing. "Sabre!!!" I closed my eyes.

I gripped at the sheets below me. Wait.. Sheets..? I opened my eyes, seeing soft, pastel blue sheets below me. I blinked, yawning. "Sabre, you awake now?" I heard Rainbow Steve say. 

I looked up to see him sitting next to me on the bed. His hand was rubbing comforting circles on my back. I pushed myself up, pulling him into my lap and hugging his small body tightly.

"Oh!" Rainbow Steve exclaimed. He hugged me back, patting me gently. "You were mumbling and crying in your sleep, Sabre. Wanna talk about it..?" I felt him place a hand on my shoulder.

I shook my head, running my hand through his hair to calm myself. "No.. it was just Nightma.. a nightmare... Don't worry about it, it was just my overactive imagination again..." I told him. He nodded in understanding.

We jumped at the sudden sound of a fireball explosion. I got up immediately, placing Rainbow Steve on his feet. We held hands as we ran to the source of noise.

I got to the door and slammed it open, growling a bit at the sight of Nightmare Steve. He had a new, cleaner look, like Rainbow Steve and I did.

Rainbow Steve tightened his grip on my hand. "Run?" He asked. "Run." I agreed.

We took off faster than a bat on sight of a person, our legs carrying us as fast as we could go. "Rainbow Steve, try flying!!" I shouted. We continued to run.

"It's not working!!" He responded, panicking. Dang it! I led the way as we ran. Good thing we were able to lure him away from the house.

I felt Rainbow Steve dragging a bit. He was getting tired. I grabbed him and lifted him onto my back, speeding up as fast as I could.

We entered a mountain biome. I wove through the valleys, making it harder for Nightmare to hit us. Rainbow Steve and I kept our eyes open for any caves. I slowed.

"Sabre, why are you slowing down?" Rainbow asked, a bit concerned. I stared up at the wall of stone blocking our way through.

"Dead end..."

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